History would have by-passed this man as it had by-
passed thousands of Arabs before him. He, like them,
would have had no claim to attention or fame. The
greatness of Islam, however, gave to Abdullah ibn
Hudhafah the opportunity to meet two world potentates
of his time Khusraw Parvez the King of Persia and
Heraclius, the Byzantine emperor. 

The story of his encounter with Khusraw Parvez began
in the sixth year of the hijrah when the Prophet
decided to send some of his Companions with letters to
rulers outside the Arabian peninsula inviting them to

The Prophet attached great importance to this
initiative. These messengers were going to distant
lands with whom there was no agreement or treaty. They
did not know the languages of these lands nor anything
about the ways and disposition of their rulers. They
were to invite these rulers to give up their religion
and forsake their power and glory and enter the
religion of a people who shortly before were almost
their subjects. The mission was undoubtedly hazardous

To make known his plan, the Prophet called his
companions together and addressed them. He started by
praising God and thanking Him. He then recited the
Shahadah and went on: 

"I want to send some of you to the rulers of foreign
lands but don't dispute with me as the Israelites
disputed with Jesus, the son of Mary. 

"O Prophet of God, we shall carry out whatever you
wish," they responded. "Send us wherever you desire." 

The Prophet commissioned six of his Sahabah to carry
his letters to Arab and foreign rulers. One of these
was Abdullah ibn Hudhafah. He was chosen to take the
Prophet's letter to Khusraw Parvez, the Persian king. 

Abdullah got his camel ready and bade farewell to his
wife and son. He set out, alone, and traversed
mountains and valleys until he reached the land of the

He sought permission to enter into the king's presence
informing the guards of the letter he was carrying.
Khusraw Parvez thereupon ordered his audience chamber
to be made ready and summoned his prominent aides.
When they had assembled he gave permission for
Abdullah to enter. 

Abdullah entered and saw the Persian potentate dressed
in delicate, flowing robes and wearing a great, neatly
arranged turban. On Abdullah was the plain, coarse
clothes of the bedouin. His head though was held high
and his feet were firm. The honour of Islam burned
fiercely in his breast and .he power of faith pulsated
in his heart. 

As soon as Khusraw Parvez saw him approaching he
signalled to one of his men to take the letter from
his hand. 

"No," said Abdullah. "The Prophet commanded me to hand
over this letter to you directly and I shall not go
against a command of the Messenger of God." 

"Let him come near to me," Khusraw said to his guards
and Abdullah went forward and handed over the letter.
Khusraw then called an Arab clerk who originally came
from Hira and ordered him to open the letter in his
presence and read its contents. He began reading: "In
the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful. From
Muhammad, the Messenger of God, to Khusraw the ruler
of Persia. Peace on whoever follows the guidance . .

Khusraw only heard this much of the letter when the
fire of anger burst within him. His face became red
and he began to perspire around the neck. He snatched
the letter from the clerk's hand and began tearing it
to pieces without knowing what else it contained and
shouted, "Does he dare to write to me like this, he
who is my slave"? He was angry that the Prophet had
not given him precedence in his letter. He then
commanded Abdullah to be expelled from his assembly. 

Abdullah was taken away, not knowing what would happen
to him. Would he be killed or would he be set free?
But he did not want to wait to find out. He said, "By
God, I don't care what happens to me after the letter
of the Prophet has been so badly treated." He managed
to get to his camel and rode off. 

When Khusraw's anger had subsided he commanded that
Abdullah be brought before him. But Abdullah was
nowhere to be found. They searched for him all the way
to the Arabian peninsula but found that he had gone

Back in Madinah, Abdullah told the Prophet how Khusraw
had torn his letter to pieces and the Prophet's only
reply was, "May God tear up his kingdom". 

Meanwhile, Khusraw wrote to Badhan, his deputy in the
Yemen, to send two strong men to "that man who has
appeared in the Hijaz" with orders to bring him to

Badhan despatched two of his strongest men to the
Prophet and gave them a letter to him in which he was
ordered to go with the two men to meet Khusraw without
delay. Badhan also asked the two men to get whatever
information they could on the Prophet and to study his
message closely. 

The men set out, moving very quickly. At Ta'if they
met some Quraysh traders and asked them about
Muhammad. "He is in Yathrib," they said and they went
on to Makkah feeling extremely happy. This was good
news for them and they went around telling other
Quraysh, "You will be pleased. Khusraw is out to get
Muhammad and you will be rid of his evil." 

The two men meanwhile made straight for Madinah where
they met the Prophet, handed him the letter of Badhan
and said to him, "The king of kings, Khusraw, has
written to our ruler Badhan to send his men to get
you. We have come to take you with us. If you come
willingly, Khusraw has said that it will be good for
you and he will spare you any punishment. If you
refuse, you will know the power of his punishment. He
has power to destroy you and your people." 

The Prophet smiled and said to them, "Go back to your
mounts today and return tomorrow." 

On the following day, they came to the Prophet and
said to him, "Are you prepared to go with us to meet

"You shall not meet Khusraw after today," replied the
Prophet. "God has killed him and his son Shirwaih has
taken his place on such a night and on such a month." 

The two men stared in the face of the Prophet. They
were completely dumbfounded. 

"Do you know what you are saying?" they asked. "Shall
we write about this to Badhan?" 

"Yes," replied the Prophet, "and say to him that my
religion has informed me about what has happened to
the kingdom of Khusraw and that if he should become
Muslim, I would appoint him ruler over what he now

The two men returned to the Yemen and told Badhan what
had happened. Badhan said, "If what Muhammad has said
is true, then he is a Prophet. If not then we shall
see what happens to him." 

Not long afterwards, a letter from Shirwaih came to
Badhan in which he said, "I killed Khusraw because of
his tyranny against our people. He regarded as lawful
the killing of leaders, the capturing of their women
and the expropriating of their wealth. When this my
letter reaches you, take the allegiance of whoever is
with you on my behalf." 

As soon as Badhan had read Shirwaih's letter, he threw
it aside and announced his entry into Islam. The
Persians with him in the Yemen also became Muslim. 

That's the story of Abdullah ibn Hudhafah's meeting
with the Persian king. His meeting with the Byzantine
emperior took place during the caliphate of Umar ibn
alKhattab. It too is an astonishing story. 

In the nineteenth year after the Hijrah, Umar
despatched an army to fight against the Byzantines. In
it was Abdullah ibn Hudhafah. News of the Muslim force
reached the Byzantine emperior. He had heard of their
sincerity of faith, and their willingness to sacrifice
their lives in the way of God and His Prophet. He gave
orders to his men to bring to him any Muslim captive
they might take alive. 

God willed that Abdullah ibn Hudhafah should fall
captive to the Byzantines and he was brought before
the Emperor. The Emperor looked at Abdullah for a long
time. Suddenly he said, "I shall make a proposal to
you." "What is it?" asked Abdullah. 

"I suggest that you become a Christian. If you do
this, you will be set free and I shall grant you a
safe refuge." 

The prisoner's reaction was furious: "Death is
preferable to me a thousand times to what you ask me
to do." 

"I see that you are a bold man. However, if you
respond positively to what I propose to you, I will
give you a share in my authority and swear you in as
my aide." 

The prisoner, shackled in his chains, smiled and said,
"By God, if you give me all that you possess and all
that the Arabs have in exchange for giving up the
religion of Muhammad, I shall not do so." 

"Then I shall kill you." 

"Do what you want," answered Abdullah. 

The emperor then had him put on a cross and ordered
his soldiers to throw spears at him, first near his
hands and then near his feet, all the while telling
him to accept Christianity or at least give up his
religion. This he refused over and over again to do. 

The emperor then had him taken down from the wooden
cross. He called for a great pot to be brought. This
was filled with oil which was then heated under a
fierce fire. He then had two other Muslim prisoners
brought and had one of them thrown into the boiling
oil. The prisoner's flesh sizzled and soon his bones
could be seen. The emperor turned to Abdullah and
invited him to Christianity. 

This was the most terrible test that Abdullah had had
to face up till now. But he remained firm and the
emperor gave up trying. He then ordered that Abdullah
too be thrown into the pot. As he was being taken away
he began to shed tears. The emperor thought that he
had at last been broken and had him brought back to
him. He once more suggested that Abdullah become a
Christian but to his astonishment, Abdullah refused. 

"Damn you! Why did you weep then?" shouted the

"I cried," said Abdullah, "because I said to myselfÑ
'You will now be thrown into this pot and your soul
will depart'. What I really desired then was to have
as many souls as the number of hairs on my body and to
have all of them thrown into this pot for the sake of

The tyrant then said, "Will you kiss my head? I will
then set you free?" "And all the Muslim prisoners
also?" asked Abdullah. 

This the emperor agreed to do and Abdullah said to
himself, "One of the enemies of God! I shall kiss his
head and he shall set me and all other Muslim
prisoners free. There can be no blame on me for doing
this." He then went up to the emperor and kissed his
forehead. All the Muslim prisoners were released and
handed over to Abdullah. 

Abdullah ibn Hudhafah eventually came to Umar ibn
alKhattab and told him what had happened. Umar was
greatly pleased and when he looked at the prisoners he
said, "Every Muslim has a duty to kiss the head of
Abdullah ibn Khudhafah and I shall start." 

Umar then got up and kissed the head of Abdullah ibn

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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