-----Original Message-----
From: TSidd96472
Sent: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 17:46:43 -0500

  Respected Brothers, Assalamu Alaikim

  Cogratulations for completing month long fasting in Ramadan and 
cementing your relation with Allah but what lies in the lot of Ummah is 
our guess only. I have envisioned the way I see this world today. You 
may add your perspective and complete the picture. and then resolve 
what to do next?

 Shamim Siddiqi

 -----Original Message-----
 From: TSidd96472
 Sent: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 00:18:52 -0500


  This evening I wrote tro you that I will not be able to send you any 
thing but Alhamdulillah, later on computer worked. So the article is 
here. You may find it thought oroivoking.

 Kindly confirm receipt.

 Shamim Siddiqi

 In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


 [Shamim A Siddiqi, New York]

  Eid Day is the day of rejoicing and of greetings to each other. In a 
Hadith of Rasulullah (S), it is called the "Day of Reward". Its 
narration goes as follows:
  "Sa'd bin Aws Ansari narrates from his father, Aws Ansari ® that 
Rasulallah (S) said, "When the day of Eid comes, the angles of Allah 
take position at the corners of each street and declare, "O the 
Believers! Proceed to your Lord Who is very merciful, tells you about 
the good deeds, favors you with Tawfeeq to practice them and then award 
you with big rewards. He ordained you for Traviah and you did it, He 
ordained you to fast during the daytime and you fasted, you followed 
the directives from your Lord, now come and pick up your prizes."
  When the people complete their Eid prayers, an angle announces, "O the 
people! Your Lord has pardoned you, so returned to your homes with 
flying colors. This is the reward of Eid day and this day is known in 
the word of angles as the "Day of Reward."
 (Hadith # 50 - The Provision for Akhira)

  In fact, it is the solemn reward of Allah (SWT) to individual Muslims 
and Muslimah who fast during the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah 
with Iman and evaluating what it demands in life with an acute sense of 
accountability. The quantum of individual reward depends on the quality 
of Sawm. They get it as declared by Allah but the fate of Muslim Ummah 
no where is budging an inch from its precarious condition. It means our 
fasting, out Traviah, or Qayam and Infaq are neither cementing our 
relation with our Allah nor are we getting our relations cemented with 
the society. As such, the Barakah of Ramadan is not visible in the body 
politics of the Ummah. Its condition stands tormented, and ravaged. It 
is valueless. It is just like shuttle cock and everyone is playing with 
its fate in the manner it suits him. All the powerful nations of the 
world are playing with its destiny.

  Under these conditions the Muslim Ummah is celebrating "EID - 2005" 
under very odd and extremely miserable condition. It has lost its 
leadership role in the community of nations. Its followers are 
condemned by its adversaries as the "terrorists". It stands 
"captivated" partly by its own despotic rulers, kings and Sheikhs and 
partly by its adversaries, including the mono-superpower of the time.

  Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, famine, draught, cyclones 
and mud slides are rampant every now and then. The people of Pakistan 
and Azad Kashmir are under extremely miserable condition in the 
aftermath of recent earthquake of October 8, 2005. Afghanistan and Iraq 
have already been fully occupied by the USA whereas Iran and Syria are 
under the constant threat of USA-Israel. The Gulf States and the Muslim 
countries of North Africa are within the pocket of America and the 
Muslim countries of Central Asia are suffering under the tutelage of 
neo-communist despotic regimes. The Muslim countries of the Far East, 
BD, Malaysia and Indonesia are Muslims in name only. They are harping 
on the tunes of the West and towing down the lines of "War on 
Terrorism" of President Bush on their respective people.

  Leaving aside the political subjugation of the Muslim world as 
pinpointed above it is systematically being enslaved in different other 
aspects of our collective life. Briefly it can be described as follows.

  Socially, it is imitating the liberal and free-for-all cultural values 
of the West and its immoral practices. Muslim societies are fast being 
infested with dance-drink-disco culture. Sanctity of our family life is 
in jeopardy. Rate of divorce is multiplying as in the West. Perverted 
sexual behaviors are visible everywhere. Gay marriages are being 
celebrated openly. Liberal lifestyle is overshadowing. Even the EID 
parties are organized and celebrated in clubs and private houses on the 
pattern of Christmas or New Year's night fever. Visit to any Muslim 
society in the cities and cosmopolitan towns will give the impression 
that you are in London, Paris or Washington, presenting the picture 
that Allamah Iqbal articulated in this couplet: "Hamiyat nam tha jiska 
gayee Taimur kay Ghar say" [What was called modesty has departed from 
the house of Taimur]

  Economically, each Muslim country is running under the grip of 
interest based capitalistic system. No where the self-sustained social 
welfare system of Islam is visible. All means of exploitation that 
Islam prohibits are the effective means of livelihood of Muslim masses. 
Interest bearing foreign debts are surmounting and multiplying in 
billions every year, giving leverage to the lending countries to 
interfere in the internal affairs if the debtor countries, fast heading 
towards total economic slavery in the forthcoming age of Globalization 
and increasing role of market economy.

  The above scenario produces a very grim picture of Muslim Ummah from 
Casablanca to Jakarta and from Sana'a to Samarqand. This is the picture 
that Ummah faces on this Eid Day. It, therefore, cannot be pronounced 
as the day of rejoicing when the entire body of the Ummah is bleeding 
fast and stands mutilated everywhere from its head to toe. We will be 
failing in our duty if we say" Happy Eid" or "Eid Sayeed" to our fellow 
Muslims till we are able to free the entire Muslim world from the 
clutches of the foreign occupation and un-Islamic influences at each 
front and we are able to establish the system, the Deen of Allah in 
Muslim countries that guarantees the basic needs of every Muslim and 
Muslimah along with effectively introducing total equality and freedom 
for all who live under its domain. That would be the happiest Eid for 
each Muslim and let us all commit ourselves to struggle for it on this 
Eid Day. That would be the real Gift of Eid for this Ummah, Muslim 
Ummah is waiting for those precious moments for centuries together and 
that Day of Eid is yet to be born.

 Shamim Siddiqi
 Contact E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] November 1, 2005


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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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