[IslamCity] Restricting an Animal’s Movement

2005-07-10 Thread Alan Border
Restricting an Animal’s Movement Question Is it permissible to keep a bird in a cage at home? Is it right to deny freedom to such a creature of God? Answer What is not permissible in Islam is to be cruel to any animal, unless it represents danger to human life, health, etc. Thus, it

[IslamCity] The True Nature of Sound Understanding

2005-07-10 Thread ~ Faith ~
The True Nature of Sound Understanding Jum`ah `Abd Al-`Aziz In "Violence: Analysis Cure," published by Al-Falah Foundation, Cairo, 1999. Sound understanding is of crucial importance, as actions, perceptions and policies are based on it. Understanding also means knowledge, and precedes faith

Re: [IslamCity] MSG or Monosodium Glutamate: does anyone knw what enzyme used in making MSG here in the Philippines? is it the porcine (from pork) or bactosoytone??? really need help

2005-07-10 Thread LeAnn Morelli
Assalamu Alaikum, MSG is in almost everything, all canned and packaged food. There is a book written my a neurologist its called Excitotoxins, the taste that kills by Dr. Braylock. I dont know his first name or if the last name is spelled correctly. You can order it from Barns and noble or some

Re: Fwd: [IslamCity] NEWS: Azhar Sheikh says followers of other sects should not be declared heretics not applicable to Qadianis.

2005-07-10 Thread Abdul Wahid Osman Belal
The fatwa is NOTAPPLICABLE TO QADIANISbut to applicable to Ibadhis, Dhahiriya, Ja'afariya, Zaidiyya, Ash'ariyya, and Sufism, as is self evident from the text of the fatwa itself in bold andunderlined. At the end it is also mentioned that according to the the Grand Sheikhit is not

[IslamCity] “Shock and Awe” in London

2005-07-10 Thread adil naveed
ZAKARIA: “Shock and Awe” in LondonJul 09, 2005 Copyright © 2005 By Yamin Zakaria. “God didn't call America to engage in a senseless, unjust war ... We've committed more war crimes almost than any nation in the world.” (Martin Luther King, Jr.)First, it (“Shock and Awe”) was displayed in

[IslamCity] Musa (Alaihi salaam) Angel of Death

2005-07-10 Thread Rehan Ahmed
"And certainly We have made the Quran easy to understand" [54:17] . ALQURANIC Mail [The Best Guide ALQURAN] Assalam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, [22. Surah Al-Hajj : Ayah 78] "Keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and hold fast by Allah; He is your Guardian; how

[IslamCity] The psychological Wisdom of Prayers in Islam was proven in Science and Psychology:

2005-07-10 Thread ~ Faith ~
The psychological Wisdom of Prayers in Islam was proven in Science and Psychology: The sections of this article are: 1- The psychological Wisdom of Prayers in Islam was proven in the Science of Psychology.2- The Psychological and Scientific Proofs.3- Conclusion. The total number of minutes of

[IslamCity] London - blind hypocrisy

2005-07-10 Thread Susan Howard-Azzeh
If the bombings were revenge for the attacks on Iraq and continued attacks on Palestine, then the political leaders and corporations who made the decisions to attack Iraq were not the ones to suffer. "Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, said the attacks were aimed at average Londoners. "This

[IslamCity] What is the Islamic stance on the London Bombings?

2005-07-10 Thread Muhammed
What is the Islamic stance on the London bombings? In the Name of God, Most Merciful and Compassionate May God’s peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad, his folk, companions, and followers Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, There is no Islamic justification possible for crimes

[IslamCity] JUSTICE - A Principle Central to the Islamic Social System

2005-07-10 Thread Alan Border
A Principle Central to the Islamic Social Systemhttp://www.arabnews.com/?page=5section=0article=66227d=1m=7y=2005 Abdullah ibn Abbas, the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) cousin and learned companion reports: “The Prophet was seated at the front of his house in Makkah when Uthman ibn

[IslamCity] Fw: No to terrorism--comment on London Bombing

2005-07-10 Thread sahannan
Dear members of the list, Assalamu Alaikum.This is what I wrote onTerrorism in response to a letter. Shah Abdul Hannan - Original Message - From: sahannan [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 7:59 AM Subject: Re: [hipjplanning] No to terrorism--comment

Re: [IslamCity] Cowardly act

2005-07-10 Thread F. Saad
Assalamu alaikum, I'd like you to read this first, an article written by Westerners, beforeyou (i.e. everyone) start pointing fingers at the Muslims). http://www.thesimon.com/magazine/articles/canon_fodder/0889_what_behind_london_attacks.html Please carefully read this website:

Re: [IslamCity] Hair color. Is it halal or not?

2005-07-10 Thread Naila Shaukat
asalama alaykum and what is the ruling on a woman cutting her hair? Naila Shaukat From: Mohammed Irfanullah Reply-To: islamcity@yahoogroups.comTo: islamcity@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [IslamCity] Hair color. Is it halal or not?Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 01:21:14 -0700 (PDT)Praise be to Allaah.It