Ten years ago with the very first communications between two independent
implementations, IPv6 became reality (*)!

(*) according to the IETF credo about "running code" (cf RFC 3160 section 7),
the first demonstrated interoperability is the real birth of IPv6.


PS: here is the log of a communication between ottawa, using the "INRIA"
IPv6 stack on NetBSD, and sipper, using the IPv6 stack of OSF/1.
This is not the log of the first one because to look at problems was
more important than to keep a trace but the second aspect was not forgotten
to Jim Bound's surprise (Jim lead the Digital implementor team and was
already a great IPv6 supporter).
Note: the original (and binary) version is in the downloads section of
the Point6 site (http://www.point6.net/)

Script started on Thu Mar 30 10:41:42 1995
ottawa# pwd
ottawa# ./telnet ::
Trying 0:0:0:0:0:0:cc7b:2702...
Connected to ::
Escape character is '^]'.

OSF/1 (sipper.pa-x.dec.com) (ttyp5)

login: telnet
Last login: Tue Mar 30 03:44:10 from ::

DEC OSF/1 V3.2 (Rev. 214); Thu Mar 25 16:37:01 EST 1993 
DEC OSF/1 V3.2 Worksystem Software (Rev. 214)

The installation software has successfully installed your system.

There are logfiles that contain a record of your installation.
These are:

        /var/adm/smlogs/install.log     - general log file
        /var/adm/smlogs/install.FS.log  - file system creation logs
        /var/adm/smlogs/setld.log       - log for the setld(8) utility
        /var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log     - verification log file

Welcome to the Digital Equipment Corporation IPv6 testbed

   Contents of the routing tables:

Routing tables
Destination      Gateway            Flags     Refs     Use  Interface

Route Tree for Protocol Family 8:
::0              ::     U           3      160  tna0
::1              ::1                UH          1       45  lo0
::FFFF:   ::FFFF:204.123.39. U           1       81  trl0

Route Tree for Protocol Family 2:
default          zkogate            UG          1     1406  ln0
localhost        localhost          UH          1      248  lo0
204.123.39       sipper             U           2      570  ln0

   Protocol control blocks:

Active Internet connections (including servers)
PCB      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address      Foreign Address    (state)
88c6ca00 tcp        0      0  sipper.1077        ns.dec.com.domain  TIME_WAIT
88c6d900 tcp        0   1514  sipper.telnet      ottawa.inria.1049  ESTABLISHED
88c5c600 tcp        0      0  sipper.telnet      ottawa.inria.1048  TIME_WAIT
88c6cf00 tcp        0      0  *.ftp              *.*                LISTEN
88c4ee00 tcp        0      0  *.6000             *.*                LISTEN
88c4f200 tcp        0      0  *.1024             *.*                LISTEN
88c4e900 tcp        0      0  *.cfgmgr           *.*                LISTEN
88c4e600 tcp        0      0  *.kdebug           *.*                LISTEN
88c33d00 tcp        0      0  *.finger           *.*                LISTEN
88c33a00 tcp        0      0  *.exec             *.*                LISTEN
88c33700 tcp        0      0  *.login            *.*                LISTEN
88c33400 tcp        0      0  *.shell            *.*                LISTEN
88c32900 tcp        0      0  *.smtp             *.*                LISTEN
88c32700 tcp        0      0  *.111              *.*                LISTEN
88c4ef00 udp        0      0  *.177              *.*               
88c4eb00 udp        0      0  *.1027             *.*               
88c4e300 udp        0      0  *.time             *.*               
88c4e100 udp        0      0  *.ntalk            *.*               
88c33f00 udp        0      0  *.biff             *.*               
88c33100 udp        0      0  *.*                *.*               
88c32e00 udp        0      0  sipper.1026        *.*               
88c32c00 udp        0      0  *.*                *.*               
88c32b00 udp        0      0  *.snmp             *.*               
88c32400 udp        0      0  *.111              *.*               
88bf1f00 udp        0      0  *.1025             *.*               
88bf1a00 udp        0      0  *.*                *.*               
88bf1500 udp        0      0  *.syslog           *.*               

   Network interfaces:

Name  Mtu   Network     Address               Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs  Coll
ln0   1500  DLI         none                  14846     0     1977     0     0
ln0   1500  <Link>      08:00:2b:39:f5:05     14846     0     1977     0     0
ln0   1500  204.123.39  sipper                14846     0     1977     0     0
sl0*  296   <Link>                                0     0        0     0     0
sl1*  296   <Link>                                0     0        0     0     0
lo0   1536  <Link>                              855     0      855     0     0
lo0   1536  loop        localhost               855     0      855     0     0
lo0   1536  ::1                                 855     0      855     0     0
tnm0* 1480  <Link>                                0     0        0     0     0
tnm1* 1480  <Link>                                0     0        0     0     0
tnm2* 1480  <Link>                                0     0        0     0     0
tna0  1480  <Link>                              126     0      161     0     0
tna0  1480  ::                      126     0      161     0     0
trl0  1500  <Link>                                0     0       81     0     0
trl0  1500  none        none                      0     0       81     0     0
trl0  1500  ::FFFF:                   0     0       81     0     0

Connection closed by foreign host.
ottawa# exit

Script done on Thu Mar 30 10:43:31 1995

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Administrative Requests: https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ipv6

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