Part 2:Where did the Taurat and Injeel disappeared to?
This is the second part of the same topic....Please do
read on.

I am refering back to the three Ahadith, this way we
could give our minds a fresh review.And that at the
same time I would bring forward the four elements of
Nature namely water, earth, air and fire. In this way
what we have as at this moment would be as clear as
crystal. The three Ahadith:
"The Mehdi will remove the Ark of the Covenant from
Lake Tiberias. (Iqd al-Durar fi Akbar al-Imam
al-Muntadhar, by Shaikh Jamaluddin Yusuf al-Damishqi,
p. 51-a)"

"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will show the way to a hidden thing. He will bring the
Ark to light from a place called Antioch. (Suyuti,
al-Hawi li'l Fatawa, II, 82)"

"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will go to one of the mountains in Sham. From there he
will unearth the (true) books of the Torah and bring
forth evidence against the Jews. (Suyuti, al-Hawi li'l
Fatawa, II, 81)"

Refering back to the four elements that the ancient
learned man would have the knowledge, that all things
created by Allah has these four elements---water,
earth, air and fire.But what we have here from the
light of the three ahadith only refers to three places
or three elements...and the fourth is
absent.Presumably if my opinion is correct as at this
moment I am saying here the three elements from the
three Ahadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.
which form the basis of my opinion:
First element: water, from the first reference of
hadith as that of refering to Lake Tiberias....
Second Element: Earth(soil, land) which is from the
second reference to the Hadith, the place called
Third element: Air, from the third hadith refering to
'one of the mountains in Sham'....
As the fourth element, FIRE, and that in my opinion it
is out of the subject matter at this moment, since
there is no hadith to refer to.
Let's refer back to the first hadith to the place
called Lake Tiberias:"The Mehdi will remove the Ark of
the Covenant from Lake Tiberias. (Iqd al-Durar fi
Akbar al-Imam al-Muntadhar, by Shaikh Jamaluddin Yusuf
al-Damishqi, p. 51-a)"
---which ultimately refers to ELEMENT of WATER.

Second Hadith:
"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will show the way to a hidden thing. He will bring the
Ark to light from a place called Antioch. (Suyuti,
al-Hawi li'l Fatawa, II, 82)"----giving us the
reference to the SECOND ELEMENT of EARTH(soil,land).
>From the third Hadith:
"The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he
will go to one of the mountains in Sham. From there he
will unearth the (true) books of the Torah and bring
forth evidence against the Jews. (Suyuti, al-Hawi li'l
Fatawa, II, 81)"
--reference to the THIRD ELEMENT of AIR.

I have to reprint back the first two places as it
would refresh our minds adding up to this research
that we are doing, and I am happy to say that we are
heading on the right direction.They are reprinted
below for the first two places from the two AHadith. I
"And in my opinion based on these three Ahadith so are
there to be found the Ark of Covenent in these three
places and not at one place only...and so it seems
that there would be three Arks of Covenents."

"It is said that The Mahdi will remove the Ark from
lake Tiberias and we all know that the lake itself is
too wide and deep for anyone to find at the bottom
"From the passage: "According to many Islamic scholars
The Ark of the Covenant was a chest made of acacia
wood and inlaid with gold, containing tablets on which
the Ten Commandments were inscribed....."
"Here we have a total description of a sort that tells
us the original chest looks like.It was made from
Acacia Wood and probably as thick and as lasting as
the forest itself... and that it was inlaid with
gold....This is pure gold and and must be very thick
and heavy and full to cover the Covenent from the
disposal of time. It must be that Prophet Musa a.s.
built it or built them, and later Prophet Daud a.s.
owned it and lastly Prophet Sulaiman a.s. must have
buried it at first in his Temple he built and later
for safety reason and by the Grace and Sign by Allah,
put it at the Lake Tiberias. It did sank down to the
bottom, its weight must be too heavy from the gold
covered case, and from the weight of the Acacia
Wood.The other two Arks as stated by the Holy Prophet
Muhammed s.a.w. are to be found at "one of the
Mountain in Sham" and at "the place called Antioch."
"And up to this very day for centuries the Ark in Lake
Tiberias remained submerged at the bottom of the
lake.This is my opinion only."

In another paragraphs I wrote as follows:
"And so we have to make this study very carefully. we
must thus distiguished the near exact place whereby at
least we could conclude the Ark could be. It is only
my opinion and that if anyone has the better judgement
to comment please tell.
So we already know that the lake has a depth of over
175 feet, an area of 67 square miles. At certain spot
and at that particular unknown to any man would be
found an undisturb location; this place I think would
have a very strong currents , and whereby no ships, no
fishes or man could step over, or swim over this
particular spot.It repulse out all of everything away
from, and no one knows its cause, but its aource of
repelment is way down below this particular place....
All this while no one would consider it as
significant, and unknown, but normal disturbance that
caused such and such a location as unimportant! Am I
not correct.... 
Let's called this a very near location which means
that underneath this heavy currents and waves, and
still buried under all the mud, silts, sands is
Ark.This has been going on for hundreds of years.

If we consider the fact that if the Stone tablets are
from Allah and that the words written therein are
definitely form Him, it must be secretly guarded by
Angels. As this would means that this sacred Tablets
would not be manipulated by unholy hands. This is only
my opinion, I hope to hear from anyone if they have a
better views on this one. And so we have so far solved
a kind of jigzaw puzzle....which also means that if
anyone with our modern day equipments and all that
sonar gadgets used by deep sea divers, like finding
the lost Titanic , so then these equipments could be
utilized too. But remember if it is there as I have
stated nd do know that it is actually is the property
of Prophet Musa and Prophet Harun and their families.
The Arks belong to the entire Human Race".

"And from the second Hadith:
"He will bring the Ark to light from a place called
Antioch." There are two places called Antioch and we
need to consider both places and for the Mahdi to
search for it. The place that would be suitable for
the Ark to be kept in safety would be the place of
sanctuary namely at Mosques, or previous second
Temple(could this refer to the story of the army of
Ants) built by Prophet Sulaiman a.s. besides the one
at Jerusalem somewhere here at Antioch, as we all know
that the Ark Of Covenents are said to be from Allah
and one among the Four Kitab--Four Holy Books send
down by Allah s.w.t.Which also gives us the evidence
to proof that the los Arks are guarded by Angels and
neither the Romans nor others could have access to. 
Secondly so that no unholy human hands may touch it or
found it since it is only for the coming Mahdi and
Ulamas and Holy Saints to be able to find and touch or
get hold of it.This is my opinion."
WaLLahu Aqlam. 

--- alj2001my <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Assalamu alaikum,
> Just wish that somebody could tell me details as to
> the 
> disappearances of the Taurat and The Injeel....Were
> both of these 
> Holy Books taken up to Heaven by Allah s.w.t. or
> were they still 
> hidden here on earth somewhere and would never be
> found by 
> Historians, Ulamas, or just anybody ? Could anyone
> give me some 
> clear informations..? Because it has been of great
> interests and a 
> great mystery for mankind and Historians as a whole.
> someone wrote in the Internet in a questions and
> answers forum: 
> "Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah
> hath REVEALED 
> THEREIN. If any do fail to judge by (the light of)
> what Allah hath 
> revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.
> S. 5:47 
> This verse is directed to Christians of Muhammad's
> time. They are 
> told to judge by what Allah has revealed in the
> Gospel. This 
> presumes that an uncorrupt Gospel was available
> during Muhammad's 
> time, otherwise how could Christians judge by it?
> The Muslim 
> traditions affirm this point: 
> Khadija then accompanied him to her cousin Waraqa
> bin Naufal bin 
> Asad bin 'Abdul 'Uzza, who, during the Pre-Islamic
> Period became a 
> Christian and used to write the writing with Hebrew
> letters. He 
> would write from THE GOSPEL in Hebrew as much AS
> WRITE ... (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 1,
> Number 3) 
> ... Khadija then took him to Waraqa bin Naufil, the
> son of Khadija's 
> paternal uncle. Waraqa had been converted to
> Christianity in the Pre-
> lslamic Period and used to write Arabic and write of
> Arabic as much AS ALLAH WISHED HIM TO WRITE ...
> (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 
> Volume 6, Book 60, Number 478) 
> According to these citations Waraqa knew the Gospel
> and translated 
> it into Hebrew and Arabic, and this was the will of
> Allah for him to 
> do so. Why would Allah want Waraqa to translate a
> corrupt Gospel in 
> the language of the people which would only end up
> misleading them? 
> The following tradition is found in Mishkat
> al-Masabih, translated 
> by James Robson, Ashraf, Lahore, 1963, Book II, ch.
> I, pp. 62,63: 
> Ziyad b. Labid said: The Prophet mentioned a matter,
> saying, "that 
> will be at the time when knowledge departs." I
> asked, "How can 
> knowledge depart when we recite the Qur'an and teach
> it to our 
> children and they will teach it to their children up
> till the Day of 
> Resurrection?" He replied, "I am astonished at you,
> Ziyad. I thought 
> you were the most learned man in Medina. Do not
> these Jews and 
> Christians READ THE TORAH AND THE INJIL without
> knowing a thing 
> about their contents?" Ahmad and Ibn Majah
> transmitted it, Tirmidhi 
> transmitted something similar from him, as did
> Darimi from Abu 
> Umama. 
> Muhammad claims that the Jews and Christians of his
> day were 
> actually reading the Taurat and the Injil/Gospel. He
> says nothing 
> about textual corruption. This again presumes that
> uncorrupt copies 
> of the Taurat and Gospel were available at that
> time. Otherwise it 
> would not have been possible for the Jews and
> Christians to be 
> reading something they did not possess." (end) 
> ................................................. 
> I hope I to get the whole piece of puzzle into one
> correct answer, 
> and maybe later will find more facts and indications
> somewhere. Salam
> Salam to all, 
> Okay...lets suppose that the Kitab Injeel was still
> ther during the 
> time of our Holy Prophet, and that Wraqah must have
> one copy or that 
> he might have memorize the whoe Injeel. The question
> is where did it 
> dissappeared to ? In my opinion Waraqah must have
> learn from the 
> Injeel if it is original something else.....Or he
> might gave the 
> original Injeel to Sayidatina Khalijah r.a. 
> Burt going back to the sotry Of Kitab Taurat I pste
> here part of the 
> written passage by the Honorable Harun Yahya: 
> "Where Is the Ark of the Covenant Hidden? 
> The Ark of the Covenant is a treasure chest revealed
> by our Lord in 
> the Qur'an and which contains the property of the
> Prophet Moses and 
> the Prophet Aaron. According to Islamic scholars,
> the most important 
> feature of the Ark is that its whereabouts have been
> unknown since 
> 587 BC, and it is generally accepted by them that it
> will be found 
> by the Mahdi, an individual who will appear in the
> end times. (God 
> knows best.) 
> The Ark of the Covenant is a subject to which
> attention is drawn in 
> the hadiths (sayings of our Prophet [peace be upon
> him]) and in 
> various historical sources, and is also referred to
> in the Qur'an, 
> revealed by our Lord. The Torah, a divine text that
> was subsequently 
> corrupted, also contains information about this
> chest. The Ark, 
> regarded by Islamic scholars as heralding an age
> when Qur'anic moral 
> values will prevail on earth, is described in these
> terms in the 
> Qur'an: 
> Their Prophet said to them, 'The sign of his
> kingship is that the 
> Ark will come to you, containing serenity from your
> Lord and certain 
> relics left by the families of Musa and Harun. It
> will be borne by 
> angels. There is a sign for you in that if you
> believe. (Qur'an, 2: 
> 248) 
> The Ark According to Historical Sources 
> Considerable information about the Ark of the
> Covenant is to be 
> found in historical sources. It is thought to have
> been manufactured 
> on the slopes of Mount Sinai after the Children of
> Israel left 
> Egypt, and contains stone slabs from the Prophet
> Musa and other 
> items from the Prophet Harun. 
> According to historical sources, the Ark of the
> Covenant was carried 
> to Jerusalem when the city was declared to be the
> capital of the 
> United Jewish Kingdom in the time of the Prophet
> David, after that 
> of the Prophet Aaron. It was placed in the Temple
> built by the 
> Prophet Solomon, where it remained until 587 BC. In
> that year 
> Jerusalem was captured by King Nebuchadnezzar of
> Babylon, the 
> monarch who constructed the Hanging Gardens of
> Babylon. Later on, 
> the belief began to spread that the Ark, which was
> not seen for the 
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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
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am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
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