Abu Bakr RadiAllahu Ta;al Anhuh in History

Role of Abu Bakr RadiAllahu ta'al Anhuh;

Abu Bakr(ra)'s place in history. Abu Bakr(ra) became the Caliph on the 8th of June 632 C.E. and he died on 23rd August 634 C.E. The period of his caliphate covers two years, two months and fifteen days only. Judged by the usual standards this period was too short to make an impact on history. Surprisingly enough, however, the caliphate of Abu Bakr(ra) did not merely make an impact on history; it changed the very course of history. The suppression of apostasy, the unification of Arabia, and the conquests of greater parts of Iraq and Syria within the space of two years are the extraordinary marvels of history. The speed, the magnitude, the extent and the permanence of these campaigns excite our wonder and evoke our admiration. For these achievements, Abu Bakr(ra) holds a unique position in the history of the world in general and the history of Islam in particular.

Dynamics of the leadership of Abu Bakr(ra). Abu Bakr(ra) came to power in the midst of a crisis-loaded situation. The crises which he was called upon to encounter were multi-dimensional in character, being psychological, religious, political and international. Islam stood at the brink of a precipice, and any wrong step on the part of Abu Bakr(ra) at that stage would have led to the disintegration of Islam. That he not only averted the process of disintegration, but made Islam a world force which could successfully contend against the giant empires of Byzantium and Persia speaks for the dynamics of his leadership.

Historic role of Abu Bakr(ra). The historic role of Abu Bakr(ra) comprehends the following achievements: 

  1. His supporting role of Islam, 
  2. His suppression of apostasy and unification of Arabia; and 
  3. His confrontation with the giant empires of Byzantium and Persia and conquests of parts of great Iraq and Syria.

Supporting role of Islam

Conversion to Islam. He accepted Islam without any hesitation, argument or reluctance. His conversion to Islam became a landmark in the history of Islam. His conversion according to Muir proved to be the greatest guarantee of the sincerity of Muhammad (peace be on him).

Missionary of Islam. He was the greatest missionary of Islam after the Holy Prophet(pbuh). Through his efforts many young men among the Quraish joined the fold of Islam.

Liberation of slaves. When the slaves who had accepted Islam were tortured by the Quraish, Abu Bakr(ra) purchased these slaves from their masters and set them free.

Persecutions of the Quraish. Whenever the Quraish maltreated the Holy Prophet and did him violence, Abu Bakr(ra) always intervened to protect the Holy Prophet.

Ascension. When the Holy Prophet(PBUH) gave an account of his ascension and some of the Muslims, even, were overcome by doubts, Abu Bakr(ra) declared in unequivocal terms that what the Holy Prophet(PBUH) said was the truth. Abu Bakr(ra) became a witness to the truth.

Migration. When the Holy Prophet(PBUH) migrated from Makkah to Madina, Abu Bakr(ra) was his companion. Abu Bakr(ra) looked after the Holy Prophet(PBUH) with the affection and tenderness of a true friend. He met the entire expenses of the journey.

Masjid-i-Nabvi. When the Holy Prophet(PBUH) purchased a plot of land for constructing a mosque at Madina, Abu Bakr(ra) paid the price.

Battles. In the battle of Badr, Abu Bakr(ra) acted as a bodyguard of the Holy Prophet(PBUH). In the battle of Uhud when there was confusion and other companions dispersed, Abu Bakr(ra) was the first to join the Holy Prophet(pbuh). In the battle of Hunain when the other companions dispersed, Abu Bakr(ra) continued to attend the Holy Prophet(PBUH).

Hudaibiya Pact. When the Hudaibiya Pact was executed and some of the companions, including Umar(ra) were critical of the terms of the Pact, Abu Bakr(ra) supported the Holy Prophet(PBUH), and held that it was in the best interest of the Muslims.

Liberal contribution. When the Holy Prophet(PBUH) invited contributions for the financing of the Tabuk expedition, Abu Bakr(ra) donated all that he had, saying that for him and his family Allah and the Holy Prophet(pbuh) were enough.

Psychological crisis. When the Holy Prophet(PBUH) died the entire Muslim community was in the throes of a psychological crisis, and even such a man as Umar(ra) declared, "Who says that the Holy Prophet(PBUH) is dead? Moses like he has gone to meet the Lord, and would return to us after some time". At this juncture, Abu Bakr(ra) perceived the grim reality and said, "He who worships Muhammad let him know that Muhammad (peace be on him) being a mortal is dead. But he who worships the God of Muhammad (peace be on him), let him know that He being immortal lives and would live for ever".

Support for the Holy Prophet(PBUH). Abu Bakr did not support the Holy Prophet(PBUH) in his lifetime alone; he supported him even after his death. When it was suggested to him that Usama's expedition should not be dispatched or at least Usama should be replaced by a veteran commander, Abu Bakr(ra) rejected the demands on the ground that the orders of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) had to be followed at all costs, and could not be reversed.

Zakat. When some tribes sought exemption from Zakat, Abu Bakr(ra) refused the demand on the ground that with regard to a fundamental injunction of Islam there could be no compromise.

Caliphate. When a political crisis threatened the Muslim community in the matter of the successor to the Holy Prophet(PBUH), Abu Bakr(ra) was able to persuade the Ansar to relinquish the caliphate in favor of the Quraish.

Savior of Islam. When after the death of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) the Muslim community came to be threatened with danger from all sides, Abu Bakr(ra) piloted the crisis with consummate skill. He did not merely save Islam in Arabia; he made Islam a world force which successfully confronted the empires of Persia and Byzantium. Abu Huraira(ra), an eminent companion, declared that but for Abu Bakr(ra), Islam would have disintegrated. Abu Bakr(ra), verily, played the role of the savior of Islam.

Preservation of the Holy Ouran. Abu Bakr(ra) sponsored the compilation of the Mushaf, and in this way the Word of God was preserved for all times for the guidance of mankind.

Aslamu Alikum Wa rahmtullah Wa baraktuhu..!!!
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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