[IslamCity] Jan 21: Bangalore (India): The Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam

2005-12-29 Thread Abdul Alim
[The change in perception from an aggressive and debate oriented style of Dr Zakir Naik to engage in dialogue with people of other faith, especially with Hindusis really a welcome initiative.] An Inter - Religious dialogue for Spiritual EnlightenmentPEACE TO INDIA

RE: [IslamCity] Looking for a wife

2005-12-29 Thread tom harries
i'm Hassan from Egypt 30 years single man never married."Muslim Welfare Centre"@yahoo.com wrote: Who are you tell me about yourself?_This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are

[IslamCity] Rulings on Christmas, Wine Dancing

2005-12-29 Thread Asifa AM
Ruling on Christmas, Wine DancingA Fatwa, is a legal statement in Islam issued by a religious law specialist on a specific issue. Usually a fatwa is issued at the request of an individual or a judge to settle a question where Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is made up of the rulings of

[IslamCity] One !!

2005-12-29 Thread shireen
ONE*One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest,One bird can herald spring.*-+*-+*One smile begins a friendship,One star can guide a ship at sea,One word can frame the goal.*-+*-+*One vote can change a nation,One sunbeam lights a room,One candle wipes out darknessOne laugh

[IslamCity] Fever

2005-12-29 Thread `Abdullah
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE BENEFICENT, THE MERCIFUL Narrated Abu Jamra Ad Dabi: I used to sit with Ibn 'Abbas in Mecca. Once I had a fever and he said (to me), Cool your fever with Zam-zam water, for Allah's Apostle said: 'It (the fever) is from the heat of the (Hell) Fire; so, cool it with

[IslamCity] NEWS: Muslims guard Jakarta's Christians

2005-12-29 Thread Abdul Alim
from the December 23, 2005 edition Muslims guard Jakarta's Christians By Tom McCawley | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor JAKARTA, INDONESIA – As church congregations offer up Christmas prayers here this weekend, thousands of Muslims will help keep the peace, standing

Re: [IslamCity] No comments........... :(

2005-12-29 Thread LoveIslam
please DO NOT email this image out!!! its bad enough kafirs are doing it! *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and

[IslamCity] Re: Letter From My Father

2005-12-29 Thread Curtis Sharif
Thanks, this is a great message for our youth. Peace, Brother Curtis"Jamaaluddin \"Coach J\" al-Haidar" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As salaamu alaikum, Br. Curtis.This is a letter Isent to my daughter recently. I intend to share "Letter From My Father" with others who maywant to say some of

RE: [IslamCity] Looking for a wife

2005-12-29 Thread asher najmi
SalaamsIt is a fantastic idea! Najmi"Happy Zena"@yahoo.com wrote:We could start a "personals" section in one of the islamic magazines :-) From:"kareemoyaboy"Reply-To:islamcity@yahoogroups.comTo:islamcity@yahoogroups.comSubject:[IslamCity] Looking for a wifeDate:Wed, 07

[IslamCity] Get Ready for Hajj

2005-12-29 Thread Souladvisor
Hajj Umrah Resources "A blessed Pilgrimage is better than this world and all it contains. For a blesed Pilgrimage there is no reward but Paradise."[Bukhari Muslim] This Year's Road to Makkah Hajj Discussion Forum Surah Hajj from the Quran -with

[IslamCity] OPIN: The Broken Dialogue

2005-12-29 Thread Abdul Alim
The Broken Dialogue 12/23/2005 - Interfaith - Article Ref: CA0512-2868By: Gul Rukh Rahman children-of-abraham.org* - Jews and Muslims have been tied together by culture and history for centuries. For over a thousand years both peoples have contributed to the Middle Eastern

Re: [IslamCity] Face Veil Banned at Imperial College

2005-12-29 Thread Abdeen
Brother Khan Zahid Laments: “The niqab has been banned at Imperial College, London! A recent dress code policy, passed by the Management Board of Imperial College on 21st October, states, “employees and students should refrain from wearing clothing which obscures the face such as a full


2005-12-29 Thread Soul Power
WHEN DEATH COMESIf one closes one’s eyes, the whole world appears dark. Everything, from the radiance of the sun and the loftiness of the sky to the verdure of the trees and the splendour of the cities, is plunged into darkness, as if it were not there at all.The afterlife is also

Re: [IslamCity] Their sign will be habit of shaving beards

2005-12-29 Thread Abdeen
FITNAH! Taken firm root. [Yusufali 18:57] And who doth more wrong than one who is reminded of the Signs of his Lord, but turns away from them, forgetting the (deeds) which his hands have sent forth? Verily We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this, and over

[IslamCity] Seal of prophet (pbuh) ring

2005-12-29 Thread alinx786
assalaamu alaykum, May this message reach you in good health and Iman. How are you? Just to let you know that the seal of the prophet(PBUH) rings are back in stock(by popular demand). We also have the sandle of the prophet rings(only 4 rings). All of these are made from real silver from Tarim.

RE: [IslamCity] Looking for a wife

2005-12-29 Thread Mohammed Irfanullah
I think this looking for wife or any thing must not be in islamic circle site if any one want to marry they can get more resources in there own area, as online more fraud goes on who know what niyaa one has so my personal advice is this who ever want they can go to some muslims matrimonials

Re: [IslamCity] LESSONS FROM LIFE (10)

2005-12-29 Thread Fadzil
Assalaamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Dear Brothers and Sisters, Masjid Assyafaah (pronounced as Ashshafa'ah) in Singaporeis organising a 6-monthaccreditation program in Hadith. For those of you whoin Singapore, it is a fantastic opportunity to obtain this knowledge. Please call the number below

[IslamCity] Iron and its heavenly origins

2005-12-29 Thread brother_farrukh
Assalam alaikum, Allah Almighty says, ...and We sent down the iron in which is severe strength and other benefits for mankind... [Surah 57: v 25] The ultimate stellar is made up of iron. In iron, atomic nuclei are packed as tightly as possible. Iron is the element that gets made in a star by

Re: [IslamCity] Re: Do bsome thing about this FITNA ,woman friendly mosque, it is liber

2005-12-29 Thread F Sabil
Assalam alaikum brother,Alhamdulillaah I am aware of the fact that Muslim women are permitted to go to the mosque. Brother Farrukh had stated "there was never a division between men and women in the mosques". This isfallacious. The women were separated from menin the mosque too (as one