Good morning,

Listened from 1319-1420 utc. No long waves heard. Weird conditions this 
morning. JOAK was the strongest signal of the Japanese powerhouse stations with 
a steady weak signal. Two seldom heard second tier Japanese stations were in 
(JOQR 1134 & JOLF 1242). Man in unknown language with music in background heard 
on 1296. Guessing the Philippines? 1725 produced PNG beacon with code.  Couple 
of Australian stations on 1656 & 1701. Now time to find stations for the IRCA 
Golden 50's contest. 

594    JAPAN, Tokyo, JOAK NHK1 1319 steady weak signal with man in Japanese. NW 
ewe. 10/02/2013

774    JAPAN, Akita, JOUB NHK2 1331 very weak signal with woman in Japanese. NW 
ewe. 10/02/2013

1134    JAPAN, JOQR HBC 1338 fair signal briefly with man in Japanese. Moderate 
splatter. Gone in seconds. NW ewe. 10/02/2013

1242    JAPAN, Tokyo, JOLF NBS Nippon Hoso 1342 weak signal with woman/man in 
Japanese. NW ewe. 10/02/2013

1296    PHILIPPINES? 1345-1355 guessing the station heard with fair signal. Man 
in unknown language talking with music in background. Heard the word cinco. 
Moderate splatter. NW ewe. 10/02/2013

1566   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Cheju, HLAZ FEBC 1325 fair signal with music. NW ewe. 

1656   AUSTRALIA, 1414 -1418 weak signal with Pop music. To weak to make out 
language. Moderate splatter. "The Axe? Sky wire loop. 10/02/2013

1701   AUSTRALIA, 1358-1402 two stations heard, both with non English 
broadcasts. Weak signals to nearly fair at times. Music and 
talking in unknown languages. Still around at 1412 with Arabic music Sky wire 
loop. 10/02/2013

1725  PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Goroka, 1411 fair signal with code. Sky wire loop. 

Best regards, 

Kalama, WA
NW ewe + Sky wire loop
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