Judge Orders Islamic Fund-Raiser Deported
New York Times
February 9, 2005

Rawan Hamdan, 16, and her brother Layth, 13,
supporting their father. Monica Almeida/The New York

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 8 - A federal immigration judge on
Tuesday ordered a former fund-raiser for a prominent
Islamic charity to be deported, saying his activities
posed a threat to national security.

The judge found that the man, Abdel Jabber Hamdan, who
has lived in Orange County for more than 20 years,
knew or should have known that the money he raised for
the Holy Land Foundation was being used to support
terrorism. The government contends that the foundation
has funneled more than $12 million to Hamas and other
Palestinian organizations that the United States
considers sponsors of terrorism.
The immigration judge, D. D. Sitgraves, ordered Mr.
Hamdan, 44, who has been in custody since last summer,
deported. But Judge Sitgraves said he could not be
sent to Jordan, where he was born in a Palestinian
refugee camp, because he would be at risk of torture
by the Jordanian government because he has been
accused by the American authorities of terror-related

Mr. Hamdan's lawyer, Marc Van Der Hout, said he was
likely to appeal the deportation order, saying the
government had not proven that Mr. Hamdan had
knowingly aided terrorists.

But Mr. Van Der Hout expressed gratitude that Judge
Sitgraves had recognized the risk of sending Mr.
Hamdan back to Jordan.

"We are happy Mr. Hamdan has been granted at least
temporary protection from being returned to Jordan,"
he said, "as it is clear his life would be in grave
danger there."

Federal officials shut down the Holy Land Foundation
and confiscated its assets shortly after the September
2001 terrorist attacks. The principal officers of the
foundation, which was based in Dallas and was once the
largest Islamic charity in the United States, were
arrested last summer on terrorism-related charges. The
judge in that case ordered the men released on their
own recognizance, saying the government had not proved
that they were a national security risk.

Mr. Hamdan was picked up as part of the same
investigation, but was never charged with a crime. He
was instead locked up in a Department of Homeland
Security immigration jail in Los Angeles last August
on charges of violating the terms of his student visa
granted 25 years ago. He has lived in the United
States continuously since 1983 and has a wife and six
children living here.

He served openly as the Southern California
fund-raiser for the Holy Land Foundation in the 1990's
and was active in a mosque. He and others associated
with the charity said it raised money for hospitals,
housing and orphanages for Palestinians living in
Israel and did not knowingly funnel money to Hamas or
other terrorist groups.

In its case against him, federal officials produced
videotapes of meetings Mr. Hamdan attended that
included members of Hamas and other anti-Israel
Palestinians. Mr. Hamdan said he never condoned
violence and had no say in how the money he raised for
the Holy Land Foundation was spent.

Mr. Hamdan's eldest daughter, Yaman, 20, said on
Tuesday that she believed that the government was
pursuing the deportation order as a way to pressure
her father.

"They're trying to get him to talk about the H.L.F.,
even though he doesn't have that information," said
Ms. Hamdan, a pre-law student at Chapman University in
Orange, Calif. "They're holding him on a visa
violation that's more than 20 years old because they
want him to provide the evidence against the others."

William B. Odencrantz, a senior lawyer at the
Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
said he was pleased with Judge Sitgraves's order,
although he said the government might appeal her
ruling that Mr. Hamdan not be returned to Jordan.

"We're pleased the evidence we presented convinced the
judge that Hamdan knew or should have known that the
money he was raising as a paid employee of the Holy
Land Foundation was destined for a terrorist
organization that engages in atrocities and human
rights violations such as suicide bombings and killing
innocent people," Mr. Odencrantz said.


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