Bismillah, FYI
ASA, It has been my experience that CAIR does a good job of addressing discriminatory incidents involving  non-muslims against Muslims.  However, they are extremely reluctant to address ALL discrimanatory behavior towards Muslims as I believe they should, especially when it involves Muslim against Muslim situations, or situations that invole  internal issues that are adversely affect the Muslim community.
Peace, Curtis Sharif
Houston, Texas

"Jamaaluddin \"Coach J\" al-Haidar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bismillaah, wal Hamdulillaah, was Salaatus Salaam ala Rasulillaah, wa ba'd
As-Salaamualaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
While as both an African-American as well as a Muslim, I find the remarks from Commissioner Pat Larkins very disturbing and insensitive, I find the Islamic community leadership's response to the criticism (at least what was printed) as equally inept and insensitive. I wonder what would be the response from our local Houston leadership if the same criticism was levied against our Islamic community?
Al-Hamdulillah, as a community, we have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, and logged countless hours of hard work and sweat labor in recent relief efforts in which members of the African-American community were arguably the great majority of the beneficiaries. Unfortunately, you know like I know, that the peoples memories are short-lived when it comes to charity. They take and receive during their time of desparation and soon forget those who were there for them in their time of need.
The question that begs to be asked is... does CAIR or the local Islamic leadership in the major metropolitan centers across this great nation feel that they have a responsibility to speak the truth and address the core issues irrespective of whose toes are being stepped on? Why not address the issue of Muslims being perceived as blood-suckers of the poor and disenfranchised? Why not confront the perception of duality in how Muslims deal with their fellow man and how they deal with the commandments of Allaah and the warnings from his Messenger (saaws) regarding selling khamr and swine, and lowering the gaze.? It is not enough to simply brush impressions off by labeling them as stereotypes as if these perceptions will simply go away by themselves. This stance is arrogant and condescending. It serves no good end. It doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to educate the critic or the public in general about Islaam and what our Deen is about. What is so wrong with having the guts to declare in front of the people that those who are selling beer, wine, and liquor...selling pork...selling lottery tickets...and pornographic magazines in their businesses are in many cases Chaldean or other Arabs who are Christian, and that in those cases where Muslims are in fact the guilty ones, these are weak Muslims who are in clear disobedience to Allaah? Is it the fact that alot of this ill-gotten wealth finds its way to the bank accounts of certain "Islamic" organizations? I once heard two students of mine in an Islamic school lunchroom trading stories and laughing about the antics of drunken blacks who would come into both of their father's stores to buy their khamr of choice. I told them that it would be better to invite them for a cup of tea and to talk to them about Islaam.
I advised them to, in the meantime,  not broadcast their father's activity, for it is wrong to broadcast a person's sin. I told them that they should pray and ask Allah to strengthen their father's imaan and show him a way to provide for the family within the limits of Islaam. . I also shared a story of how, as a younger man, I was forced out of a Tableeghi Jamaat because I insisted that going with me to speak to the Musllims who were selling pork, wine, liquor, and bad meat and produce in my neighborhood was more important asking brothers for names and addresses of brothers who don't attend the masjid regularly.. I wanted help in cleaning up my community but my fellow Muslim brothers were active partners in the filthy trade while others where compliant in their silence and inaction.  
In a post 9-11 world when all of these slick spin-doctors in the media have a microscope on us it is better to speak the truth direct without mincing words and trying to sell half-truths.The enemy only takes this stuff (in and out of context) to make us look guilty or as if we have something to hide. I pray that our leaders here in the Houston Islamic community will continue to be a testament to Allah's command to stand up for justice and that they not make excuses or reasons for not always speaking words directed to the right.     
Al-Hamdulillah, according to the drawings the Islamic center complex willl be a beautiful center. I hope that the local Islamic community in South Florida would seize the opportunity to do something great in the community. They could start by insisting that in the construction of the center people from the local community be hired as skilled trades and unskilled labor.
Br. Jamaaluddin al-Haidar

to the deen and the game. . . stay true.
MYBA-Muslim Youth Basketball Association 


Related To Story
Drawing of the new Islamic Center of South Florida site.

Pompano Beach Council Grants Approval For Controversial New Mosque

Predominantly Black Community Objects To Building New Islamic Center

POSTED: 7:49 am EDT June 14, 2006
The Islamic Center of South Florida received the go-ahead Tuesday to begin construction on a new mosque, despite a fight from some residents in the neighborhood where it would be built who are opposed to bringing a Muslim place of worship into a predominantly black community.
The city council voted 3-2 to change the zoning of the proposed site from residential to commercial, allowing the Islamic Center to erect a larger mosque on undeveloped land on Northwest 16th Avenue.
Commissioner Pat Larkins was one of the most outspoken critics of a new mosque. Larkins, who is black, said there is a perception in the neighborhood he represents that Muslims do not give back to the community.
"I am not opposed to constructing the facility," Larkins said. "I am opposed to the conduct of the Muslim business community in our neighborhood."
Larkins drew applause from those in attendance at Tuesday's City Hall meeting when he said there was no need for the mosque in a predominantly black neighborhood.
His comments raised furor among the Muslim community when he was quoted by The South Florida Sun-Sentinel as saying Muslims "don't contribute a nickel to any cause in terms of improving the community." He went on to say "most black folks see them as people that come in to rape the community and go away."
Larkins said he is opposed to the way some Muslim business owners operate and treat blacks.
"I think it's a shame when I see beer and wine sold by people who claim that they preach Islam at 4 o'clock in the morning in my community," Larkins said.
Sam Smith, who lives in the neighborhood where the mosque is supposed to be built, agrees with Larkins.
"The ones that own the stores, they're very disrespectful to our kids," Smith said. "Â…They think all the kids here are trying to steal."
But Areeb Naseer, a member of the Council of American Islamic Relations, objected to Larkins' comments, saying that the decision to allow a new mosque in the neighborhood should not be based on perceptions.
"I find it very disturbing, to say the least, especially these comments coming from somebody in the leadership of the city," Naseer said. "Of all people, I think Mr. Larkins should not be the one talking about stereotypes or having perceptions and making decisions based on perceptions."
In the end, Larkins' perceptions did not affect the rest of the city council, as evident by their decision to change the zoning.
Islamic Center leaders said they hope to break ground on the new mosque within a year.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." [Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]



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