
from this minutes I couldn't tell my document was adopted
as 6man wg item. At Vancouver, I believe, my sol document
was adopted as 6man wg item. Is that correct ?

Sincerely yours.

Address Selection (2 presentations) ========================== Document: draft-arifumi-6man-addr-select-sol-00.txt Slides: IETF70-6MAN-arifumi-addr-select.pdf

Arifumi Matsumoto presented the above draft. Erik Nordmark stated that the document talks about a node with multiple interfaces. How would you deal with the situation where you got multiple responses? The chairs asked the room who had read the document and who thought it was ready for to be adopted as a working group item. There was a small set of people answering yes to both. Further discussion was directed to the list.

Brian Haberman wrote:
Attached are the minutes taken for our meeting in Vancouver. Many thanks to Karen O'Donoghue for acting as minute taker and Suresh Krishnan for being the Jabber scribe. Please review the minutes and provide any changes, clarifications, or updates.

Brian & Bob


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Arifumi Matsumoto
   IP Technology Expert Team
   Secure Communication Project
   NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories

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