Op 27-05-23 om 10:45 schreef Thomas Schäfer:

during the closing plenary were considerations to remove the  IPv6-only(with
dns64/nat64) network/ssid the next time.

I would vote for that. IPv6-mostly covers the traditional IPv6-only.

Yes, I agree.

Someone made the proposal to provide a real "ipv6 only"  > Let's try it!

A lot will break for sure. It's not just websites. The DNS may break as well. I have test domain that can *only* be resolved via IPv6 and it yielded in some interesting findings.

If you would like to try: https://42.dnslabs.nl

- VPN, own organisation/company

At our company we spent quite some effort is getting this right. And it is fun to open the VPN on an IPv6-only network and still get IPv4-access via the VPN. I guess what I'm trying to say is: it can be done! (but not many companies will have done it)



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