UN Warns Against Israeli Unilateralism

"It will become even more difficult to persuade the Palestinians that there is anything to be gained from moving toward compromise," Kalomoh said.

UNITED NATIONS, March 31, 2006 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) – The United Nations warned Thursday, March 30, that Israel's unilateral moves to fix borders without consultations with the Palestinians would undermine efforts to establish peace in the Middle East as the new Palestinian premier said the Israeli plan was a recipe for conflict.

"If the prospect of a viable Palestinian state in the framework of a two-state solution is seen to dwindle because of unilateral Israeli actions, it will become even more difficult to persuade the Palestinians that there is anything to be gained from moving toward compromise," Tuliameni Kalomoh, the UN assistant secretary general for political affairs, told the UN Security Council, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he intends to unilaterally set Israel's permanent borders without consultations with the Palestinians.

Olmert, whose Kadima party won the Israeli elections, said Israel will hold on to large Jewish settlement blocks in the occupied West Bank, dividing Palestinian areas and making it almost impossible to create a contiguous and viable Palestinian state.

The United State signaled on Thursday, March 30, the possibility of supporting Israel's unilateral moves to fix borders.

Arab governments believe more unilateral steps by Israel to retain control over occupied Palestinian territories would kill stone dead any peace chances.

Kalomoh, who was briefing the 15-member Security Council on recent developments in the Middle East, including Tuesday's Israeli elections, underlined the need to pursue efforts to head off security and humanitarian crises in the Palestinian territories.

"Despite the gulf between the parties (Israelis and Palestinians), they and the international community share a common interest and duty to prevent a security or humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory," Kalomoh said.

The United Nations warned earlier this month that the Palestinians were on the verge of a humanitarian crisis because of food shortage caused by Israeli closures.

Experts said Israel added insult to injury as the agriculture-dependent territories were being sliced from the main water resources by the Israeli separation wall.

"Recipe for Conflict"

"Olmert's unilateralism is a recipe for conflict," Haniya said.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya said in an article published by the Guardian on Friday, March 31, that Israel's unilateral moves to fix borders was a "recipe for conflict."

"Olmert's unilateralism is a recipe for conflict," Haniya wrote in an article in the British mass circulation paper.

"It is a plan to impose a permanent situation in which the Palestinians end up with a homeland cut into pieces made inaccessible because of massive Jewish settlements built in contravention of international law on land seized illegally from the Palestinians."

Haniya stressed that any Israeli plan would prove failure unless Tel Aviv recognizes the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

"No plan will ever work without a guarantee, in exchange for an end to hostilities by both sides, of a total Israeli withdrawal from all the land occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem; the release of all our prisoners; the removal of all settlers from all settlements; and recognition of the right of all refugees to return," he wrote.

Double Standards

Haniya lashed out at the West's double standards in dealing with the Palestinian cause.

"Do policymakers in Washington and Europe ever feel ashamed of their scandalous double standards," he questioned.

He went on: "Before and since the Palestinian elections in January, they have continually insisted that Hamas comply with certain demands.

"They want us to recognize Israel, call off our resistance, and commit ourselves to whatever deals Israel and the Palestinian leadership reached in the past."

The US and the EU have threatened to cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority once a Hamas-led government is in place unless Hamas disarms, "renounces violence" and recognizes Israel.

"But we have not heard a single demand of the Israeli parties that took part in this week's elections, though some advocate the complete removal of the Palestinians from their lands," Haniya added.

"Even Ehud Olmert's Kadima party…campaigned on a program that defies UN Security Council resolutions. Nevertheless no one, not even the Quartet - whose proposals for a settlement he continues to disregard, as his predecessor Ariel Sharon did - has dared ask anything of him."

Olmert's Kadima party won 29 of the 120-member parliament against 20 for Labour and 12 for Shas and the once towering right-wing Likud party.

The new Hamas-led government began its work on Thursday, March 30, a day after swearing in before Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The Bush administration has ordered its diplomats and contractors to cut of contacts with the Hamas-led government.

Canada also decided to suspend aid and contacts with the Palestinian government, becoming the first donor country to take such a move.

Click to Read Haniya's Article in Full

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(Holy Quran-16:125)

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The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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