Mike Ghouse  | 07- 05- 06

In any write-up on radicals, you can simply substitute a few  names or leave 
them blank to be filled in by each group. Radicals of all  hues will fit right 

The Christian right in the US is exactly the same  as the Indian right. Every 
now and then, I have discussions with some of them  boys. They are indeed 
shunned by the silent majority as they do not represent  the Christian Values.

I ran into a National corporate trainer a while  ago, who consults and 
coaches companies on multi culturism, ethnicity etc. He  didn't mince any words 
tell me that the Hindus Jews and Muslims cannot  be on par with the believers, 
as they don't believe in Jesus. Yet he claims he  teaches equality of mankind. 
This prejudiced man probably sells it to the  gullible out there.

The Extremist Muslims want to annihilate every one  who disagrees with them. 
(Read the Indian Version of Niemller's poem  
at:http://mikeghouse.sulekha.com/blogs/blogdisplay.aspx?cid=58637). The silent  
majority of Muslims is waking 
up now at the same pace as all others. We  cannot take them extremists any more.

The extremist Jews in their zeal to  have a homeland, have bulldozed their 
silent majority. Zionist is the word used  by non-Jewish to describe them - 
However, to Jews it means going back to Zion,  their homeland, hence the word 
Zionist is not the same as extremist Jews.

The radical Hindus have no doubt terrorized all other Hindus  with false 
propaganda to no end. The silent majority of Hindus are as chicken as  Muslims, 
and thank God they are awake.

By the way, the radicals in all  religions behave the same way, shamelessly 
they are a part of the religion they  claim to belong, and are they are the 
most vociferous of them all. Their formula  is exactly the same.

The real fight is not between the common people, it  is between fanatics of 
one religion with the other. It is a crime that this one  percent rules at this 

The 1% of radicals offer an unshakeable fake  confidence to the 99% shook-up 
followers, that makes the ordinary fellows want  to be with them for elusory 
protection. They concoct the fear and dream up  guileful camouflage.  They 
frighten the existence out of everyone. But all  the radicals would take the 
to destruction, if we don't struggle with them  and ebb their influence.

Muslim radicals like Osama,  Ahmedinejad and several others frighten the 
Muslim crowds and gain their  support.

Jewish radicals like Emerson, Pipes and several others frighten  the Jewish 
crowds and gain their support

Christian extremists like  Roberston, Falwell, Ashcroft and others frighten 
the Americans and gain their  support.  
Then you have the Hindu radicals like Venkkaiah, Joshi, Modi and  several 
others who frighten the Hindu crowds and gain their support.
These radicals have to keep the fear as a constant factor for  their own 
entertainment. If there is no war and no fear, their existence is  meaningless. 
They have no qualms in manufacturing fear. God forbid we don't need  another 
and that legitimate fear breeds uncertainty and the radicals offer  an 
unshakeable but foundationless certainty to have the silent majority look up  
them. In reality they are the pied pipers.


They are the most insecure individuals about themselves and  their faiths. 
They feel some imaginable enemy is out to get them, and they  have to destroy 
them at the root. Some become experts and as I watch the experts  talk, I hear 
the phrase dime a dozen, make them more.

One writing fits them all. Write one story about Muslim  radicals, take the 
name of Muslims off and substitute with either Christian,  Jewish or Hindu, the 
story is same.
Radicals never read any thing intelligent, they are too eager to  send their 
limited 50 words any time. Try sending them a blank email, they  will respond 
even to that with the same 50 words in a different  combination.
Many of the radicals (including radicals from your faith) have  Doctorates 
and are very literate, but still do not have the ability  to comprehend the 
difference between: Islamists and Islam; Hindutva and  Hinduism ; Fanatic Jews 
(Zionist is not the word) and Judaism, Neo  cons and Christianity. If you 
criticize about any one of these radicals, they  will lift up the shield of 
religion to gain support from the gullible.  They need to know that they cannot 
use the religion as their shield. They are  responsible for their ugly deeds 
and not their religion. Let them  learn to own it up. 

Religion is never a problem, it is the  individuals like the ones mentioned 
above who have created the chasm and the  fear. As long as one exists, the 
others exist too.

Religion is never a  problem, it is the individuals like the ones mentioned 
above who have created  the chasm and the fear. As long as one exists, the 
others exist  too.


We, the silent majority, have to just  speak up. The radicals are like the 
classroom bullies who can be silenced by a  few united voices. When you hear 
wrong things, just tell them that they are  wrong. The good things about the 
majorities is that we do not fabricate lies and  live an honest life.

Let me share two short stories to make the point.
Where I grew up, Monkeys ruled! They were every where and would  walk to you 
and snatch things off your hands, usually near vegetable and fruit  markets on 
the street side. They were big monkeys, no one dared challenging them  except 
my brother in law, he would grab them and throw them, and they were  afraid 
of him... I learned the life's biggest lesson then. When that Monkey is  
challenging you and you are challenging him - there is a tense pause for a few  
seconds that feel like eternity. In those few deadly moments - if you, even  
of taking a step back, not really taking, but thinking or blink your  
eyelids... that Monkey reads the fear in you and is all over you. On  the other 
if you stay firm and dare stare him... he will walk away. Humans  are monkeys, 
when two bad guys do wrong - our silence and our fear will make  them rule... 
just dare them, they will run. It has never failed me. Now, I  apply that 
technique against bullies - I just have to say firmly no... and If I  get two 
more to back me, they monkeys will run.
Now let me share its real application: - About January this  year, we were 
invited to a house warming party, the blessing were done.  Just before the 
dinner, people gathered in small groups. There is a  young man who had presided 
blessings and obviously a group poured  over him. The stories of defeat and 
victory or conspiracy makes  one very popular. The following story in 
variations has been confronted by me  with Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Jewish 
All of us have a few real  extremists and some shallow ones. No one needs to 
gloat on this story, as I have  one on every group. I get around quite a lot.
The man told the story of a Synagogue for sale in Virginia  some place... and 
the "JEWS' did not want to sell it for a mosque instead sold  it to some 
business. They could not run the business as they did not get the  permit to 
alcohol in that area and had not choice but to sell the  place. We  "GRABBED" 
the building and today it is a Mosque" His head  was high up, I did not waste 
a second and said - That is wrong, there is no need  for you to talk hatred 
and Mosque together, No Muslim is suppose to hate any  one..... there was that 
deadly pause again which I have gotten used to. Finally after six or seven  
seconds, which appeared like eternity was broken by two guys,  who jumped on 
religious man. The man was honest enough  to apologized and promised me never 
again, would he tell a story that  captures base sentiments of people. Had 
one single Monkey said one word to stop  me... the crowd would probably gone 
other way. May God forgive me for  underestimating the goodness in humans. 
But it went the other way. The man  has not spoken hatred again, God bless him.
If you are watching the television and they show some one in  bad-light and 
you happen to hate them, but you know the information is factually  not correct 
- at that time if your kids express hate towards the group, as  opposed to 
the individuals, as a parents you have a choice to gloat and let your  kids 
hate or have the guts to keep the child's heart pure. The decision is  yours, 
the change begins with each one of us.
There are people who make it a business to promote hate against  each other, 
as if that is their sustenance. Please stop them or ask them to  provide 
proof, most likely they will back off. We have to stop people from  promoting 
hatred and teaching hatred, at our own level, in our own groups. 
Let's not count on some government or some central body to do  it. Each one 
of can do it, we have to match our talk with our work.

Mike Ghouse

{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} (Holy 

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 



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