--- Begin Message ---
Roy, thanks for your report from Chatham, MA (and Bruce, thanks for your NH 
home logs).

I was running captures on 20 JAN also.  I can see that Roy likely had the 
typical 15 dB TA DX to pests / noise advantage over here that I have noticed in 
my own beach-versus-house DXperiences over the years.

Roy, when you receive your USB stick back, maybe you could load the 20 JAN 
files on it and send them over.  I'll get it back there faster this time after 
copying the files.

Some of what I had here is uploaded to:

Distance from here to the shore on higher TA bearings 35-85 deg. is about 20 km 
/ 12 mi., only slightly less than the 25 km / 16 mi. to the shore at Crane's 
Beach Ipswich from the former Billerica QTH.  There the shore-versus-house 
difference was slightly greater but not drastically different relative to here.

Distance from here to the shore on LA bearings 145-225 deg. is only about 5 km 
/ 3 mi. so only about 5-10 dB attenuation versus at-beach.  The larger south 
SuperLoop suspended in the black locust trees here buys some of that back.

The in-between bearings, 85-145 deg. (Africa, NE corner Brazil), vary quite a 
bit in house to beach distance and, consequently, signal differences.  Anyway 
those bearings and the LA ones, of course, are much better from here than from 
the previous Billerica QTH.

A few log comments:

>> 1278  AGL.  6 pips- ID.by a man, then a woman took over.  Fair.
Outstanding, maybe first USA log

>> 1530  Unknown - MA. on top but pips heard at TOH.
Most likely Romania.

>> 1134  Unknown - Mid-East music under COPE near end of file.

>> 1278  AGL. - EP de Cabinda, Tenda - Fair - Typical Mid-East music fare. 
>> Anthem and man talking to TOH. w/ 6 pips into chanting.
Wouldn't Mideast music more likely be Iran?

>> 1206  ISL - T - Fair w / music.
Yes, Israel most likely based on other shore DXpeditions (Maine, PEI).  I keep 
trying this channel here but insufficient nulling of 1200 MA and 1210 PA/NL on 
the TA antenna so always too much slop.  Carrier visible but no audio yet.  
Heard it years ago at Granite Pier.

>> 765  MOZ. T -  Talk, then a Jazz selection - seemed  // 963
Excellent if true.  I hardly ever raise any audio on 765, the channel of the 
old Senegal and Switzerland barn-burners.  Think I had a Saudi within the last 
few years, that's it so far.

>> 1008  Unknown - Maybe a folk song- Not SER R.
Holland, Grootnieuwsradio (religious)

I'm copying these logs and Bruce's last report to some of the other lists since 
(so far this year) Atlantic zone reports are typically less common than Pacific 

Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA

Roy's report

12ft. stick,w/amp.      FDM-S-2     

   UTC  Time     1/20/2018

       2100         Ant.  100 Deg.

756  Romania //  1332  ROU. pips mixing with unknown station- Portugal possible

1152  Spain  on top, mixing pips w/ROU.

1179  As above, except 6 pips then 6 more pips.

1278  AGL.  6 pips- ID.by a man, then a woman took over.  Fair.

1332  ROU.  -  Fair - Song into pips into news // 756

1377  ARM-TWR- Man talking - TWR theme, music to s/off 2102

1395  Unknown - Music but weak.

1431  Ukraine -  Fair - EZL music, then man talking in Russian and more music 
and gone at 2059:52

1530  Unknown - MA. on top but pips heard at TOH.

1566  Benin - Presume weak with talk.

1575  UAE. - with music and Iran jammer'\.

     2130             Ant.  60  Deg.

765  Iran - Fair w/lively Mid-East music // 936

774  Spain w/ Egypt along with a hum.

864  Egypt - Good -  W/ Koran at the end of the file and Spain under them w/ a 

917  Nigeria -  Just a carrier at this time.

936  Iran - Good at start of file but at the end MRC. on top // 612

945  ROU. - Good at S- 6-7 at end of file with a woman singing a song that 
sounded like French. // 1152

954  CZE. - Fair with talk and mixing w/Spain.

981  ALG. - Good- Vocal w/drums into talk- w/slop-  best for me at 981.6  w/ 
2.550 filter.

1035  EST - T -

1062  Italy - W/talk mixing with Iran at times w/Mid East music.

1125  Bel. -  Fair w/ US song in French - mixing with Spain.

1161  Iran or Egypt  w/ EZL music- Fair w/slop.

1197  UK. - Absolute - Fair w/music  // 1215

1278  Iran - T -  Good at times but no // found.

1296  Sudan - Fair - Male vocal w/drums-flutes etc.

1305  Spain // 1314 and maybe Iran.

1368  UK. - Manx. R.  Fair with music.

1386  LTU - Fair with talk.

1395  Iran - T -  Talk in unknown language- on freq.

1413  Moldova - Fair w/talk and mixing w/Spain.

1431  DJI. - Good - Mid-East music w/slop.

1476.26  Iran  carrier.

1512  ARS. - On top and at times mixing with GRC. w/EZL music.

1548  KWT. -  Good at times w/splatter- An excited woman talking with a man 
intervening at times- Also other stations underneath.

1557  UK - Smooth R. - British accent man w/ some words heard- into EZL music 
at S-6-7 - Unknown station under, maybe Iran.

1584  SER. - Good on top of others.

1593  Romania - Fair- Woman in song  //  1152 etc.

1615  Unknown  W/ music,  1623.5  Unknown  W/ music,  1643  Unknown also music, 
1648 weak audio,

     ;      1664.6  also weak audio,  1675 another with a woman singing a 
Mid-East type song and faded out.

        2200            Ant.   100  Deg.

576  Bulgaria - Pips into anthem by a choir - A few bars of music and talking 
again but Spain took over..

595  MRC. - Fair w/ talk and music plus slop.

612  MRC.- As above and mixing with Spain.

639  CZE. - Fair under Spain with a woman singing. //954

650  In passing, CKGA- Strong all alone with a bingo game.

720  Portugal - Good- On top w/ music into the 5 pips

, last one short, into news, then mixing with others.

750  NFLD. All alone and domin ate.

756  Iran - Under Romania w/ Mid-East music // 1071

774  Egypt - Fair and mixing with Spain.

810  UK. BBC.- Strong at S-9 others under.

828  Unknown - Weak- Need a big flare from the Sun to enhance this channel.

909  Romania - Fair- Under UK at last part of file w/ talk  // 1152.

917  Nigeria - Fair- Talk along with drums. Filter at 1.250 to resist 918

936  Saudi Arabia - Fair to a good peak- w/ Quran w/ man giving readings // 
1512 - with Spain mixing at one point and another station - Iran or MRC.

945  Iran - // 1071 - Fair at the start of the file w/ program like Quran and 
not // Saudi Arabia. - Then at mid file got interesting.

945  UK. - Smooth R. at mid file with 2 men in British accent talking w/ many 
English words heard. Later a woman singing an English song mixing with Smooth 
R. Believe this would be UK.- Gold. Filter at 3.450 w/ LSB.

1008  Unknown -  Sounded like an anthem with a man talking in unknown language. 
Splatter from NYC.

1026  Iran - T - Under Spain with that Mid-East music.

1053  LBY. - Strong at S-9+ along with a hum. Man w/news in Arabic // a weaker 

1071  Iran - Good in USB with Quran type prgr. //945

1134  Unknown - Mid-East music under COPE near end of file.

1188  Iran - Good with  3 chimes or bells. Best on 1187.

1269  Unknown - Seems like an open carrier and at 2158:42   6 pips with the 
last one 2 sec. long.  LSB/slop

1278  AGL. - EP de Cabinda, Tenda - Fair - Typical Mid-East music fare. Anthem 
and man talking to TOH. w/ 6 pips into chanting.

1296  Spain - Fair - COPE - Into news- Possibly Algeria with pips before COPE 
pips and mixing at the end.

1395  Unknown - First 2 minutes sounds like a childrens song w/ children 
singing with a flute or wind instruments - Then a man talking but weak at that 

1467.300  Iran carrier - T.

1530  STP-VOA- Mixing w/ WCKY.

1557  UK - Weak with a few words heard.

1633  Music.

1643  Good audio at S 3-4- A polka song with the woman saying, our next program 
and giving an ID.  It sounded like Radio XBA? Then into "Jackie" by Sinead 
O'Connor.  Deep fades at times. Anyone know where I can get info on these 

1648  Music at times.

    2300        Ant.  70  Deg.

765  MOZ. T -  Talk, then a Jazz selection - seemed  // 963

873  Iran - Under Spain with their National anthem // 1044

1044  Iran - Over Spain with anthem at the end of file. Anthem with many men 
singing and marching. Hey, I did that in the army.

1062  Iran - Fair - Chanting and mixing w/ Italy. Best first part of file w/ 
USB and audio cranked up.

1080  Spain - At 6 PM local time I can still hear pips under WTIC.

1116  Iran - National Anthem.

1026  Iran -  As above and mixing with Spain.

1637 and 1643 unknown w/ music.

    2315       Ant.  70  Deg.

837  Iran - Over Spain at the end of the file w/ chanting.  //  1071

936  Iran - S-9 at times with flute and drums instrumental.

1008  Unknown - Maybe a folk song- Not SER R.

1107  Spain - At S-9 at times w/ talk. Toward the end of the file Spain calmed 
down and 2 other stations under them.

At this point local stations stronger but still on certain frequencies Europe 
can still be had.

1116  Spain - With 5Kw. up to S-8 w/ talk.

1125  Belgium - Strong at S-9 w/ popular music.

1206  ISL - T - Fair w / music.

But then again mostly stations at this time at 3 or 4 kc. away from others.

I have been picking up a lot from Iran last few trips and much more. It takes 
more effort and time to find // stations etc. I have to check, Interval Signals 
(many are old recordings), Mark C. audio files, MW List, WRTH, and other web 
sites for other needed info.

Take care,

Roy Barstow - Falmouth - Cape Cod

Posted by: roybars...@hotmail.com

Bruce's report

A few January logs to supplement the excellent DX activity reported by Cape 
DX'ers over the past few weeks...

International DX (UTC)

549    ALGERIA   Jil FM, Sidi Hamadouche  JAN 20 0558 - Fair; choral marching 
band national anthem. [Conti-NH]

603    SPAIN   RNE5 Palencia//Sevilla  JAN 13 0600 - Fair; time marker and 
checks, "Radio Nacional de España, servicios informativos." [Conti-NH]

639    CZECH REPUBLIC   Ceský rozhlas, Liblice//Svinov  JAN 19 2259 - Poor; 
orchestral national anthem. [Conti-NH]

657    ITALY   Rai Radiouno, Pisa  JAN 26 2300 - Poor through Spain; sign-off 
test tones. [Conti-NH]

684    SPAIN   RNE1 Sevilla  JAN 13 0500 - Fair in 680 WRKO splatter; time 
marker and checks, "Radio Nacional de España, servicios informativos," and 
"Buenos dias" into news. [Conti-NH]

711    WESTERN SAHARA   SNRT Laâyoune  JAN 26 2200 - Presumed this at 711.12 
kHz in het party with 711.02 Iran and 711 Spain. [Conti-NH]

1044    SPAIN   SER R.San Sebastián, San Sebastián  JAN 21 2229 - Fair; promo 
with telephone talk sound bites, "...Radio San Sebastián, Cadena Ser," network 
promo, time marker, "Cadena Ser" into deportivo program. [Conti-NH]

1053    LIBYA   R.Libya al-Wataniya, Tripoli  JAN 26 2159 - Canned wataniya 
announcements with dramatic music on briefly strong fade-ins; returned close to 
nominal at 1053.015 kHz. [Conti-NH]

1089    UNITED KINGDOM   TalkSport synchros  JAN 20 2159 - Good; "You've been 
listening to the Headliners on TalkSport," promo, "Every Friday afternoon with 
Hawksbee and Jacobs on TalkSport." [Conti-NH]

1125    BELGIUM   RTBF VivaCité, Houdeng  JAN 21 2250 - Over/under RNE5 Spain; 
pop music, measured 1124.990 with RNE5 at 1125.000 kHz. [Conti-NH]

1152    ROMANIA   R.România Actualitati, Cluj  JAN 13 0259 - Poor through 
Spain; choral national anthem.  JAN 20 0600 - Poor through Spain; time marker 
and news sounder. [Conti-NH]

1179    ROMANIA   România Actualitati, Galbeni//Vascau  JAN 20 2200 - Fair; 
"Hora exacta" into news parallel 1152 kHz. [Conti-NH]

1188    IRAN   IRIB R.Payam, Tehran  JAN 21 2300 - Fair; signature ascending 
notes. [Conti-NH]

1215    UNITED KINGDOM   Absolute Radio synchros  JAN 19 2200 - Good; "Bigger, 
better, and louder for 2018, the Carole Nash MCN London Motorcycle Show."  JAN 
20 0659 - Fair; "You're moments away from the latest news and sport," Sky ad, 
canned Absolute Radio ID into news. [Conti-NH]

1386    LITHUANIA   R.Liberty, Viesintos  JAN 20 2159 - Good on brief fade in; 
woman in Russian. [Conti-NH]

1413    MOLDOVA   Vesti FM, Grigoriopol  JAN 20 0600 - Fair; time marker, 
signature touchtone sound effects, and news by man in Russian.  JAN 22 0559 - 
Poor to fade out; man in Russian. [Conti-NH]

1467    FRANCE   TWR Roumoules  JAN 14 2240 - Fair; Arabic program, at 2245 one 
cycle of TWR interval signal then carrier off, leaving a weak 1467 (likely 
Saudi Arabia) and 1467.36 Iran.  JAN 21 2245 - Fair; interval signal and off. 

1512    unID   JAN 13 1100 - Het against 1510 WLAC and WRNJ.  This one shows up 
every so often at dawn with the frequency relatively clear of interference 
while 1510 WMEX Boston is off the air, but never strong enough for audio. 

1575    ITALY   Rai Radiouno, Genova  JAN 20 0700 - Fair; time marker, Rai 
sounder, announcement and another sounder into news by woman in Italian. 

Domestic (EST)

730    unID  - 1/14 0501 - Under CKAC; Fox Sports Radio.  The only listed 
affiliate on 730 is KEZX Medford, Oregon. (BC-NH)

1120    WKAJ  NY  St. Johnsville - 1/14 0600 - In mix with KMOX and WBNW; "Real 
Country, The Outlaw," ex-nostalgia/oldies. (BC-NH)

1560    WGLB  WI  Elm Grove - 1/14 0600 - Under WFME; "WGLB AM 1560 Milwaukee, 
Wisconsin, your home for incredible gospel music." (BC-NH)

1600    WAAM  MI  Ann Arbor - 1/14 0600 - Through jumble; "WAAM... Waam Radio," 
into Fox news. (BC-NH)

Bruce Conti WPC1CAT, Nashua NH; WiNRADiO Excalibur, Intona USB 2.0 Hi-Speed 
Isolator, MWDX-5, variable termination Super/Ewe antennas 15 x 23-m at 60° 
northeast and 180° south.

Bruce Conti
B.A.Conti Photography www.baconti.com
¡BAMLog! www.bamlog.com

Posted by: Bruce Conti <cont...@gmail.com>

--- End Message ---
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