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Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 11:00 PM
Subject: European Muslim Women Activists Focus on Hijab

European Muslim Women Activists Focus on Hijab
"We don't consider hijab as an obstacle to social and political integration," said Gaballah.
By Hadi Yahmid, IOL Correspondent
BRUSSELS, March 8, 2006 (IslamOnline.net) - Muslim women's right to hijab should be defended in the context of European laws, according to Muslim women activists gathered in Brussels for the first European Forum of Muslim Women, the first Muslim women NGO in Europe.
"The right of Muslim women to preserve their identity and practice their religious obligations freely including wearing hijab should be defended in the context of European laws and international charters," according to the final recommendations of the gathering.
"We don't consider hijab as an obstacle to social and political integration, as veiled women who participated in the forum are members in European political parties," Nura Gaballah, president-elect of the forum, told IslamOnline.net Tuesday, March 7.
The issue of hijab has taken center stage in Europe after being banned in state schools in several European countries.
Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress, not a religious symbol displaying one’s affiliations.
France spearheaded anti-hijab drive in Europe with its lower house of parliament adopting the controversial bill in February 2004 with an overwhelming majority.
Shortly afterwards, other European countries, chiefly Germany, followed the French lead.
The French ban, described by international rights watchdogs as amounting to religious discrimination, prompted demonstrations across Europe.
New Generations
"It is significant to clearly communicate to the European society the prestigious status of women under Islam and the equality of both sexes according to the faith. We should work to achieve recognition of all Muslim women's rights," Gaballah pointed out.
Muslim women activists emphasized the educational role of Muslim women in the family to raise new generations who feel proud of their Islamic identity and are active in their European societies.
They called for encouraging Muslim women to play an active role in their societies through civil society institutions and show their abilities in various fields.
The women activists advised reinforcing stability, peace and security in European societies and the world and contribute to inter-culture dialogue to alleviate hegemony and violence.
The Muslim activists called for establishing more women associations that activate women to serve their societies.
They recommended that the European Forum of Muslim Women continues to hold annual meetings for women associations in Europe.
The meeting was hosted by the Free University in Brussels and themed "Muslim Women's Contributions to European Societies."
Muslim women activists elected a 45-member administrative committee and board members, who in turn chose Gaballah, 46, as chairwoman of the forum which featured 400 Muslim female activists from 14 European countries as well as researchers and media people.
A Muslim pioneer activist in Europe, Gaballah migrated to France in 1980 from Tunisia which bans hijab.
She had put her sociology studies aside to participate in social work where she established with other Muslim women in Paris the first Muslim women society in France, which focused primarily on female schools' drop outs.
In 1995, she established the French Muslim Women Society, the first nation-wide association, and was elected as chairperson until 2003, a year that witnessed a controversy on the law banning religious insignia including hijab in schools and public places in France.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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