Few questions:

Internet Address Table:

ipAddressPrefix OBJECT-TYPE

"A pointer to the row in the prefix table to which this address belongs.  May be { 0 0 } if there is no such row"


In the above context

<vivek1>   What's the significance of an entry in this table, with pointer (0,0).  Does it mean it's outside of any "Prefix" lying on the interface

                denoted by "ipAddressIfIndex" Object. In which scenario such a configuration is required.


Internet Address Prefix Table

<vivek2> Is an entry with prefix length 128 possible. If "yes" should there be a correponding entry in "Internet Address Table"

                or there is no such co-relation. What's the significance of an prefix (prefix length 128) with no corelation to an entry in Internet Address Table"



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