Not a particularly exciting morning, but still a few stations of interest.
 SF 134, A2, K0
Nothing heard from DU this morning.  For the first time this season, for me
at least, 279 was present with weak audio, although my setup is pretty
noisy in the LW region.
The Japanese were mostly attenuated for some reason today.
639, presumably CNR 1 was heard at fair level.  Perhaps one of the best JJ
was 1287.  Both 1566 and 1575 were also audible, with 1575 stronger than
1566 often.  Therefore, for the 2nd day, 1575 VOA was well heard.
This season there has been a total lack of 1557 Family Radio that was often
well heard in previous years.  Perhaps they're off the air with all of
their cut backs.  The other first tier JJ stations were present off and on,
but at attenuated levels.  73,  Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC
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