Yet another Islamic web site which solely provides news and other related 
issues around the world with Islamic flare. Still there is a need to fully 
expose the evil elements who currently hijacked the Islamic idealogy based on 
fabricated lies. I think a saturation point is reached as soon the world would 
witness the mass demise of the agressors.

Abdul Wahid Osman Belal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 03:00:27 -0400
Subject: IslamOnline NewsLetter

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              ISLAM-ONLINE. NET -
20th Ramadan 1428 , 2nd October 2007
Newsletter Volume 7, Number 39
      Assalamu aleykum Islam-Online Members!
      Jewels In The Qur‘an:
  Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was for those before you, so that you 
may guard (against evil). (2:183)    

      This Week's Hadith (Sahih Muslim, Book 006, Number 2373:  
Abdullah b. 'Umar (Allah be pleased with both of them) reported Allah's 
Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The mouth (of Ramadan) is thus and 
thus, and thus. i. e. ten, ten and-nine.
      In this issue:
  1)  Live Fatwa : General Fatwa Session.
  2)  News : AROUND THE WORLD.
  3)  Ramadan! Stop What?.
4)  Family : More Precious Than Gold.
  5)  Living Shari'ah : I`tikaf & Laylat Al-Qadr.
  6)  Muslim Affairs: Iran's Strong Man.
  7)  Health & Science : A Cautionary Tale in the Skype Outage. 
8)  Youth 4 the Future: Take the Chance in Ramadan! It is never too Late!.
            - Live Fatwa 
Guest: Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal Nadvi
Subject: General Fatwa Session
Data: Tuesday,Oct 2 ,2007
Time: Makkah From... 16:30...To... 17:45 
            GMT    From... 13:30...To...14:45      
- McCain Chided for Christian White House.
- Muslim "Alien" in America .
- Iraq "Brains" Dream of Studying Abroad.
  - Fake Fatah Video to Smear Hamas.   
- US Africa Command…Helping or Meddling  
  - Moroccan Couples Flock to Tarawih.
  - Islam-is-Peace in Britain.
  - Sarkozy Joins French Muslim Iftar. 
- World in Pictures.
   More News..
            3) Ramadan! Stop What?      - Craving Change? Here's the Qur'an!
Islam and its rich teachings are often described as extreme, strict, and 
incompatible by a lot of non-Muslims. Ironically enough, the third US 
president...  - An Absence of Mercy
This first part of Ramadan is all about mercy. It is a time when Allah the 
Almighty extends His great mercy to all and because we are free to choose for 
  - Read Also..
- Ramadan Message from Jeewan Chanicka 
- Ramadan – Stop What?
- Increasing Our Knowledge in Ramadan
- Ramadan, the Month-Long Faith Booster    
4) Family : More Precious Than Gold 
`A'ishah was not only popular at school, she well behaved, and respected by all 
the girls in her class and by her teachers, too. `A'ishah had turned 12, but 
instead of being her bright and happy nature, she was looking pale and 
confused. Her mother had noticed the change and decided to have a quiet chat 
with h...    
5) Living Shari'ah : I`tikaf & Laylat Al-Qadr   By Living Shari`ah Staff 
  Indeed, the last third of Ramadan is a chance for every Muslim to come closer 
to Allah and gain abundant reward. In this folder, you can find collective 
fatwas related to I`tikaf, Laylat Al-Qadr and Zakat Al-Fitr...

6) Muslim Affairs: Iran's Strong Man
By Amal Hamada 
  During the 1990s, President Rafsanjani saved no efforts to rebuild what was 
ruined during the years of war. Most of the reconstruction plans and projects 
started during his era, which made some people call him the "True Father of 

7) Health & Science : A Cautionary Tale in the Skype Outage
By Waleed El-Shobakky 
Skype, the most widely used Internet phone service, went black in mid-August. 
Now that the dust has settled and the uproar has faded, what can we learn from 
the mid-August Skype outage? (Hint: A unipolar operating system world may have 
unforeseen weaknesses, and Microsoft is perhaps the least to blame.)    

8) Youth 4 the Future: Take the Chance in Ramadan! It is never too Late!
  By Shayma Alshakshir 
  The thing that I find really special about Ramadan is when I look at the 
friends around me. I actually get inspired from the quick and dramatic change 
they make during this special month. They will fast as well as pray their five 
daily prayers, try to watch their language, and avoid the Haram in all forms.
We designed to serve you, and we welcome your feedback. If you 
have any comments please share them with us through the following 
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