Mid band conditions were good last night. I'm still going through the
recordings, but here are a couple of new ones for me (both new countries in
the log), may be others to come:


1. ROMANIA - R Romania Actualitati (Bacau) 1179 kHz 12 Sep 16 0158 UTC:
choral type music until TOH. 6 time pips, ID, some splatter. //1152 but 1152
a lot weaker at 0158. Rcdg from 0159.





2. ROMANIA - R Romania Actualitati (Cluj - Napoca) 1152 kHz 12 Sep 16 0258
UTC: choral type music until TOH. Clear ID and 6 time pips. //1179. Not as
strong as 1179 but more readable as less splatter. Note that this rcdg is an
hour later than the previous one - while the 2 stations run // programming I
chose the best recording of each. Rcdg from 0159.





3. IRAN - R Payam (Tehran) 1188 kHz 12 Sep 16 0158 UTC: mx selection to TOH,
2 clear iterations of IS, ID. Rcdg from 0158.







Upper LaHave NS

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