From: "veretest"
The Underlying Spirit of the "Deen"

We have now perfected for you our DEEN, completed our favors upon you
and Allah is satisfied with Islam as a your DEEN. [Qur'an 5:3]
The word DEEN is a significant term used in the Qur'an and could
mean ... way of life, framework for governance, recompense, reward,
requital, judgment, dominion, obedience, religion or natural order.
The word has been used in the Holy Qur'an in all these senses [Qur'an
4:125, 5:3, 12:76, 24:2, 3:85, 37:53, 3:83]. The fact that Islam
emphasizes mu'amalah (social relations) as an essential component of
the Deen (Islamic Way of Life) clearly indicates the significance of
social relations to human existence. The Prophet (pbuh) thus said
الدين معاملة "The Deen is about inter-human/ soocial relationship"

Rituals and Values

When we look at the `religious' dimension of Deen, we find that it
consists of beliefs, dogmas, traditions, practices and rituals. A
believer born in a religious tradition inherits all this and believes
every thing he/she has inherited is an essential and integral part of
religion. For him/her rituals are as important and integral as the
values. However, while rituals are performed regularly, values are
often either violated, neglected or practiced merely symbolically.
Rituals, however, are observed far more meticulously than adherence
to the essential values which are in fact more fundamental to the

Key Quranic Values

Though many misconceptions about Islam prevail, both among Muslims
and non-Muslims, these arise from dogmatism on the one hand, and from
lack of information on the other. Getting familiar with the key
values of the Deen as expounded in the Qur'an could clear much of the
confusion. Among the key terms used in the Qur'an are ...
rahmah/compassion, 'adl/justice, ihsaan/benevolence, 'aql/reason and
hikmah/wisdom. These values are characteristics of the Divine and we
have been commanded (takhallaqu bi akhlaqillah) to inculcate in
ourselves these divine values; values which are all inextricably
linked to each other.


Both the words Rahman and Rahim are derived from the root rhm, which
signifies tenderness, care, consideration, affection- requiring the
exercise of beneficence, goodness, love, compassion, benevolence and
mercy. Allah says in the Qur'an, "My Rahmah encompasses everything."
[Qur'an 7:155]. To indicate the intensity and comprehensiveness of
the Mercy of Allah, two intensive forms of the word Rahmah are used
side by side and in opening verse of the Qur'an (Surah al- Fatihah)
it is repeated in the third verse as an independent ayah (Ar- Rahman-
ir-Raheem). As a matter of fact, no other attribute of Allah as so
often been stressed in the Holy Book (over 300 times) than the Divine
attribute of Rahmah. At the very threshold of one's study of the
Sacred Scripture, one is ushered into the awareness of the Creator
and made conscious of His Holy Presence and reminded of His boundless
grace and limitless Mercy.

The Qur'an emphasizes the fact that the Revealer (Allah), the
Messenger (Muhammad) and the Message (Qur'an) are embodiments of
mercy. [Qur'an 1:1 & 6:12, 21:107, 17:82] and Believers are those who
manifest mercy as the Prophet instructed that if you do not show
mercy then no mercy will be shown to you; while Sayyedna `Ali
challenged us ... "How do you expect the complete mercy of the Most
Merciful , when the Most Merciful is most merciful to those who are
merciful to others?"


Justice is paramount Islam; `Adl/Qist/Justice is ...

A major mission of all Prophets (peace be upon them) was
the "establishment of justice among people" [Qur'an 57:25]
"Allah commands justice and goodness in everything" [Qur'an 16:90]
Justice is an individual and collective responsibility. Allah
inspired the Prophet with the saying ... "O my worshippers! I have
made injustice unlawful for Myself, and have forbidden injustice
among you; so do not be unjust."
We are divinely commanded "to stand up for justice as witnesses to
Allah" under all circumstances and without any discrimination to any
one whatsoever. [Qur'an 4:135][Qur'an 5:8]
Manifesting justice is equated to piety. "Be just, that is closest to
piety" [Qur'an 5:8]
Allah loves those who are just [Qur'an 60:8], and Allah sides not
with the unjust [Qur'an 3:57].

Benevolence and justice are the most comprehensive commands of Islam
after Faith. In the Qur'anic terminology, 'adl and ihsaan go together
[Qur'an 16:90], for justice must be tempered with benevolence.
Rigorous justice sometimes may have an adverse impact and hence
requires the gentle influence of benevolence. Benevolence/ihsaan has
its independent significance but is also complementary to
compassion/rahmah. Ihsaan reinforces rahmah while also infusing human
relationships with meaning. Since Allah is Muhsin/Benevolent, his
servants must also be benevolent in their attitude and behavior and
in all social relations. The fact that Islam emphasizes mu'amalah
(social relations) as an essential component of the Deen (Islamic Way
of Life) clearly indicates the significance of social relations to
human existence. The Prophet (pbuh) thus said; الدين معاملة "The Deen
is about inter-human relationship"

Part of the fruits of faith is the commitment of the faithful to do
good while avoiding the wrong and the harmful [Qur'an 3:110].The very
presence of the Believer should be a source of benefit, a resource
for goodness whose every action reflects ihsaan/goodness [Qur'an
16:90]; and Allah surely loves the muhsineen/those who manifest
goodness [Qur'an 2:195].


Divine revelation addresses the intellect [Qur'an 2:242], the seat of
understanding [Qur'an 13:4]. The Qur'an also uses synonymous terms
such as tafakkur/thinking [Qur'an 30:21] and tadabbur/reflection
[Qur'an 47:24]. Reason is a gift from God, a faculty that plays a key
role even in deciding right from wrong and good from bad. Qur'an
addresses the intellect. [Qur'an 12:2] Reason is not sufficient by
itself and can be used both for good as well as for evil. One can use
reason to promote self-interest also, as is often done. Reason, it
must be noted, is an instrument, not a goal and the exercise of it is
essential for understanding and implememting the Deen. The Prophet
warned, that person who does not exercise the intellect has no Deen.


Wisdom is reason synthesized with higher values of compassion,
justice and benevolence. Hikmah [Qur'an 16:125] is concerned with
reason as an instrument for the promotion of higher values that lead
to spiritual growth, inner peace and happiness. Allah thus informs us
of the high estimation of wisdom by saying, whosoever has been
granted hikmah has been granted a tremendous thing. [Qur'an 2:269]

A true Believer synthesizes all these values of
rahmah/compassion, 'adl/justice, ihsan/benevolence, 'aql/reason,
hikmah/wisdom; and imbibes them as part of his/her character and
manifesting these in all levels of his/her existence.

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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