
Why would you need IETF to tell you which human name format to use. Technically 
and all bits to the right of the network boundary are yours and you can do with 
whatever you want.



--- Pars MUTAF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> For example, we are in the same campus. The campus is covered
> by a single subnet with several wireless access points. I need
> to call you. But there is a problem and I can't get the IPv6 address
> of your cellular phone (DNS, or MIPv6 home agent failure).
> But, I suspect
> that you are probably in the campus (because you work here).
> Since we are in the same campus (and, in this example, in the same
> subnet), we are receiving the same router advertisements. Consequently,
> I know your subnet prefix. I also know your name, then
> I can construct your HUMID (interface ID based on HUMan name).
> It is: 64bithash(Bob Hinden). Then, I can reach you (if you're really
> in the campus).
> Now, imagine a different campus. This campus is covered by 5
> subnets. I work in this
> campus. In the past I visited different
> parts of the campus, and my phone recorded all of the subnet prefixes
> that it received from the routers (in the recent past). My phone
> has now the list of subnets that cover the subnet (more or less).
> I suspect that you're currently in the campus. But I am
> not sure which part of it. I know your name. I can construct
> your HUMID. My phone has a list of 5 locations (subnets) where you
> (and your phone) is likely to be found. It sends a packet to the
> IPv6 addresses:
> subnet_prefix1 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> subnet_prefix2 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> subnet_prefix3 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> subnet_prefix4 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> subnet_prefix5 | 64bithash(Bob Hinden)
> If you are really in the campus, I can reach you
> even if DNS or your MIPv6 home agent is down.
> We can replace the word "campus" with building, or village or city if
> we wish.
> Now, imagine that we are in Paris. I suspect (or I am sure) that you're
> currently in this city. I may even know in which part of Paris
> you're currently located (this is the case for my friends who live here
> for example). I have to reach you but your MIPv6 home
> agent is unreachable. There are two possibilities:
> First, my phone may have learned the subnet prefixes that cover
> Paris (as I traveled in Paris... more or less). I can send packets to:
> subnet_prefix1 | hash(Bob Hinden)
> subnet_prefix2 | hash(Bob Hinden)
> ...
> subnet_prefixn | hash(Bob Hinden)
> Secondly, I can ask Google.
> Google has a map of the world, and all information that comes along.
> In the new world of wireless IPv6 internet, Google will probably have
> the map of wireless IPv6 subnet prefixes that covers the world. What is the
> quality of service in that subnet, how much it will cost? etc.. Google
> will tell me.
> So since you're unreachable using existing techniques, my phone
> asks me:
> Want to search Bob Hinden? (I say yes).
> Enter location: (I say Paris, or choose a more precise location
> in a map on the screen of my phone).
> My phone downloads the lists of subnets that cover your location
> from Google and starts searching you.
> Searching Bob Hinden. This will take a while...
> I take my coffee. 5 minutes later my phone beeps and says:
> Located Bob Hinden, calling him..
> I'm happy because, I could reach you although your home agent is
> down (or another problem).
> ===
> The above examples may or may not convince you. But the first one at least
> (with single subnet) is really easy to do. In my personal opinion, the others
> are also possible (why not?).
> Please recall that all the IETF needs to do is to answer:
> John Smith
> johnsmith
> john smith
> etc.
> which human name format should be used to construct a HUMID??
> The rest is application layer software work, making the phones
> more intelligent etc.. This is not too difficult.
> And, perhaps, your phone will more likely be connecting people ;-)
> Thanks!
> pars
> Selon Bob Hinden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Pars,
> >
> > >> Ignoring for now if this is good or bad idea, but you might look at
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> lookups-15.txt
> > >
> > >
> > > It looks like ICMP name lookups can also be used to do the same thing.
> > > However, I couldn't understand why I would use a side protocol
> > > (i.e. an ICMP protocol).
> > >
> > > My proposal uses basic IPv6. BTW, the draft is now available at
> > > the IETF site:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > My suggestion was to look at the mechanisms in this document.  It a
> > lot more specific than just saying "hash(John Smith)".
> >
> > >> There is a mechanism there to create multicast addresses based on a
> > >> host name that might be a starting point.
> > >>>
> > >>> I would like to configure an interface ID
> > >>> hash(ParsMutaf| 1) and if it collides
> > >>> hash(ParsMutaf| 2) etc..
> > >>>
> > >>> You can try reach or locate me
> > >>> by sending a packet to (please do not
> > >>> hesitate):
> > >>>
> > >>> subnetprefix | hash(ParsMutaf| 1) or
> > >>> subnetprefix | hash(ParsMutaf| 2)
> > >>
> > >> The big usage problem here is that without knowing your "subnetprfix"
> > >> it won't be very useful.  That leads me to wonder how useful it would
> > >> be to find you.
> > >
> > > If we are in the same subnet (same building, campus, village, city,
> > > etc), we already know the destination's subnet prefix.
> >
> > I don't understand how knowing the building, campus, etc., helps to
> > know the subnet prefix.  Please explain.
> >
> > >> Also, see the above referenced ID.  It's not too hard to do this on a
> > >> single link, but trying to scale this to the Internet gets very hard
> > >> very fast.
> > >
> > > In fact, it doesn't have to scale to the Internet. We may
> > > know the whereabouts of the destination node. In other words, we may
> > > have a list of subnet prefixes that cover the target zone where
> > > the destination user lives.
> > > (obtained from Google for example, or another service like that).
> >
> > How does google help with this?
> >
> > > If one of the single point of failures (e.g. DNS, or Mobile IPv6 home
> > > agent) is unreachable, I can search the destination node by sending
> > > packets to its HUMID at different subnets where it is likely to be
> > > found.
> >
> > I understand your intent, but for this to be useful, there has to be
> > a way to learn the subnet prefix.  For example, you know my name.
> > What is my current subnet prefix (without looking in the email headers)?
> >
> > >> It is probably better for the earthquake scenario you
> > >> describe to do this at a higher level (e.g., have a website called
> > >> "i-
> > >>" and make it easy for people to leave messages and for
> > >> people to search people they are trying to find out about).
> > >
> > > The "" approach may suffer from the same problems.
> > > I.e. it may be unreachable. In addition, who will maintain such a
> > > web site... Nobody cares until the disaster actually happens.
> >
> > > In fact, the disaster scenario is not the only motivation IMO.
> > > For example, I want to install an IPv6 testbed with 'n' machines.
> > > I'm not installing DNS and I'm not configuring the /etc/hosts
> > > files (because n times (n-1) entries would be needed).
> >
> > Seems to me if routing and forwarding is working, then DNS is working
> > too.
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >
> > > Using HUMID, I can give IPv6 addresses based
> > > on imaginary human names to the machines (during installation).
> > > Human name is easy to remember. No need to configure stateful
> > > name->address mappings. I can start to ping right away.
> > >
=== message truncated ===

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