Finished reviewing my recordings here for 1st hour of DX Test and captured
many details.  Several voice ID's mentioning 960 WHYL, Carlisle, Pa. and
DX Test 2009 made it through (good solid ID at 00:34EDT).  Several R&R songs
were heard.  The very slow, low, medium and high pitch morse code call
letters easily made it along with
the long set of sweeps.  Announcer was very lively and at one point
several listeners who had called in.  Believe I read earlier that the band
pass for the audio had emphasis on the high freqs. and the higher pitch code
was very crisp and clear.

The WHYL antenna pattern does indeed have a sizeable lobe to the west.  The
only interference here was KMA with intermittant poor/medium signals,
perhaps some WSBT with a mention of nearby Michigan City and a cuban with
the morse code RR on the minute.

Many thanks to all who but this together and those who participated.  WHYL
was first heard here in 1987 but still needed for a verification.

Tom Jasinski
Shorewood, IL
R8A  and Quantum loop

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