The DKAZ continues to prove a great antenna. Very low noise floor, about
-128dB which is almost 35 dB better than I had with the previous winner, the
Wellbrook 1530+.


The Vactrol units that I got from you Colin have worked really well. If I
was going to make a suggestion it would be that at the time of ordering ask
what type of connectors that the user would like - for me, I changed out the
BNC's for banana jacks because that worked best for the DKAZ and CAT5. Other
than that, I'm really happy with them. 


1. TANZANIA - Radio Free Africa 1377 kHz (Mwanza) 28 Sep 2016 2229-2233 UTC
- man in KiSwahili, African music, ID at 2232:30. Good to very good, faded
in just before rcdg starts at 2259 UTC, and faded out again as recdg ends.
Recheck at 2258 shows audible and somewhat intelligible signal, with heavy
splatter. Thanks to Allen Willie a couple of days ago for the tip.




Kind regards,



Upper LaHave, NS

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