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  The Condolence to Bassam Aramin and his family Petition to Bassam Aramin and 
his family was created by and written by Women of a Certain Age - North America 
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Rachels Words <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Dear friend:

10-year-old Abir Aramin died on January 18th, 2 days after her skull 
was fractured. She was on her way home from school in the walled-off 
West Bank town of Anata when an Israeli Border Police jeep drove 
provocatively through the school zone. Eyewitnesses say the jeep was 
firing stun grenades and rubber bullets at the children when Abir 
dropped to the ground, bleeding from the head.

Abir was the daughter of Bassam Aramin, a Palestinian human rights 
activist and founding member of "Combatants for Peace." Adding insult 
to trauma, Bassam's friends from CFP had to advocate for the release 
of his daughter's body from the Israeli hospital in order to make it 
to her funeral.

Incredibly, Bassam's story is not unusual; disregard for human life 
is the norm under occupation. Please join us in sending this letter 
of condolence to Bassem Aramin and his family. We will arrange to 
have the letter and signatures delivered personally to Bassam and his 

Groups and Individuals welcome. To sign the letter, click here:

Please forward widely.

In solidarity,
Women of a Certain Age - North America


Ten Year Old Girl Brain Dead After Border Police Shooting

Let Our Children Live
By Nirit Peled-Elhanan

"Combatants for Peace" mourns the death of Abir Aramin

Twilight Zone / I've Lost my heart
by Gideon Levi, Ha'aretz

Palestinian Child Killed by Israeli Army
Videoclip from Democracy Now! report 

The Tragic Death of an Activist's Daughter
By Donald Macintyre, The Independent

Father of Dead West Bank Girl Seeks Peace with Israelis
By Greg Myre, New York Times 

Defense for Children International Statistics

Children lost in the current intifada:


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