The details from this morning's listening, 1350-1420UT:
Good audio though usually fighting with splash : 594, 612 (Aussie),
738 (Asian, but very bassy, couldn't tell language), 936 (Anhui RGD,
two IDs, at times quite good(!)), 963 also quite good
The occasional word allowing possible language
> Listened from 1247-1430 ut
You seem to do better w/NHK1 on 666 than I do, Dennis. But China turned up
here on 639 also, though not strong.
This morning was another odd one here, with the usual NHK2 big guns rather
subdued, and suffering from SAHs and such
Listened from 1247-1430 ut
594 Japan, JOAK - weak - 1333 - talk
639 China, CNR1- fair - 1411 - talk
648 Russia, weak - 1247 - music
657 DPR Korea, weak - 1329 - talk
666 Japan, JOBX -weak - 1314 - talk
774 Japan, JOUB - weak - 1262 - t