[IslamCity] ~*~Buried by Perfection...~*~

2005-01-10 Thread Dina Istova
Buried by Perfection... Buried by Perfection...   By   Sarah Zaidi     Every fashion designer is present and all the cameras are ready. But for what? You sit in your chair waiting. Waiting to be swept off your feet. You came to witness perfection, to see perfection at its best. A


2005-01-10 Thread Islahonline
  Israel has their own agenda, and usually to take advantage of others..that is their nature!! World should not let Israel come close to their countries as there are abundance of help coming from our muslims neighbours...   From: bismillah irrahman irrahim Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 20

[IslamCity] God's invisible hand' saved Indonesia's mosques

2005-01-10 Thread assalam4all
God's invisible hand' saved Indonesia's mosques Indonesia's indestructible mosques defy colossal forces of tsunami under `God's invisible hand'. http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=12318 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--> Has someone y

[IslamCity] OPIN: The tsunami and God's role in it

2005-01-10 Thread Abdul Alim
  The tsunami and God's role in it Joan Ryan Thursday, January 6, 2005 When I was a kid, I believed in cosmic balance. Everything that happened in one's life evened out, a sort of algebraic canceling out of pain and beauty that ultimately rendered both sides of the equation equal. You could c

[IslamCity] Difference Between Hajj Types

2005-01-10 Thread Ziad Abdelgalil
Difference Between Hajj Types   What is meant by tamuttu` Hajj and qiran Hajj?   The types of Hajj are as follows: Tamattu`: At or before reaching the miqat (the place where one must enter ihram), the person enters into ihram for `Umrah only. He performs `Umrah first, then goes out of ihram un

[IslamCity] Opposing Bush: A Form of Mental Illness?

2005-01-10 Thread MA PA
Opposing Bush: A Form of Mental Illness? Kurt Nimmo 07 Jan 2005 20:57 GMT Conservatives Push for Psychiatric Diagnosis of 'Loony Leftists' It’s not the stolen election or the war crimes committed in my name. It’s not the fact Bush is a liar and a criminal. It’s not the Strausscons in the

[IslamCity] FW: Amazing

2005-01-10 Thread Jahangir Akbar
>From: "Choudhury, Shabs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: FW: Amazing >Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 15:58:18 - > > > > > >Amazing, > > > > >check this > > > http://www.islamcan.com/miracles/indonesia.shtml > > > > > > __

[IslamCity] RE: [CIOGC] Please help Chicago's Poor/Events for Jan 7 2005

2005-01-10 Thread butair Shikaari
Chicago Muslims are a model community in many things that they do for their community. Other Muslim communities are waking up to the fact that their focus must, first, be on their own "home" and then outside of the home. It is a good thing to see Chicago Muslims set a standard others should

[IslamCity] Somali father of four fights deportation

2005-01-10 Thread Ishaq
http://victoria.indymedia.org/news/2005/01/36778.php Somali father of four fights deportation by Canadian Press • Friday January 07, 2005 at 04:59 PM A Somali father of four who has lived with his family in Canada for 15 years will make a frantic last-ditch appeal Monday to stave off exp


2005-01-10 Thread assalamu alaykum
Residents of the Iraqi city of Fallujah rally in the nearby village of Naimiyah, Friday, Jan. 7, 2005. Hundreds of refugees from the destroyed city demonstrated after Friday's prayers demanding that U.S. troops and Iraqi National Guards leave the city, open all the roads for residents to go back

[IslamCity] best days 4good deeds just ahead...

2005-01-10 Thread lightuponlight .
   Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh   This is a reminder for me & u all …don't miss!!!   IMPORTANCE OF 1st TEN DAYS OF ZULHAJJ: In the month of Zul hajj, Hajj is performed.Compared to other days(except Ramadan) the first 10 days of this month have special importance for doing goo

[IslamCity] The Meaning of Tilaawah (Reciting) of the Qur`aan

2005-01-10 Thread Ukhti_habibti_ul_Islaam
The Meaning of Tilaawah (Reciting) of the Qur`aan Source: How to Memorise the Qur'aan (ITI Publications) Article Reciting the Qur`aan, as it is understood by our Noble and Pious Predecessors, means to act upon it and to follow it and to adhere to the lawful and abandon the unlawful - a

[IslamCity] A believer's sole friends and helpers are Allah, Messenger and other believers

2005-01-10 Thread pen
 A believer's sole friends and helpers are Allah, Messenger and other believers A person cannot hold two opposing views simultaneously. Given that faith and unbelief are two distinct concepts, it is unlikely that a person can share the views, thoughts, and feelings of both believers and

[IslamCity] The Benefits Of reciting Surat al-Mulk

2005-01-10 Thread Muhammed
The Benefits Of Reciting Surat al-Mulk Answered By Shaykh Gibril Haddad   Wa `alaykum as-Salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,   The nonagenarian Muhaddith Abu Hilal and Abu Ahmad al-Hasan ibn `Abd Allah ibn Sahl ibn Sa`id al-`Askari (d. 382 or 395) was a student of al-Baghawi, Ibn Abi Dawud, al


2005-01-10 Thread assalamu alaykum
Assalamu aleikum. "There's an old saying in Tennessee ... uh, I know it's in Texas ... uh, uh, probably in Tennessee – that uh, says ... uh, fool me once, shame on ... uh, shame on you. Fool me ... ... ... uh, you can't get fooled again." – Dajjal Bush during his 2004 campaign. The actual sayin

[IslamCity] Fw: How to Perform the Rituals of Hajj and Umrah

2005-01-10 Thread Ukhti_habibti_ul_Islaam
Bismillah ir Rahman ir RahimAll praise is for Allah, Lord of all creation.  And may the salaat and salaam be upon Allah's Messenger, his family, companions and true followers.  To proceed...

[IslamCity] Bandage of complaint!

2005-01-10 Thread Soul Power
Bandage of complaint! Once Rabe’a saw a man with a bandage tied round his head. “Why have you tied the bandage?” she asked. “Because my head aches,” the man replied. “How old are you?” she demanded. “Thirty,” he replied. “Have you been in pain and anguish the greater part of your life?” she

[IslamCity] BEWARE OF UN PEACE KEEPERS - The Protectors Turn Predators. WHERE IS THE MEDIA?

2005-01-10 Thread Engr. Meer Sahib
[The UN Peace Keepers raped Bosnian women (in which Canada's own Gen. McKenzie was accused to have taken part by Bosnian organizations. Bosnian Independent News Agency ONASA  on 28 February quoted Bosnian Prime Minister Hasan Muratovic as saying that evidence is being collected against Ca

[IslamCity] Three Things...

2005-01-10 Thread Minahil Ali
Three Things Sayyidina Abu Hurairah(radhiyallahu anhu) relates that the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said: "Man says : 'My property! That is my property.' Truly, however, only Three things are his property. 1. One that he consumes and finishes. 2. The other that he wears and makes

[IslamCity] Muslims in aceh in danger - christian missionaries taking advantage

2005-01-10 Thread Islahonline
Assalamualaikum   Christian misionaries have launced worldwide mission to Acheh in particular, to take advantage of the vulnerable muslims victims in the process to convert them... In Sri Lanka, they are already heavily involved in converting hindu and muslims, notable by GFA. Brothers an