Hi Nick - thanks for asking about the noise problem I was having. Yes, for the 
most part I am happy with the overall noise level now. I replaced the loop with 
a new 1530S+, and that cut down a good chunk of it (I can't refer to S units or 
dB because the darn ICF2010 doesn't have an actual S-meter, but this step 
reduced average noise by 1 or 2 'LED Units'). Then I replaced the rotator cable 
with a shielded one, and voila another 1 or 2 'LED units'. I also changed the 
position of the loop on my lot, and even though it's now in the middle of the 
forest and downslope (therefore lower) than where it used to be, another couple 
of LED units disappeared, I suspect because it's farther from the house by 5 or 
6 metres. Of course it's always 2 steps forward and 1 step back, and with all 
this wonderful QRM reduction I noticed a horrendous 120 Hz hum coming from the 
FL3, so I built a really skookum AC line filter that John Bryant had up on 
DXing.info, which completely knocked that out. T!
 here is also 1 circuit on the electric panel that has the outdoor motion 
sensors (I'm pretty sure it's these) on it that I keep permanently turned off, 
although my wife is not entirely pleased with this solution because it also 
means we have no front porch light or entry hall lights...I'll be working on 
this sometime soon I suspect.

Long and short though is that it's fun listening again, and while my time at 
the dials is still somewhat limited right now because of work and house renos, 
I enjoy what time I get. I'm thinking about putting up a couple of Pennants 
when I get a chance, as I'd like a bigger capture area than the loop can 
provide, and from what I can tell these would be good in my poor ground 
conductivity location. 

Thanks again for your help!

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