A Swedish DXer, with cx good to the Caribbean and southern US, heard Creole 
French on 1349.988. I listened to the clip and hear mentions of Haiti in the 
clip, but nothing IDable per se. 

He thinks it may be a US station with ethnic programming or the listed Haitian. 
I kind of doubt the New England Creole pirates, because it seems to me an 
improbable frequency, but wanted to rule that out for him. I'm also wondering 
if any DXers on these lists have logged anything on the channel with Creole, 
either on 1350 or a little bit blow or high of the channel.

This originates from the RealDX list and he's posted the clip on the web. I've 
shortened the address to:

The original address:
I'm curious. Maybe this is something we should be chasing here...
Saul Chernos
Burnt River ON

To: rea...@yahoogroups.com
From: rea...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:37:04 -0800
Subject: [RealDX] Creole French on 1349.988kHz [1 Attachment]

Heard this station a few  minutes during very good cx towards southern 
US/carribbean the 16th Jan.  It sounds to be Creole French. Some US station on 
the QRG with Ethnic programs or could it be the listed Haitian? 
My location is Sala, in the southern part of Sweden and I used the beverage 
pointed towards eastcoast/carribbean.
Bernt-Ivan Holmberg

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