Hello DHCPv6'ers,
I have made an individual submission of an Internet-Draft which describes an
XML schema for configuration of DHCPv6 servers.  Many of us may remember a
vaguely similar effort that we worked on in the late 1990's for a common
LDAP schema for configuration (and lease data, as I recall) for DHCPv4
servers. From those discussions, I understand the problems associated with a
common configuration schema which tends to infringe directly upon
implementation details.  Although I hope to avoid those sticky problems
again, I would still welcome comments on this draft, and to consider if the
WG should take this as an action item.


An open-source implementation of a stateless DHCPv6 server which implements
the XML configuration schema defined in this draft is available at:


Best regards,
Greg Rabil
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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