Read Ibn Kathir's Tafsir online in your browser (FREE FOR NOW):

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10 Volumes (each volume contains 3 parts of the 30 parts of the Glorious 

Volume 1: Parts 1 -3  

Chapter 1: Al-Fatihah (The Opening), Verses 1-7
Chapter 2: Al-Baqarah (The Cow), Verses 1-286
Chapter 3: Al-i-‘Imran (The Family Of ‘Imran), Verses 1-91 

Volume 2: Parts 4 - 6 

Chapter 3: Al-i-‘Imran (The Family Of ‘Imran), Verses 92-200
Chapter 4: An-Nisa (The Women), Verses 1-176
Chapter 5: Al-Ma’ida (The Table Spread), Verses 1-82 

Volume 3: Parts 7 - 9 

Chapter 5: Al-Ma’ida (The Table Spread), Verses 83-120
Chapter 6: Al-An’am (Cattle, Livestock), Verses 1 - 165
Chapter 7: Al-A’raf (The Heights), Verses 1 - 206 
Chapter 8: Al-Anfal (Spoils Of War, Booty), Verses 1-40 

Volume 4: Parts 10 - 12 

Chapter 8: Al-Anfal (Spoils Of War, Booty), Verses 41-75
Chapter 9: At-Tawba (Repentance, Dispensation), or Al-Bara’at (The Immunity), 
129 Verses 
Chapter 10: Yunus (Jonah), 109 Verses
Chapter 11: Hud (Hud), Verses 123
Chapter 12: Yusuf (Joseph), Verses 1 - 52 

Volume 5: Parts 13 - 15 

Chapter 12: Yusuf (Joseph), Verses 52 - 111
Chapter 13: Ar-Rad (The Thunder), 43 Verses 
Chapter 14: Ibrahim (Abraham), 52 Verses
Chapter 15: Al-Hijr (Stoneland, Rock City), 99 Verses
Chapter 16: An-Nahl (The Bee), 128 Verses
Chapter 17: Al-Isra (The Night Journey, Bani Israil, Children Of Israel), 111 
Chapter 18: Al-Kahf (The Cave), Verses 1 - 74 

Volume 6: Parts 16 - 18 

Chapter 18: Al-Kahf (The Cave), Verses 75 - 110
Chapter 19: Maryam (Mary), 98 Verses 
Chapter 20: Ta-Ha (Ta-Ha), 135 Verses
Chapter 21: Al-Anbiya (The Prophets), 112 Verses
Chapter 22: Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage), 78 Verses
Chapter 23: Al-Muminun (The Believers), 118 Verses
Chapter 24: An-Noor (The Light), 64 Verses
Chapter 25: Al-Furqan (The Criterion, The Standard), Verses 1 - 20

Volume 7, 8, 9 and 10: Coming very soon

Our Mission

Our mission is to gather in one place, for the English-speaking public, all 
relevant information needed to make the Qur'an more understandable and easier 
to study. This book tries to do this by providing the following:

The Arabic Text for those who are able to read Arabic

Transliteration of the Arabic text for those who are unable to read the Arabic 
script. This will give them a sample of the sound of the Qur'an, which they 
could not otherwise comprehend from reading the English meaning.

The meaning of the qur'an (translated by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, 
Ph.D. and Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan)

Background introductions by two famous Islamic scholars, Maududi and Ibn Kathir

Explanation (abridged Tafsir) by Ibn Kathir (translated by Safi-ur-Rahman 

We hope that by doing this an ordinary English-speaker will be able to pick up 
a copy of this book and study and comprehend The Glorious Qur’an in a way that 
is acceptable to the understanding of the Rightly-guided Muslim Ummah 


Read Ibn Kathir's Tafsir online in your browser (FREE FOR NOW):

(Please write a review if you can)

10 Volumes (each volume contains 3 parts of the 30 parts of the Glorious 

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