IRCA members are being asked to vote on a proposal to change the format of the electronically distributed .pdf file of the DX Monitor from its current two-column per page format to a one-column per page format.

Although I suspect that members will likely vote according to their personal preference based on how the .pdf file appears on their own monitors and other electronic devices, I would like to offer three arguments for retaining the current two-column per page format for members to consider before voting.

Larger print size: The print size is actually larger in a two-column per page .pdf file that is set to "Fit Page" in Adobe Reader's size drop-down menu than it is in a one-column per page file, at least on my iMac with a 21.5" screen. For the examples sent out in Nick Hall-Patch's e-mail yesterday, the magnification of the two-column per page file is 116.0%, while that for the one-column per page file is 91.2%, on my monitor. The print therefore appears considerably larger in the two-column per page format, making it much easier to read regardless of whether you wear reading glasses or not. This may not be true for small hand-held devices, but I'm willing to bet it is for nearly all desktop monitors and laptops where the screen is wider than it is tall.

Reduced scrolling: I personally like to fit one page of the DXM to my monitor's screen and then page down to the next page, rather than scroll down, but however one likes to read the file, the amount of scrolling one needs to do is definitely reduced with a two-column per page format.

Saving paper when printing: I have been receiving the electronic DX Monitor ever since it became option over 15 years ago, but even I occasionally print portions of it on paper to use in various DXing locations. In the examples sent out in Nick's e-mail, the two-column per page file could be printed out in 10 single-sided pages as opposed to the 12 pages need to print the one-column per page file.

Steve Howe
Saint Albans, VT and Albany, NY
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