Dear Friends    Salaam

The following article is published in the daily Arab
Times Kuwait on October 24, 2005. I found it very
inspiring and thought provoking. The author has
beautifully advocated the right to a better quality of
life but not for a particular class or person in the
society. This right should be guaranteed by The State
for every citizen without any discrimination. Indeed,
its a stupendous task and not possible for the human
intellect to carry it alone. The prevailing imbalances
in all civil societies and the widening gulf between
the rich and poor is a clear proof of the futility and
failure of human intellect. So far, we could not
devise a system which could eliminate or at least
reduce the intensity of class struggle which is
crushing none but the weak and poor. 

For this very reason, as the author has rightly said,
we need divine guidance which is available only in the
Quran. The Quranic principles mentioned in this
article form the basis of a stable and progessive
society. Read and enjoy !

Bashir Abid

Quality of life  

Assalaam A’laikum! If it is taken as fact that all of
life is a struggle for survival then it is equally a
struggle to survive in style. All of humanity strives
instinctually to provide the best quality of life for
itself and secure, if possible, even better for
posterity. It matters not whether one is born in
poverty or in the lap of luxury; the biological drive
to succeed is imprinted in every infant. This
imperative has no religion, knows no country
boundaries, or ethnic bias. In fact, one can argue
that all these factors are arbitrary, learned
behaviors that in the end do not really deflect an
individual from that basic need to improve his quality
of life. He may use these factors to his advantage,
but these things do not really sway him from
subjectively obtaining his desires. Granted, as humans
mature, the very substance of what one deems essential
to quality of life, be it money, power, or fame to use
three very obvious examples, can differ from person to
person, but the attainment of one is also linked to
the fulfillment of other areas in life. 

For example, no actor strives to be in multi-million
dollar films only to live in a mud hut. Similarly, the
president of even the most tiny speck in the ocean
will work to expand his influence as wide as he
possibly can, through the media or the business
sector. If you take an individual as a model for a
whole nation, then it is obvious that the motivations
of most nations as also to create the highest quality
of life for its citizens, current and the future
generations. And like individuals, while a nation may
be shaped by various social, religious, and
geographical factors, the policies governments make
are still just as self serving and emotionally based
as those of its populace when dealing with each other
one on one. They may try to minimize the negative
effects of their behavior on others, but in the end,
as long as they get what they want, most people don’t
think beyond fulfilling their needs. 

As long as their quality of life is secure, no price
is too high. So hundreds die in a bomb explosion
because certain individuals are convinced violence
against innocents will get them what they want.
Developed countries dump industrial and electronic
waste in poor nations to keep the environment cleaner
for their citizens, regardless of what that waste will
do to the people and environment of the receiving
nation. Perhaps most individuals would be appalled at
the lengths their governments or random vigilantes
will go to obtain their goals, but at a loss to
suggest a system whereby everyone would come out a
winner. In a dispute, both parties could equally
benefit from it with harm done to no one. Our very
nature makes it impossible to see how such a solution
is probable. Surely, in any conflict, someone must
back down, lose, or compromise? 

Philosophers, thinkers, and great minds throughout the
centuries have given much thought to the solution of
this dilemma. Thousands of theories have been
formulated for all mankind to, if not unite, then, at
the very least, do each other no harm and still
progress. But human judgment, while providing a
temporary panacea, can be biased, self-centered, and
quickly outdated. On the other hand, divine guidance
is balanced, objective, and eternal. In the Holy
Quran, God has described a system which is equally
beneficial to all, and excludes no one. This guide
eliminates the prevailing method whereby one party
advances and progresses at the cost of the rest. In
essence, it is a set of values and disciplines an
individual or nation should follow to ensure not only
your quality of life, but also improve the lives of
those around you. Some of these Quranic principles are
outlined below; the corresponding verses are noted. 

1. Foremost of all the values is the respect for other
human beings. All humanity is one nation (25:69) God
has made all human beings worthy of respect (17:70)
says the Quran. At this human level, gender,
nationality or even religion does not matter. You
cannot abuse or harm others for who they are or their
beliefs. Human life is extremely valuable. That is why
Quran tells us that if you take one life without
reason, it is like taking the life of the whole
humanity and if you save one life, it is like saving
the life of the whole humanity (5:32) and this is why
suicide is also not allowed (4:29, 2:195).

2. The one and the only criterion for selecting one
person over the other should be based on their actions
(46:19). Whoever is more law abiding is that much more
worthy of respect (49:13). Here it is important to
mention that the “Law” should also be just.

3. Justice is another of the fundamental values. God
has ordained us to be Just (16:90) even if we deal
with nations that are our declared enemy (5:8). The
same applies to individuals. You should not be unjust
because you do not like any one for whatever reason.

4. In order to fulfill the needs of justice, it is the
responsibility of the State that it ensures this. For
this purpose the State machinery should be such that
people who break laws should be brought to justice
(2:179). However, the punishment should be
proportional to the crime (10:27) and the law should
be flexible enough that people should be encouraged to
correct themselves (42:40). When penalties are
applied, one should be compassionate (74:6). Another
important factor is that it is not enough to be just
to others, you should also not allow others to be
unjust to you (2:279).

5. No human being, regardless of his position, can
enslave anyone else (3:79).

6. Everyone should be compensated according to what
they do (53:39).

7. Knowingly, one should not hide the truth, when they
know otherwise (2:43) nor should they confuse truth
with falsehood (2:42) and to hide evidence (2:283).

8. One should not give evidence that is not true, even
if it goes against oneself or one’s parents or others
close to the person (4:135).

9. Society should govern itself by mutual consent
(42:38) and only those should be made rulers who are
trustworthy. (4:158).

10. Wealth should be justly distributed amongst the
people, as everyone has a right to it (7:10). It is
the responsibility of the State to provide equal
opportunity to all seekers (41:10). No one should be
asked or forced to carry the burden that belongs to
others (6:165). 

11. People who have ability to earn more than their
needs, should also think of others who are unable to
(old, very young, sick, or disabled, etc.) and they
should provide the needy from their surplus (2:219).
However, this should be done without seeking any
reward or expecting thanks (76:9).

In the end it should be noted that only those actions
and deeds will endure in this world and meet the test
of time, that are beneficial to the whole mankind
(13:17). Needless to say the list is not exhaustive
but would give the reader an outline of the principles
that will help to improve the Quality of all our
Lives. These are my thoughts during this holy month of
Ramadan when I see all the bloodshed and violence in
neighboring countries and elsewhere in the world.
Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is a vital
tool for such a purpose as we practice to tame our
“self’ so that we can adhere to the values and not
transgress them. 

May Allah give you the inner strength necessary to
improve your life and life of others.

Ramadan Kareem.

(For any comments, please feel free to contact the
writer on his email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED])

By Ubedur Rahman Arain

Managing Director and Chief Engineer of a leading
Consulting Engineering firm and a resident of Kuwait

since 1975



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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

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calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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