All times and dates strictly UT. Rx: mostly DX-398 with internal antenna only; 
Nissan stock caradio as specified
These logs are excerpts from my daily all-band reports, mainly SWBC, also 
VHF/UHF, sometimes, utility, ham, which may be found in several archives 
without much delay, such as

And compiled weekly along with extensive news from many other individuals and 
publications in DX LISTENING DIGEST:
These logs are in four sexions, Canada [if any], Oklahoma, rest of USA, 
unidentified, separated by ======= 
Within each, they are in frequency order

** CANADA. 540, Nov 3 at 1236 UT, temps are rising at `Saskatchewan Weekend`, 
i.e. CBK Watrous; Spanish nulled, probably XETX rather than XEWA (Glenn Hauser, 


** OKLAHOMA. 780, Nov 2 at 1106 UT, open carrier from the direxion of KSPI 
Stillwater, vs something in Spanish and WBBM. NRC AM Log 2012 does not mention 
any PSRA for this daytimer, but HFCC AM Query correspondence file does have one 
from Feb 28, 2007:
showing that from Sept thru Feb KSPI can operate from 6 am until true sunrise 
with ONE WATT!!! In March it`s a hefty ten watts, and April-August the full 
250. Well, I`m sure this carrier when it`s on is the full 250 by groundwave.

AM Log also says ``No PSSA`` but KSPI enjoys that too:
showing ONE or TWO WATTS, in a complicated schedule which in June lasts as late 
as 10:45 pm local time.

Official SR/SS for KSPI are:
Nov 1300-2315 UT
Dec 1330-2315 UT
Jan 1345-2330 UT
(Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 930, Sunday Nov 4 at 1308 UT, WKY`s token public-affairs 
discussion in English is now one hour later Sunday mornings, staying at 7 am 
whether CDT or CST (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 960, UT Monday Nov 5 at 0600-0605, KGWA Enid has shifted 
its non-modulated Fox hole one UT hour later to stay at midnight local CST, 
accomplished without noticing the error in programming. And this time I get a 
definite log from MEXICO, q.v. 

960, UT Sat Nov 3 at 0500-0505, KGWA silent period occupied by one ABC news, 
then another one making slight echo, presumably KMA IA and WERC AL. Which 
stations dominate the Fox hole from one night to the next vary greatly.

960, KGWA dead air break was not checked at 0600 UT Nov 7 due to elexion 
returns; but it`s observed UT Nov 8 during which I hear with carrier nulled, 
``otro recuerdo musical``, probably from XEK Nuevo Laredo; and shortly, ABC 
news, probably KMA Shenandoah IA; and a bit of ``Stranger in Paradise`` tune 
before 0605 KGWA blasts modulation back on with funeral home ad (Glenn Hauser, 

** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Fri Nov 2 at 1850 and 2058 UT chex, KEOR is back on with 
Mexican music. Never any IDs or announcements at all heard. 

Bruce Winkelman, Tulsa, also reports it Nov 1 in UT -5: ``Hi, Glenn. Tuning 
past 1120 during that time (1610-1645CDT) found presumed KEOR with non-stop 
Spanish language vocals. Just checked (1720-1729CDT) 1120 after my walk and 
found OC only for a few minutes, the carrier cut off at 1726CDT for a minute 
then back on with Spanish vocal music.

Watching the S-meter, it appears that someone is actually "at the controls"? 
When I tuned in at 1720CDT, the S-meter on the R8 showed S9+15 and steady; when 
the music returned 1727CDT it was at S9+20 for a few seconds then dropped to a 
steady S8, quickly back to S9+20. Carrier abruptly off at 1729CDT leaving a 
weak KMOX. Still off as I finish this at 1735CDT. I'll keep watching 1120 as I 

The strength surges on 1120 may indicate KEOR is working on implementing their 
CP to increase power from 2 kW day to 10 kW day/7 kW critical hours. CPs for 
both the daytime and CH show same pattern with a broad major lobe slightly west 
of south, i.e. covering Tulsa, and a minor lobe in the opposite direxion, but 
with deep nulls toward St Louis, and apparently Portland. Axually, it`s the 
same as already in use for 2 kW daytime; we are off the side, but still 
considerable signal toward Enid.

FCC ``AM silent stations, silent over 2 months AS OF: 11/1/2012`` at
Shows only these two in Oklahoma:
1120 AM KEOR CATOOSA OK       6/1/2012 3651
1340 AM KJMU SAND SPRINGS OK 11/7/2011 47101

I added the missing frequencies in this otherwise handy list. Morning of Nov 3, 
various chex between 15 and 17 UT found KEOR off the air again, altho at the 
earlier time a weak signal was audible, presumably skywave remnant of KMOX. 

1120, Nov 4 at 1306 UT, KEOR is back on with Spanish music, overcoming 
still-audible KMOX, from the direxion of Sperry.

1120, Nov 6 at 1312 UT, KEOR is on again with Mexican music vs. SAH and what`s 
left of KMOX.

1120, Nov 8 at 1410 UT, Mexican music, so KEOR Sperry etc. is on the air again, 
and making 128/minute SAH with KMOX remnant, i.e. 2.13 Hz. The SAH is slightly 
different each day and I bet KMOX is not the one which is varying. 

Bruce Winkelman, Tulsa, has been hearing this every morning, Nov 5-6-7, either 
carrier or Spanish music, never any IDs. And he adds, ``I checked the FCC AM 
Query site and found a letter from the FCC, dated July 30, 2012, to Rafft 
granting a STA to remain silent for 180 days, stating its license for KEOR will 
expire May 22, 2013 if "broadcast operations do not commence". Probably the 
impetus to get the new facilities operational? Or at least to blow the cobwebs 
out of the existing 2 kW transmitter?`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


** U S A. UNIDENTIFIED. 580, Sat Nov 3 at 1235, neatly in nulls of WIBW and 
XEMU, i.e. from approx WNW/ESE is a car-repair call-in show. KJMJ Alexandria LA 
looks likely from the maps, but it`s a Radio Maria. Also unfitting KSAZ in 
Arizona. Maybe KUBC in Montrose CO? Cannot find a simple program schedule at tho they proclaim months in advance when they and 
sibling stations will be carrying stupid ballgames. KRFE in Lubbock is AC. WILL 
in IL might have such a show, but bad pattern for here. No, WILL is in WESAT 
from NPR, Car Talk not until 1400 UT, and there were no Tom & Rays to be heard.

580, Nov 6 at 1302 UT, I am again getting a station neatly in the null of WIBW 
which is NNE, so it`s WNW/ESE. Allied Bank ad in ABC news; then two (ex) 
governors oppose Amendment 64 which would legalize marijuana in Colorado; 1305 
landscaping ad, 1306 WSJ Report. So this is indeed the only Coloradan on 580, 
KUBC in Montrose. NRC Pattern Book of Nov 1, 2005 shows night pattern goes 
north, with tiny lobe sort of Enidward, while day pattern is nondirexional. 

FCC AM Query agrees on patterns, and shows KUBC`s official November sunrise is 
not until 1345 UT, and nothing about a PSRA or PSSA. But NRC AM Log says it`s 
5/1 kW, with 500 watt PSRA. Today`s Enid sunrise has just reached 1300 UT, so 
SRS at this hourtop is in play. 

BTW, I once seriously considered inhabiting Montrose, as a central location for 
the terrific natural beauty of western Colorado and eastern Utah, e.g. nearby 
Black Canyon of the Gunnison (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)  

** U S A. 750, Nov 4 at 1237 UT, `Insight for Living` gospel huxter about 
Romans, loops N/S. Chex for 6:30 am CT Sundays on KMMJ Grand Island NE per 
program website. I think of KMMJ as Spanish, but that`s only part of the time. 
Was hoping for something more interesting like still unheard KSEO Durant OK, 
which also allegedly has religious format (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 770, Nov 8 at 1415 UT, more than an hour after sunrise here, weak but 
steady signal from ```` but I am not listening online; discussing 
elexion (where NM has rid itself of a Republican senator, but still has such a 
governess). KKOB official sunrise in Nov when non-direxional day pattern starts 
is 1345 UT; Dec, 1400; Jan, 1415; Feb, 1400 (Glenn Hauser, oK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 960, UT Friday Nov 2 at 0500-0505, local KGWA Enid again provides a 
DX window Fox-hole by suspending modulation. This time dominating in its strong 
carrier`s null is ABC News, likely KMA in Iowa, breaking for the same 
credit-card Freedom Debt Relief commercial twice! at 0502 and 0504, the first 
one preceded by a UNICEF USA PSA. These and what was left of the time for news 
were fully readable, as would have been any ID if uttered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1030, Nov 2 at 1211 UT, preacher in English is dominating frequency 
from N/S, no doubt daytimer KCTA; it`s Roloff selling some Xmas item with a 
Corpus Christi address. And no hum, unlike the open carrier they were running 
late into the night a few weeks ago. Official November sunrise at KCTA is not 
until 1245. FCC AM Query shows they do have a PSRA:
of 217 watts this month, but a heftier 245 watts most of the year. Well, this 
is no 217 watts, sounds more like 50,000. Guess what the ``limiting stations`` 
are for this KCTA PSRA: not only WBZ but TGUX, i.e. Guatemala it is supposedly 
protecting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1460, Nov 8 at 1405 UT, dominant signal is EWTN talk show, saying 
they are now on iheartradio; runs three sex behind YL on WEWN 15610. It`s KHOJ 
St Charles MO, an hour after LSR here and still preventing our nearest 1460, 
KZUE El Reno OK, from being heard, which is not so ``Tremenda``. What would 
KHOJ signify? Heart of Jesus, maybe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1470, Nov 4 at 1250 UT, ABC News week-in-review show in the clear 
with little QRM, unlike the pileups on 1460, 1480 and most other frequencies; 
loops NE/SW. 1258 outro as `World News This Week` with David Muir, then several 
promos and IDs for ``Newstalk 1470, KYYW`` including Kim Kommando, plug 
Facebook, Twitter, and ``Abilene`s oldest radio 
station``, 7:00 timecheck now on CST. That`s only if you include its original 
identity as KRBC, which I assume was left to the Abilene TX channel 9 analog TV 
station when they had to split up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1480, Nov 6 at 1411 UT, looking for reactivating KBXD Dallas, but 
instead hear news station from Pueblo, references to PCC, presumably Pueblo 
Community College. It`s KAVA, now legitimately on day power of 1 kW since 1345 
in November; pattern is broad with a null only toward the NW. Licensee is 
Latino Communications LLC, so was it once in Spanish but gave that up for 
English? For the moment stronger than nearest 1480, KQAM Wichita, making SAH of 
about 4 Hz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1480, Sat Nov 3 at 1245 UT `Better Horses Radio`, chex at
as on KQAM Wichita at this time; also on KCMO, KGYN and quite a few others; 
originates in Ottawa KS. 

Was looking for signs of rebuilt KBXD 1480 Dallas TX supposed to be testing; 
there was a brief tone from some CCI (or KQAM itself) at 1245; and a promising 
open carrier at 1259, but that turned out to be dead air from KQAM too, then 
Fox ``news`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1480, KBXD Dallas TX, is coming back on the air. Jerry Kiefer, who 
has been rebuilding it, says he was testing Nov 4 at 2327 UT with open carrier 
at 50 kW for half an hour and then some music, but by the time I checked at 
0015 Nov 5 it must have gone off; only KQAM Wichita audible. Jerry says it 
``should be cooking by Tuesday``. 

KBXD 50 kW day pattern (ex-KNIT as still labeled from February):
Major lobe at 323 degrees, considerable dropoff further north but still some 
toward Enid.

1480, Nov 6 at 2354 UT, following tip from Jerry Kiefer who has been 
refurbishing the station, KBXD Dallas TX heard with music test; a `standard` 
whose title I can`t quite place, 2357 YL vocal seems Spanish, and 2358 ``La 
Bamba``. Jerry confirms that La Bamba at least was KBXD. Reception here was 
underneath talker KQAM Wichita, close enough for groundwave, and the two made a 
SAH of approx. 12 Hz, too fast to count exactly the fades per second; I wonder 
which is further off frequency. He says the music test started at 2315 UT with 
40 kW. And ``After 5:50p [CST] I'm told we were at 5 kW which would be about 
25-30 kW ERP towards you.`` They quit at 6 pm, but will be back on tomorrow. 
Format will eventually be English religion (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WORLD OF 

1480, Nov 9 at 0028 UT and several chex in next quarter-hour, open carrier, 
making same SAH of approx. 12 Hz with KQAM Wichita among all the other signals, 
presumed KBXD Dallas testing again this way (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 1530, Nov 3 at 1308 UT, market reports for Kansas from USDA, extended 
forecast from Kansas Ag network, i.e. KQNK Norton (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1600, Sat Nov 3 at 1250 UT, interesting discussion about life on 
Mars; late Arthur C. Clarke thought he saw tree-like growths from early 
explorer images. Turns out to be C2CAM at a rather late time, closing hour at 
1257 to continue same guest next hour; but there is no next hour here. 1258 
political ads including for county clerk, Albuquerque, 1300 CBS News, 1306 
another talk show about home repair vs storm Sandy. 

Already at 1250 had het from off-frequency KMDO Fort Scott KS; and by 1306 QRM 
is growing from KRVA TX in Vietnamese. C2CAM website says it`s on KIVA 1600 
Albuquerque until 6 am MT on Saturdays, only until 4 am on otherdays. But 1300 
UT = 7 am MDT for the last time today. KIVA website confirms it has CBS News 
and C2CAM starting at 11 pm or midnite local, and its slogan is now the 
somewhat cumbersome ``The Rock of Talk`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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