     Below is the tentative agenda for the IPv6 WG meetings at IETF
58.  Any changes, additions, or deletions should be directed to the

Brian & Bob

 Tuesday (11/11/03) 1700-1800
     Intro & Agenda Bashing                   5 minutes
     Milestone Review and Document Status    10 minutes
     Tunnel MIB                              10 minutes
     Proxy RA                                10 minutes
     ICMP Updates                            10 minutes
     Node Requirements                       10 minutes

 Wednesday (11/12/03) 1300-1500
     Intro & Agenda Bashing                   5 minutes
     Flow Label IESG Comments                10 minutes
     Identifier/Locator Separation           15 minutes
     NDP/Stateless Autoconfig Updates        30 minutes
     Scoped Address Arch Document            10 minutes
     Local Addressing Requirements           20 minutes
     SL Deprecation Document                 20 minutes
     ULA Document                            15 minutes
     Address Architecture Update             15 minutes

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