Hi Authors,
  I read this draft and I had some comments

* Section 3

The "Segments Left" field has the following definition

"Value MUST be between 0 and Segments, inclusive."

and it is unclear to me what it means. Can you clarify?

* Section 4.2

The algorithm for calculating the total number of addresses in the RH4 is incorrect. It currently states

"n = ((Hdr Ext Len * 8) - Pad) / (16 - Comp)"

but there is no field called Comp. Can you please reformulate using CmprI and CmprE?

* Section 4.2

The pseudo code for indexing into the Addresses and the swapping of the addresses is not correct because of the presence of compression in the prefixes. e.g. "swap the IPv6 Destination Address and Address[i]" will not yield the results you want.

I think Section 4.2 needs a complete rewrite.

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