These (American) agents are most certainly 1000 times more dangerous for the Ummah of Muhammad than the Mushrikeen themselves. Their sin is much greater than America’s; so huge in fact that the Muslim Ummah will never forgive or forget.

Trapped In Quagmire: Has The United States “Middle East Plan” Failed?
Jan 18, 2006

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We all know how American and “allied” forces were mutilated at the hands of mujahideen in Afghanistan and adding insult to injury, now its bleeding in Iraq too! Muslims with their spirit of jihad destroyed Russia in 1980’s and now world’s second and “only” super power is on its knees in Iraq, bleeding slowly but steadily. America’s global “power” and influence is being shattered all around the globe and in fact, it could called the worse era in America’s “proud” history.

The extent of glorious victories in Iraq can be shown from the fact that three years ago no Muslim wanted America to invade Iraq, but now mujahideen want US to stay in quagmire. The victories in Afghanistan were fabulous but successes in Iraq are simply “unmatched”.

Iraq’s future seemed grim when the US started its occupation of the Muslim nation, the military might was unequaled and it was showing its effect. But every true Muslim believed that even if a small portion of Iraqi population resists American rule whole heartedly, the spell of American power will break.

Questions were being asked about what can be the matching force to counter B52s, Cruise Missiles and spy planes? Now Americans have been forced to think about answers to people who strap explosives with their bodies and are ready to give away their lives for greater good of Muslim ummah, a miracle indeed!!!!

Iraq war has changed the rules of war and power like no other conflict in history. This is conflict between technology and passion for martyrdom, ruthlessness of aggressor and despair of helpless. This war has proved the effectiveness of spirit of jihad against aggression no matter how technologically advanced the enemy is. Atrocities of the occupier is its biggest weakness, helplessness of the un armed is its biggest weapon as it was 1400 years ago and history has proven it again and again.

The success of resistance movement in Iraq is amazing when we see that two thirds of the Iraqi population are not taking part in the struggle. Whatever the reason be, the Shia and Kurdish population are not a part of the resistance movement in Iraq. If these groups join in with resistance movements for just two months, America would have no way of running but this seems unlikely as they have their own hidden agendas. The whole of Afghanistan and world was united again Russia in Afghan war; in Iraq’s case its just one group giving a tough time to the American army. In this is a lesson for all so-called Muslims who decorate their bride of cowardess with jewels of lame excuses everyday and then use these excuses to “seduce” ordinary Muslims. These so-called Muslims play into the hands of evil and are certainly indirectly responsible for assisting the kufr. The ranks of Muslim Ummah should be cleaned of this “mess”.

According to American government, 2200 of its soldiers have been killed and about 6000 have been wounded and the war cost has exceeded 150 million dollars. But reports from European and independent sources do not agree with these figures. According to those reports, over 6000 US soldiers have been killed and about 19,000 have been injured to date. The result is that Iraq has become an even bigger Vietnam for USA. These are the very reasons why America is now looking for excuses and “exit strategies” to leave Iraq as soon as possible as is also indicated by Dr Ayman Al-Zawahri’s address.

The willingness of America to negotiate with mujahideen groups in Iraq is another clear indication of American weakness. America has now been forced to negotiate with the same people it labeled as “terrorists” no so long ago. Now new terms such as “foreign” and “local” fighters are being used to aid the deception and it is widely believed resistance groups will not be caught in this trap of propaganda

America is striving to throw “seeds of democracy” on Iraq’s soil with the help of bombs and missiles but the resistance movement has not allowed the puppet setup to work properly at all. There is no sign of government control across Iraq. Mujahideen attack at will and America hasn’t even been able to keep the oil supply flowing to capacity. This grave situation has put America in a bad position in respect to its Middle East plan. It rushed to Arab world with “freedom” and “democracy” but the Iraq defeat has washed away the made-up face of its artificial “democracy” plan.

Egypt is effectively acting as American assistant in the region for last four decades and while the success of Islamic brotherhood has shaken the Mubarak regime’s foundations although this change is in its preliminary stages. Hamas, in occupied Palestine has emerged as a major political power and is poised to win the upcoming elections so American “democracy” in Palestine doesn’t seem to be going its way either.

These may appear to be scattered facts but they all join together in relationship to the bigger picture. The Muslim Ummah’s resistive spirit is growing with consistent victories and ordinary Muslims have increasing faith in this global resistance movement. Being an “American tout” is a major failure in Muslim countries and there seems no future for it.

Most importantly, the resistance movement is not backed financially or strategically by any state. The whole of the Muslim Ummah has been ruled by American agents for last fifty years and they have been sitting on potential of the Ummah. These agents are most certainly 1000 times more dangerous for the Ummah of Muhammad than the Mushrikeen themselves. Their sin is much greater than America’s; so huge in fact that the Muslim Ummah will never forgive or forget. Considering no state is backing up the global jihad, one can imagine what this Ummah could achieve if it was backed by an Islamic caliphate and state.

As Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the great poet said: “The sight of Abraham is found but with great hardships Greed and sin make idols in the hearts very easily indeed.”

English Translation Copyright © Jihad Unspun 2006

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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