From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: Bismillah [IslamCity] cancer 
donor urgent to all muslims plzDate: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 01:08:29 +0000

Salamo alikom everybody,I would like to introduce my self at the beginning my 
name is Iman living in Egypt and i am muslim egyptian. i ask for a very urgent 
help from everybody living in the US as an arab, as my uncle has a a cancer in 
bone marrow and he went to the states from 3 months ago for cancer treatment, 
he is in pennsylvania in fox chase center and he in great need for blood donor 
with the same bone marrow type to him, its too hard to find one till now as we 
are searching for more than a year for a donor with the same type of bone 
marrow and its better for him to find him or her from the same country or the 
same area he was born in to be equal to him.. so please for all muslims and non 
muslim we are in great need and help by blood testing to c if any of u or of 
your friends u know in mosques or anywhere else to be applicable with my uncle. 
please if any of you can help please send me a reply and i will send you the 
telephone number of his wife there as to call her and to see what to do with 
the process of testing and if it will become applicable inshaallah it will be 
just blood transformation not more and ask doctors to be more sure and safe... 
please ask god and pray for him to save him and his life for us and for his 
daughters..his name is mohamed said elsherif and his number: 0012154785557 
gazakom allah kol kheir salamo alikom
Iman Saad Elsherif   

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 17:30:00 -0800Subject: Re: 
Bismillah [IslamCity] Wish YOU a Happy New Year - MUHARRAM The First Month of 
Islami Calendar

My family and I and the families at LARIBA ( first ever Riba-Free 
Co. in US since 1987) and the Bank of Whittier, NA ( First 
Ever Riba-Free Full Service Bank in US) wish you all a very happy new Hijra 
Year 1429.
May Allah continue to bless you and your families with the best of health, 
happiness, success, prosperity and time to enjoy. May He the Almighty make 
peace, love, mutual respect and mutual support of each other prevail among us. 
May Allah protect us all from harms ways,
Please REMIND YOUR FAMILIES & CHILDREN of the IMPORTANCE of the Hijra year and 
tell them that it is1429 ESPECIALLY as we witness the most aggressive wave of 
Westernization in the history of the Ummah.
Please remember us in your du’aa,
Dr. Yahia Abdul-Rahman, Founder the LARIBA SystemPlease

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Islahonline 
To: IslamCity 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 4:30 PM
Subject: Bismillah [IslamCity] Wish YOU a Happy New Year - MUHARRAM The First 
Month of Islami Calendar




(The First Month of Islami Calendar)

Reminds us the Great Sacrifice of Hadrath Hussain   and his Family, may Allah 
be pleased with all of them.  Theirs was the True Jihad for the cause of Truth 
and Justice.


We should learn the lessons of courage, patience and perseverance form the 
episode of Karbala (year 61 A.H/680 C.E.)
*** *** ***
Wishing you a warm and prosperous Happy New Year & we pray for all Humanity and 
in particular Muslim Ummah for the Peace, Stability & Dignity. (Ameen)
Al-Islam Group
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