[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Island: July 27

2008-07-27 Thread John H. Bryant
Things continued to be transitional this morning and conditions were relatively poor. The big Asians were in early, but stayed this time and there were only a few DUs about... at very poor levels... and everything continued to be best on the Asia wire. The DUs in Audio: 612, 675, 756 The Asi

[IRCA] TPs for 28 July, Orcas Island: CHINA

2008-07-28 Thread John H. Bryant
In some ways, it wasn't that great... there weren't that many signals around. And it was a July classic of Asia early and DU late, but what WAS there was pretty wonderful... I listened from 1200 to 1245. The first sweep up the band showed 747 and 774 JJs, with 774 leading. The second time up t

[IRCA] TPs for 29 July - Orcas Island

2008-07-29 Thread John H. Bryant
It was a very pedestrian morning, with everything (what there was) off the Asian wire again, even the DUs. Listened from 1225 to 1250 (LSR = 1245) All DUs or not sures, all 6s unless noted 567 612 621 Sounded DU, 3RN Melbourne ??? Not common 675 702 756 765 774 DU or JJ??? 918 very briefly, 5

[IRCA] TPs July 30 - Orcas Island

2008-07-30 Thread John H. Bryant
I slept in this AM and only caught the last ten minutes before dawn (1247 LSR), so if there was an earlier Asian opening, I wasn't there for it. The DUs were all on the Asia wire again, and both sparse and weak. I had poor 6 level audio on 612, 621, 702, 765, 774, 963 and a huge carrier on 109

[IRCA] TPs From Orcas, July 31: Exciting

2008-07-31 Thread John H. Bryant
Conditions were dramatically better this morning, with an unusually strong showing from both DU and the JJ powerhouses. Most unusually, the normal early JJ peak about a half hour before sunrise was accompanied by strong signals from some of the DUs. Since usually, even at Grayland, either the D

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas: August 1

2008-08-01 Thread John H. Bryant
Things were much reduced from yesterday, but not horrible. From the early upload by Walt Salmaniw, I'd say that the relationship between his location/antennas and mine is back to normal. He hears DU a bit better usually and I hear JJ and China a bit better. DXed from 1220 until 1250, just af

[IRCA] I Cut the Ferrite Successfully!

2008-08-01 Thread John H. Bryant
I finally got time to try cutting a small ferrite bar on my diamond-bladed tile saw. I'd been cautioned to use plenty of water so as not to damage the annealing. I did. It cut VERY easily and cleanly. I could tell no rise in temperature by touch, immediately after making the cut. It worked li

Re: [IRCA] TP's for 08-02-08 from Victoria

2008-08-02 Thread John H. Bryant
Walter, Darn it, I missed a good morning! Up at 1145, but both the cat and I decided to go back to the warm bed "for a few minutes." I'll darn sure be at the dials tomorrow! John B. At 06:33 AM 8/2/2008 -0700, you wrote: Got up early this morning, and monitored the bands between 12:08

Re: [IRCA] TP for 3Aug: Pedestrian morning

2008-08-03 Thread John H. Bryant
For once, Walt and I heard the same things... almost exactly. We DXed exactly the same time period, too. The only things of his that I missed were the LWs and1475 that I almost never check, the 6-level audios on 738 and 639. I did catch a handful of the very brief peaks that he did not: two

Re: [IRCA] TP for 3Aug: Pedestrian morning

2008-08-03 Thread John H. Bryant
Walter, As you might have suspected, I transposed the numbers on that Maori station Mine was 765, too 675 was Christchurch as usual. Geez, I'm glad that I'm old gotta built in excuse Yes, nurse is the game room open and when is dinner Sorry! John B. At 03:08 PM 8/3/20

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Island, August 4, 2008

2008-08-04 Thread John H. Bryant
Veery Pedestrian morning and, essentially, a repeat of yesterday with the volume turned down a notch. DXed from 1220 to 1255 All the usual suspects were there at their normal times. The JJ Big Gun trio (747//774//828) were there at almost equal-level 7s and 972 South Korea showed an anemi

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Island: August 5

2008-08-05 Thread John H. Bryant
I DXed from 1230 until 1300. And the pattern for me seemed like the last week or so... maybe the last month: JJ early and DU late. All signals, except the JJs were 6s. 531 585 621 702 747 Best of the three JJs, hit 8 at 1235 756 774 828 855 (Both DU and NK hets. NK high as usual) 972 1053 Larg

Re: [IRCA] TP's for 08-07-08

2008-08-07 Thread John H. Bryant
Fellas, No TP DXing for me yesterday morning or this... Yesterday, it was "a quick run ashore" for some tile for the last part of our house (my shower). That meant being at the ferry landing 7 miles away well before dawn its tourist season. Turned out to be the ferry ride from hell... fe

[IRCA] TPs for August 8: Orcas Island

2008-08-08 Thread John H. Bryant
If this AM had been in October, it would probably have been a "Korean Morning." As it was, it was the usual Asia early and DU late, with the Asia being better than most other mornings so far and the DU being quite attenuated. The hets that didn't make it to audio were almost all early and on

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas: Aug 11

2008-08-11 Thread John H. Bryant
Was up early this AM and was rewarded with my best Asian AM so far. It was there when I checked in at 1210, peaked around 1220 (LSR 1300) and the Biggest signals stayed around until band fade a few minutes before dawn. Things were no where near mid-season form, still scattered and mostly weak,

Re: [IRCA] EWE Up in Carlisle UK!

2008-08-11 Thread John H. Bryant
Barry, Another way to go with the pot is to get a 1K pot and put it in series with a 500 ohm resistor. That really gives you a big soft null to fine tune. I've NEVER experienced an antenna in the EWE, Flag, Pennant or KAZ family that had its null very much above 1000 ohms. Nowhere near 2000,

Re: [IRCA] EWE Up in Carlisle UK!

2008-08-11 Thread John H. Bryant
I agree completely, Patrick. John B. At 06:09 PM 8/11/2008 -0700, you wrote: John, I have found a poor ground ups the impediance. At least here, with swampy soil, it is hard to have poor ground. So maybe it is the area here. I have found the matching transformer seem to be less of an issue,

Re: [IRCA] TP's for 08-12-08

2008-08-12 Thread John H. Bryant
At 01:17 PM 8/12/2008 +, Vroomski wrote: Not much this morning, will be interesting to read what other dxers heard this morning. Sorry Dennis, the cat and I are having a disagreement as to when dawn enhancement occurs. He is waking me about a half hour earlier than necessary and then, for

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Is., Aug 13: WOW!!!

2008-08-13 Thread John H. Bryant
I couldn't cut a deal with the cat and so I actually set the alarm and W*O*W, I hit my best morning of the last three months! Tuned it at 1230 and the last audio checked out about 1313 (LSR = 1303). It was pretty much a low and mid-band opening, with the Asians at their high point (I assume) w

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas: August 14

2008-08-14 Thread John H. Bryant
This morning was a repeat of yesterday at a somewhat reduced level. Instead of 30 plus audios, it was more like 20 plus and there were more 6s. Still, it was the current standard pattern of Asians early (including multiple Chinese) and DU late. 774 Japan put in a very solid 9 at its peak and 96

[IRCA] Awards Are Attached to Two Other E-Mails

2008-08-14 Thread John H. Bryant
Paul, I've completed all of the awards that we have records for and will attach them to two additional e-mails. Here is what is coming your way: Master International DXer: Barefoot 55 Countries Heard: Barefoot Trans-Atlantic DXer: Unlimited (see below) 4 Continents Heard: Barefoot 4 Canadian P

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas: Aug 15

2008-08-15 Thread John H. Bryant
It was another very good transitional morning, with about thirty audios. Today, for the first time, multiple Asians stayed in clear to dawn fade and most of the DUs were quite late and weak. At 1251, about 10 minutes to dawn, 774 Japan peaked at a solid 9 with the Aussie audible, too, but far

[IRCA] Very Good Asian AM on Orcas: Aug 16

2008-08-16 Thread John H. Bryant
Friends, It was all Asia this AM until the last ten minutes before dawn. Then the Asians were gone and the DUs came up to 7s. There were a lot of interesting Asians this AM: 747//774//828 NHK was running advanced conversational Russian this morning in the 1230 to 1300 time frame... nary a bi

[IRCA] G6 Tuning Steps????

2008-08-16 Thread John H. Bryant
Although the G6 is an "enthusiasts" radio and will not qualify as an ultralight in contests, awards, etc., several of us are looking longingly at it as a possible small "spotting receiver" for use alongside a true Ultralight in trans-oceanic work The G6 is equipped with SSB that works on MW

[IRCA] Belated Report of TPs from Orcas Island: Aug 17

2008-08-17 Thread John H. Bryant
Guy and his family were here for the weekend and we managed to sneak in a full dawn DX session this AM from 1200 to 1300. Since then, the've headed back to Seattle and I've gotten packed and loaded for Grayland (dawn ferry tomorrow AM.) I managed to pack my notes from this morning. It was an

[IRCA] TP Results @ Grayland: September 19, 2008

2008-08-19 Thread John H. Bryant
This is similar to Ultralight report, with additions/deletions: The first morning started out with a bunch of DUs in at 1000 UTC, before Japanese sunset. These were only the regulars and were all too weak to be heard on the E100+Wellbrook Array. I went back to bed for 90 blissful minutes and s

[IRCA] Second Morning at Grayland + Walt

2008-08-20 Thread John H. Bryant
My wife accidently downloaded all of my e-mail yesterday to our home computer, so it was not accessible to me when I hooked up to the WiFi at the local library here. Later, I called her and she only had time to read me Walter Salmaniw and Dennis Vroom's notes. Argh! On a morning that Denn

[IRCA] Comments on Conditions Aug 21 1100-1400

2008-08-21 Thread John H. Bryant
I am appending below the report that I just posted on ultralightdx about loggings this morning from Grayland. Walt Salmaniw, Patrick and others might be interested in my overall perception of reception conditions this AM. Local sunrise was about 1325: When I tuned in at 1120, there were quite

[IRCA] Delayed Report :Grayland Day Four

2008-08-23 Thread John H. Bryant
Friday morning was my last DX session for this trip to Room 15 at the Grayland Motel and it went much more as I had expected for yesterday... less intense, more gentlemanly (in modern-speak, would this be "personly?" Completely different meaning and poorly spelled.) Conditions were down notic

Re: [IRCA] Delayed Report :Grayland Day Four

2008-08-23 Thread John H. Bryant
at others have heard KTWG from Grayland, and as Patrick said, he has them fairly regularly but I sure don't ever remember hearing them. Say, if this CRS gets any worse, I'll never DX out the band! John B. At 02:35 PM 8/23/2008 -0700, you wrote: John H. Bryant wrote: I pre

[IRCA] TPs Sunday AM from Orcas Island.

2008-08-24 Thread John H. Bryant
Was up early this AM and made a first run at 1150. The strongest JJs were in along with Chinese on 918, 963, a HUGE 1017 CNR KK Service and 1377. I believe I had Taiwan Fisheries on 738 at 1200. Hets over most of the band. Started again at 1250 (LSR=1320) and the first 20 minutes was as good

[IRCA] Wow: TPs for Monday from Orcas Island

2008-08-25 Thread John H. Bryant
Just got the main 30 minutes before dawn this AM a GREAT Japanese morning. It took me 20 minutes to get up the dial, with 42 audios and more than half were 8s! It was mostly Japanese, though what I think was Taiwan Fisheries was at a 9 on 738 (no audio on //s). There were multiple showings

Re: [IRCA] Arizona TP's for 8-25-08

2008-08-25 Thread John H. Bryant
Boy, Bill, You and I were listening to the same band As you know, I had a great JJ morning, heavily weighted to the bottom half. I sure hope that Walt was listening in the Queen Charlottes. Vroomski??? If there is a God and a heaven and the standards are low enough for me to get in

[IRCA] Google Earth as a DX Aid

2008-08-25 Thread John H. Bryant
I've enjoyed the notes about Google Earth as a DX Aid. When I was planning my trip to Easter Island 18 months ago, they upgraded that photo from useless/fuzzy to high resolution about 3 weeks before I left. I was able to follow some of the rock/dirt roads around to the prime DX spots and sele

[IRCA] Cat Screwed Up

2008-08-26 Thread John H. Bryant
The cat is getting old and erratic like his "daddy." I only got the last fading ten minutes of TPs. All the Japanese and South Korean Big Guns were (still ) in, some nicely, along with 612, 1512 and 1701+ of the DUs. The major interest here was 675 which was on the threshold of language recog

[IRCA] Another Good TP Morning from Orcas Island

2008-08-27 Thread John H. Bryant
Got the full dawn today and it was another pretty good one to Japan, especially. Had about 30 in audio, peaking about 15 minutes before LSR and just ghosts of DU right at dawn. The most interesting was TOH on 1062. I believe it was in Cantonese (6+) strength and had 2+1 time pips at TOH. Pro

[IRCA] August 28: Weird TP AM on Orcas

2008-08-28 Thread John H. Bryant
It was really strange this morning Had right at the current "usual" 30 audios for a good Asian morning, but only 9 of them were at all above a threshold 6. The good mornings the last week or so have had at least double that number hitting 7, 8s and above. The 30 were the usual suspects, wi

[IRCA] TPs Aug 29 from Orcas Island

2008-08-29 Thread John H. Bryant
Was the poorest AM of the last week or so, but there was still some good Asian audio. As usual right now, Japan seemed favored, but not by much. The pattern of enhancement seemed different this AM, with no early boost on Asians and then a falling away about 10 or 15 minutes before dawn (the pa

[IRCA] Low Average TP AM on Orcas Island: Aug 30

2008-08-30 Thread John H. Bryant
The title sez it all Had 25 in audio, most at threshold or just a tick above. There were a few of interest: 765 seemed to be JJ (not completely sure) which would be one of two JJ commercial outlets that are rarely heard here. 1017 had two signals on it all AM, presumably CNR KK Svc and Japa

Re: [IRCA] Low Average TP AM on Orcas Island: Aug 30

2008-08-30 Thread John H. Bryant
Nick, I started Listening at 1215, but my main stuff was from 1258 to 1320. What were you hearing, DUs??? John B. At 03:51 PM 8/30/2008 +, you wrote: At 13:32 8/30/2008, you wrote: >The title sez it all Had 25 in audio, most at threshold or just a tick above. There were a few of

[IRCA] Inside an E6 + Review Comments

2008-08-30 Thread John H. Bryant
I had hoped that a modified E6, with its reported SSB capability, could serve as a spotting receiver for my hotrodded E100 on my upcoming adventure to coastal Peru. I now don't think that I'll take it, but I did learn quite a few things while modifying the radio. I've uploaded five photos to

Re: [IRCA] Inside an E6 + Review Comments

2008-08-30 Thread John H. Bryant
Colin, You are more than welcome to use my notes on the G6 on dxer.ca, with your review. I'm complimented! John B. At 06:08 PM 8/30/2008 -0700, you wrote: > > I had hoped that a modified E6, with its reported SSB capability, > could serve as a spotting receiver for my hotrodded E100 on my

[IRCA] Morning TPs from Orcas Island: 31 August

2008-08-31 Thread John H. Bryant
DXed from 1255 until 1340. It was a very interesting and "good" morning, almost exclusively Asian until quite late; I had 35 audios, with well over half being at language recognition (7) or above. The strongest stations were 963 the CRI RR Service at a very solid 9 and HLAZ-1566 running a clos

[IRCA] Average AM for TPs from Orcas Island

2008-09-01 Thread John H. Bryant
That's just about it average. I made one run up the dial at 1220 and found a number of the Chinese already in, along with the JJ Big Guns. Was hopeful for a great Chinese morning. I began in earnest at 1255, a half hour from LSR. Very average, with China being slightly favored. The only i

[IRCA] Fabulous TPs from Orcas Island: Sept 2

2008-09-02 Thread John H. Bryant
I didn't make it up until 1258 and went directly to 1017 to see if I could catch that CRI KK Service fanfare and ID at 1300. Wham! There it was louder than I've ever heard it... clearly an armchair 9+! I hit Record and, of course, the strength started to slide. Still, the fanfare and ID were

Re: [IRCA] More EWE questions

2008-09-02 Thread John H. Bryant
Barry, Think of your EWE as the upper half of a loop antenna... the other half is reflected in the ground. If you raise your EWE from 10' to 12' that is really adding 4 feet to its total height. The gain of a loop is directly proportional to its area. In the ham world, its somewhat controve

[IRCA] Fabulous Morning: TPs Orcas Island: Sept 3

2008-09-03 Thread John H. Bryant
Walter, I hope that you were listening this AM! I had 52 audios, with 22 of them at 7 or above. DXing from 1245 until 1340 UT, there really seemed to be no part of the band or geographic area that was favored... or maybe they all were. Signals were still up/down a bit more than I remember at m

[IRCA] Who Stole the TP DX??? Sept 4

2008-09-04 Thread John H. Bryant
Whew, you talk about jumping into an icy lake in January Sumbuddy done stole alla my DX. I was up early for the second AM in a row. With LSR just after 1330, here is what I found at 1208 UTC (unnoted means a "threshold" 6 level): *1208 UTC* 531 747 774 JJ @7 1377 Yesterday AM, I had ove

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Is. Sept 5 and Sept 6

2008-09-06 Thread John H. Bryant
Like Walt up in the Queen Charlottes, yesterday morning showed a recovery here, much more rapidly than I expected. Conditions were transitional, with the bigger Japanese, Chinese and Korean guns present during the first half of dawn enhancement, followed by a very nice opening to DU land, with

[IRCA] Delayed Report - TPs from Orcas Island, Sunday Sept 7

2008-09-07 Thread John H. Bryant
I DXed from 1255 to 1350 with LSR about 1335 As reported by the majority of others, conditions were down here a bit this morning, but with quite a few interesting ones... Many more than usual low NHK1 outlets were present again and then several other interesting Japanese: 891 NHK1 Sendai i

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Island September 8

2008-09-08 Thread John H. Bryant
My reception this AM was a mere shadow of Walt's, of course, but along the same lines: All Asia. The bottyom of the band NHK1s were in again... this string has been better, more consistent for these NHK1s in 500 and 600 kHz. bands that I've ever heard. Most of the other Big Gun JJs were in, alo

[IRCA] Grayland logs from August 19, 20, 21, 22

2008-09-08 Thread John H. Bryant
Sorry, I meant to have sent these out earlier. All receptions were on an E100 modified with a 2.6 kHz Murata IF filter and connected directly to a Wellbrook Phased Array pointed either NW to Asia or SW to Australia. 567 JOIK, NHK1 Sapporo Japan 8/22/2008 1226 NHK1 //594 648 V. of Russi

Re: [IRCA] NE Oregon TPs, Wednesday

2008-09-10 Thread John H. Bryant
Steve, The TAB network is playing pops with some of them oldies late in their evenings. I'm pretty sure that you were listening to 4TAB. John B. At 06:47 AM 9/10/2008 -0700, you wrote: Another decent morning for TPs with a mix of Asian and Down Under today, and as usual lately, late in

[IRCA] 2008 Fall Follies Ultralight MW DX Contests Announced

2008-09-11 Thread John H. Bryant
The 2008 "Fall Follies" Ultralight MW DX Contest October 24 to November 3, 2008 Back by popular demand! With a new contest added to the mix and the rules refined from suggestions of the pioneer participants in the Spring Sprint, the 2008 Fall Follies Ultralight MW DX will take place between 3

Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA TP's for 9-11

2008-09-11 Thread John H. Bryant
Gary, I hope/think that 675 CC was the CC News Station from Hohhot in Inner Mongolia/China. Sure hope that you can ID it! John B. -- Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 7:30 AM Subject: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA TP's for 9-11 Hello Guys,

[IRCA] DXing tomorrow AM from Pimentel, Peru

2008-09-14 Thread John H. Bryant
We've been in Peru for four days, having a great time seeing pre-Inca archeology on the North Coast and staying at Chiclayo. I've arranged through friends of friends (with a cousin or two thrown in) to be met by a car at our hotel at 2:30AM local time. We'll drive about 20 minutes straight we

[IRCA] Made It Back From Pimentel, Peru

2008-09-15 Thread John H. Bryant
I made it just fine, but could not/did not want to DX from pier. Used hotrodded E100 most of the time. Much better radio than the 1103. Was 1 klick south of Pimentel on beach, with wire at 330 deg. Skunked on TPs, except for a brief het at 1115 dawn on 774. No choice on antenna direction. D

[IRCA] First Day Back: TPs from Orcas Island

2008-09-27 Thread John H. Bryant
Was up at 4AM local time, 1100 UT, with the body still on Eastern time from Peru. Checked early and the usual JJ suspects were there. Korea and China came along later and my general impression was that it was an "OK" morning, but nothing special. With Local dawn at 1403, I DXed seriously from

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Island, Sept 28: Very Interesting

2008-09-28 Thread John H. Bryant
Still adjusting to Pacific Time here, so my first pass was 2 hours before dawn at 1208. I heard the now-usual NHK1 on 567 at an 8 and expected the same thing on 576 NO! It was Russian!!! Was R. Mayak probably from Petropavlosk (its a synchro channel for Mayak). That was a very rare and u

[IRCA] QSLs from New Zealand

2008-09-28 Thread John H. Bryant
On returning home after three weeks, I'd hoped for a whole fist full of QSLs but only had one envelope from Dudley Scantlebury, Technical Administrator of RBG, Rhema Broadcasting Group in Auckland. It was a treasure trove. Mr. Scantlebury inclosed 3 QSL cards Rhema 1251 in Auckland, an

[IRCA] Good/Excellent Morning: TPs from Orcas, 29 Sept.

2008-09-29 Thread John H. Bryant
As Walt observed, it was an up and down morning, but VERY interesting. I checked 576 first at 1254 (fade out was 1430) and Mayak was walking tall with a solid 9. As soon as I turned on the recorder, it stated to drop, of course, but I held on for the Bells of Moscow and pips at 1300. Over the

[IRCA] TPs Sept 30 from Orcas Island: Verrrry Interesting

2008-09-30 Thread John H. Bryant
I DXed from 1300 until 1430 fade this morning and found, essentially, a repeat of yesterday, only even more interesting. Like yesterday, China and the Koreas (plus Russia 576) came in quite well from early until right around dawn, with the Japanese there, but most were not doing too well. The

Re: [IRCA] TPs Sept 30 from Orcas Island: Verrrry Interesting

2008-09-30 Thread John H. Bryant
Well, Poo!!! I had a niggling feeling that I should look at PAL a bit more thoroughly on that 720 JJ signal. I'll really have to watch for that one in the future. Would be a nice QSL. Thanks, Bruce! John B. I hate to be a party pooper, but the Voice of Russia has Japanese on 720 1200

[IRCA] TPs Oct 1 from Orcas Island... Good to Excellent

2008-10-01 Thread John H. Bryant
Well, things mighta been "Ho-Hum" in Victoria, but just 20 miles NE (with a clear look up the Gulf of Georgia) things were HOPPING. In fact, it was the first morning that there was more DX than I could handle, live and I caught myself considering joining the Dark Side with a Perseus recorde

[IRCA] 2008 Fall Follies Rules + FAQ Are Now Posted

2008-10-01 Thread John H. Bryant
Friends, The 2008 Fall Follies Ultralight Contestant Package has just been posted to the official Ultralight Files Area on dxer.ca. There have been a few changes in this Fall's contest, so reading the Rules carefully would be a good idea. There are still three contests in each of two Receiv

[IRCA] KTWG 801 Guam QSL

2008-10-01 Thread John H. Bryant
Yesterday's trip to the PO Box was a joy. a beautiful large-size picture post card from Leilani Dahilig. Mrs. Dahilig is the station manager at KTWG and it was her that I heard reading the daily Bible verse on KTWG. She said that she'd gotten reports from Finland, Japan and other places fa

[IRCA] The 2008 Fall-Follies Ultralight Contestant`s Package

2008-10-02 Thread John H. Bryant
A couple of people have noted difficulty finding the Contestant's Package on DXer.ca. Thanks to website owner, Colin Newell, here is a direct link: http://tinyurl.com/ulr-dx-party Or, you can search for the title, by sorting the files: The 2008 Fall-Follies Ultralight Contestant`s Package

Re: [IRCA] [coastalroundtable] TP for 2Oct08: Who turned off the lights?

2008-10-02 Thread John H. Bryant
Walter, Our local downturn (even worse here, with no DU action) is totally your fault you went and labeled yesterday's cx as "Ho Hum." I've found that every time that I admit publicly that I find the conditions boring, the next morning is MUCH WORSE! I think that this effect is closely r

[IRCA] TPs are Pretty Disgusting on Orcas Is this AM

2008-10-03 Thread John H. Bryant
I got the sense that Vroomski checked the band early, reported poor cx and went back to bed this morning. Excellent choice, Dennis!!! I had maybe 20 audios, with all but the biggest JJ guns at the 6-- murmur level and all but four below 1100. (1242, 1512, 1566, 1575.) Really poor I'm g

Re: [IRCA] The Ultralight Express keeps rolling

2008-10-04 Thread John H. Bryant
Congratulations, Joe!!! Hey, find a bit of time to go through the log and make up a submission for various awards you have earned a slug of them with those 400+ stations! John B. At 08:52 AM 10/4/2008 -0400, you wrote: Good morning, Finding some time to check out the airwaves durin

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas Island: Recovery Underway

2008-10-04 Thread John H. Bryant
I've began to notice that recoveries here, in the fall, are almost always "led" by the Japanese stations coming back first to be joined a day or so later by the Chinese and Koreans. That is what was going on for me this morning was a good to excellent Japanese morning, with just a few

[IRCA] Vroom: New Hotrodded E100

2008-10-04 Thread John H. Bryant
Dennis, Really glad to hear that your new Steve Ratzlaff-modified E100 has paid off on its first morning. Having that external antenna port and using the E100 with the EWE from the shack sure beats running outside to hold the radio against the antenna, eh??? I think that you'll really like

[IRCA] New World, Western Hemisphere and North American Record Reception

2008-10-05 Thread John H. Bryant
The way to cause new record reception is for the record-keeper to (finally) update the records. I did that two days ago and was holding them until I heard from one record holder about a typing error that I think that I made. Sure enough, last evening, Allen Willie heard KNX on 1070 with his t

[IRCA] They're BACK!!! Excellent Asian Morning on Orcas

2008-10-05 Thread John H. Bryant
I was stunned to read Walter's "Dullsville" report for this morning It was one of my best mornings ever from here. I had audio on every single (non-zero-ending) channel from 531 through 1062 except for 549 and 1035! I'll admit that about half of those were at the mumble-level of 6, but

Re: [IRCA] Grayland Report

2008-10-05 Thread John H. Bryant
Bruce, Thanks very much for your timely Grayland report its practically a primer for folks wanting to hear TPs from the NW. Its particularly timely for me, of course, since I head for Grayland in the morning. I'm going to be using your notes along with my own from Orcas... 1386, probab

Re: [IRCA] Grayland Report

2008-10-05 Thread John H. Bryant
Bruce, They (CKMO) were truly running OC during at least parts of this morning at dawn I'm 20 miles from the station, as you know, and it was just a clean vertical spike on my scope. John B. At 05:19 PM 10/5/2008 -0700, you wrote: Bruce Portzer wrote: CKMO-900 seemed to be having


2008-10-05 Thread John H. Bryant
There was a lull in new Firsts and Records for the first half of the summer. Since then, there have been many new country Firsts established... Gary DeBock and I adding quite a few Pacific and Asian countries and Allen Willie continuing his march through Asia and Africa. Until Allen's super

[IRCA] TPs Grayland, Tuesday, Oct 7

2008-10-07 Thread John H. Bryant
Thanks to a long rainy drive and some in-route errands, I didn't make it to the Grayland Motel until after 4:00PM. Thankfully, the impending REAL storm held off long enough for me to get the NW Wellbrook up while it was still light and in only a windblown drizzle. My goals on this trip were t

[IRCA] Reporting QTH

2008-10-07 Thread John H. Bryant
As far as I'm concerned, this is strictly up to the individual DXer. For instance, I decided years ago that I wasn't going to distinguish between my own personal records for Grayland and Orcas Island, as far as TPs were concerned and I haven't and don't plan to, EXCEPT where contests requi

[IRCA] I Just Got Lucky!

2008-10-07 Thread John H. Bryant
No wonder that I heard 20-something new Ultralights was very lucky to be at the right place and time, with all of my notes and Hit List in hand. I didn't realize just how much fun I had until I read how well my fellow TP-Chasers did this morning! Bravo for everyone! I guess it is too muc

[IRCA] Grayland: Day Two: Wednesday Oct. 8

2008-10-08 Thread John H. Bryant
This morning seemed almost as good as yesterday morning, with audio on most every channel for the last two hours before dawn. Some of the channels were at murmur-level, or one notch up at language recognition level, only. However, even a number of these latter yielded to slight up-ticks which a

[IRCA] Day Three at Grayland: October 9th

2008-10-09 Thread John H. Bryant
Well, sure enough, the propagation changed, and it DID move more solidly to China and away from Japan. Frequencies like 837 and 1386 that had offered Japanese stations for the past two mornings were solidly held by Chinese this morning. Unfortunately, overall signals were down some, too, so th

[IRCA] Last Morning at Grayland: October 10

2008-10-10 Thread John H. Bryant
Yesterday, I was still having trouble believing that I'd heard KFQD in Anchorage on the barefooted T615, right over the top of 50 kW KXL-750 in nearby Portland, OR. Whilke I was at the local Library and firmly hooked to the internet, I checked to see if the University of South Carolina even HAD

[IRCA] TPs frm Orcas Is. on Oct 11!

2008-10-11 Thread John H. Bryant
You guys wondered how I always time it for the best conditions at Grayland The secret is quite simple, really. As a member of the "post-employment cohort" I'm privileged to DX at Grayland Monday through Friday or more specifically, Tuesday morning through Friday morning. All of you guy

[IRCA] Composite BAREFOOT Class Ultralight Grayland Log 2008.10 DXpedition

2008-10-11 Thread John H. Bryant
New Ultralight BAREFOOT Class Loggings Grayland, WA DXpedition 2008.10 (Oct 7-10) John Bryant Sony SRF-T615 Barefoot 567 JOIK NHK1 Sapporo 1409 10/10/2008 594 JOAK NHK1 Tokyo at 1124 10/08/2008 648 VoR, Ussuriysk, Russia in RR 1411 10/10/2008 657 Pyongyang Bangsong, Kangnam, North Korea 1351 10

[IRCA] Composite UNLIMITED Class Ultralight Grayland Log 2008.10 DXpedition

2008-10-11 Thread John H. Bryant
New Ultralight Unlimited Class Loggings Grayland, WA DXpedition 2008.10 (Oct 7-10) John Bryant Modified E100 + NW Wellbrook Phased Array 531 JOQG-NHK1 Morioka 10/7/2008 1140 (late, something behind that was NOT DU. India???) 540 CNR1 Synchros 1407 10/7/2008 (only there late and poorly) 549 J

[IRCA] Two Wonderful MW QSLs Received

2008-10-11 Thread John H. Bryant
I enjoy setting interim goals for myself in DXing... beyond Country and Station totals. One of these, for me, is trying to hear and then QSL as many NHK1 and NHK2 "pairs" from Japan as I can. Almost every mega-city in Japan has both an NHK 2 and NHK 2 station, and some of the pairs are among

[IRCA] Slow Recovery Beginning? TPs from Orcas: Oct 12

2008-10-12 Thread John H. Bryant
I checked about 2 hours before dawn and found the NHK2 Big Guns in audio... 747/774/828 and even 873. Yesterday, any JJ audio was coming from the direction of Australia (west). Today, it was about equal on the two antennas (W & NW). Near dawn, there were also a handful of DU audios, all below

[IRCA] Oh Yee of Little Faith: TPs from Orcas, Oct 13

2008-10-13 Thread John H. Bryant
Poo on alla my sack-rat buddies who checked it out early and gave up! It kept getting better as we approached dawn, as it should and I ended up with 23 TPs in audio, ten more than yesterday Still, its all in how you look at it... glass 20% full or 80% empty. Where yesterday all of the Ea

[IRCA] Update of World Distance Records, Ultralight MW DX

2008-10-14 Thread John H. Bryant
We've had a chance to clean up some gaps/goofs, etc. in the overall World Record. Through some faulty communication with Dennis Vroom , I never got the specifics of his record breaking barefoot reception of VOA Thailand from Grayland back in April. I'd also not yet received the details of Kevi

[IRCA] THEY ARE BACK! TPs for Oct 14 from Orcas

2008-10-14 Thread John H. Bryant
Sorry that Gary did not do better this AM. Things were clearly back to normal here. I checked first at 1227, 2 hours before dawn here and things were doing very nicely. At dawn enhancement, the lower half of the dial was FULL of audio the only channels without at least a 6 level were 549,

[IRCA] Orcas TPs for October 15, 2008

2008-10-15 Thread John H. Bryant
It will be interesting to learn what Walt Salmaniw heard in the Charlottes. I did not start until 1355, 35 minutes before LSR. The entire morning would fall in the "low average" category as far as I'm concerned. There were fewer audios on the low band and darn near none above 1100 (1206, 1242

[IRCA] Possible NW Ultralight DXpedition and/or Get Together

2008-10-15 Thread John H. Bryant
As you know the 2008 Fall Follies DX Contest is rapidly approaching and Guy and I intend to help hold up the NW's reputation for long distance reception. We have reserved Yurt #114 at Grayland Beach State Park for Friday and Saturday nights, Oct 31 & Nov. 1. That is the last weekend of the

[IRCA] Morning TPs from Orcas: Oct 16

2008-10-16 Thread John H. Bryant
It was a low to average morning here, with more signs of it becoming late Fall season (JJs were excellent two hours before dawn, lots of channels with two stations at dawn.) As usual, 75% of the action was below 1100. The most interesting 531 had two East Asian signals, Morioka, Japan pl

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas: Oct 21 is Stinky

2008-10-21 Thread John H. Bryant
We got back from our jaunt around the interior Pacific Northwest a day or two early A great trip at the absolute peak of fall foliage, but glad to be home Having been reading the mail as we traveled, I feared that the conditions would be awful this morning. SHO' NUF!!! The JJs continue


2008-10-21 Thread John H. Bryant
Just a reminder that the 2008 Ultralight Fall Follies DX Contests start this Friday at 30 minutes prior to Local Sunset this coming Friday and run until 30 minutes past Local Sunrise on the Monday 10 days later (October 24 thru Nov. 3). There are three separate contests that DXers in the US an

[IRCA] TPs from Orcas: Still Disturbed, but Improving

2008-10-22 Thread John H. Bryant
I had 35 audios this morning, but at least half were only threshold. The lower band was in much better than the high band (5 only above 1044). China was dominant both early (1300 and at dawn 1430) Even the better audios were very up/down, with China and Japan fighting it out on 747, 774, 828

[IRCA] TPs on Orcas: Average to Good!

2008-10-23 Thread John H. Bryant
Gee, I'm sorry that so many others found conditions still pretty poor I dunno where I'm getting the DX, but it is darn sure back here on Orcas. Yesterday, I had 30 audios on the bottom half, today it had just increased to 33, but the levels were much better. Well more than half of them we

Re: [IRCA] TPs on Orcas: Average to Good!

2008-10-23 Thread John H. Bryant
Yes, Patrick, you are correct I'm under 20 all-saltwater miles from Vancouver, which I overlook from my house and about the same distance from Victoria, through the islands. I think that Colin momentarily forgot where I live. I believe that the local QRM here is considerably worse than C

Re: [IRCA] 3 mornings DXing at Grayland Beach State Park

2008-10-23 Thread John H. Bryant
Dennis! Great work at Grayland Beach Those yurts are nice, aren't they? I'd spotted number 80 as another DXable yurt 114, 115, 116 and even 117 are also excellent possibilities. I doubt that Mike has closed for good, since he was really pleased when I was down there a couple of w

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