AsSalaam O Alaikum
An interesting and Ey openning article :::>>> Even if don't live in Canada BUT it could help open your eyes in your neighborhood.



French version

1. Voting Is A Civic As Well As A Religious Duty

Choosing the people who represent you and your riding is a responsibility of the first order. While they come from many walks of life, politicians are professionals. Therefore, to choose the best ones to represent you is comparable to choosing the best doctor for your family, the best teacher, the best lawyer, etc. Islam, like other leading religions, commands its adherents to make global society better through all possible means, including the election of the most capable lawmakers. Many contemporary Muslim scholars agree on the vital relationship between our civic and religious obligations. A fatwa (religious ruling) by a prominant American authority illustrates this key point. Please see:

2. Towards Informed, Multi-Issue And Committed Voting

The Canadian Islamic Congress is promoting informed, multi-issue and committed voting. Voters are urged to become well informed about election issues, candidates, and their track records, and the political parties' positions and policies regarding each issue. Voters should avoid the trap of single-issue voting, as well as voting for the same party out of habit or tradition. What is most important is the overall position of candidates and/or their parties. And finally, voters must follow through on election day by coming out to vote for the best candidates in their ridings. Please see:

3. Not Voting IS Voting

Canada has a serious "democratic deficit." The percentage of eligible voters who cast their votes has dropped through each election, from around 80% twenty years ago, to 61% in the last federal election of June, 2004. The level of cynicism, especially among younger voters, is much higher than the Canadian average and even higher among Canadian Muslims. One of the goals of the Canadian Islamic Congress is to act as a catalyst to increase the general percentage of eligible Canadian voters who cast their ballots and to encourage that increase, particularly among Canadian Muslims. CIC published a major historical document on this issue just prior to the 2004 federal election, and exit polls indicated that this objective was successfully met.

4. The Liberals Under Paul Martin Have Shifted Substantially To The Right

Canadian Muslims have traditionally supported the Liberal party, as they did under the leadership of both Trudeau and Chretien, feeling that a centrist political party is best for the country. Since then, however, current leader Paul Martin -- supported by a few influential Liberals -- has steered his party slowly but surely to the political right. This is evident in two very important issues:
  1. the steady compromise of Canadian civil liberities, as evidenced by the government's soon to be implemented no-fly list (making Canada the only country other than the U.S. where its citizens could be listed without any judicial oversight). Party leaders have so far not debated the important issue of the deterioration of Canadian civil liberties. But based on existing party policies NDP, BQ (Bloc Quebecois) and some -- but not all -- Liberal candidates understand that Canada must work for security without compromising citizens' civil liberties; this can only be achieved by ensuring that judicial oversights are in place for any no-fly listings, detentions, etc.;
  2. Canada's emulation of American foreign policy in key areas such as Afganistan and Palestine. For example, Canada spends $600 million a year on its military operation in Afghanistan, but only $200 million on direct aid and support for Afghanis themselves. Canada also (for the first time) changed its voting at the UN to blindly favour Israel, which has illegally occupied Palestinian lands for almost 40 years. Leaders have not yet debated Canadian foreign policy, but recent party track records affirm that NDP, BQ and many Liberals agree with CIC's positions regarding Canada's involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine. Please see:

5. Our Strategy For 2006 – Vote For The Best Candidate

In the last federal election of June, 2004, CIC urged Canadians to "hold their noses and vote Liberal," but for 2006 we instead urge all Canadians to vote for the best candidate in any given riding. All party platforms are mixed bags, containing both good and bad policies. And even if one party's platform does have more good points than those of their rivals, the record shows that once elected, they usually do not deliver. On the other hand, if individual candidates are chosen for their sincerity, commitment, and balanced views, voters stand a far better chance of being represented honestly and capably in Parliament; this practice could even lead to MPs feeling more accountable to their constituents than their parties.
Looking at the candidates shows that:
  1. The views of NDP candidates on key issues tend to reflect CIC's research and positions most closely.
  2. Many Liberals are against Paul Martin’s shift to the right.
  3. Some Conservatives understand the issues and are trying to return to traditional party values, away from Stephen Harper's conservative-but-not progressive ideology.
  4. The Green party is young but has a promising leadership, and its potential political clout should not be ignored.
  5. Some independents, if elected, could make a positive contribution to our country.

6. Your Vote Counts, Regardless

Voting for the best candidates -- EVEN if they or their parties do not win and form a government -- is not a "waste” of your vote. Each valid ballot that is cast (or correctly declined and not spoiled), registers a political position and sends a strong message to all politicians that Canadians are informed, multi-issue voters whose concerns must be taken seriously. If voters adopt the policy of voting for the best candidates in their respective ridings, sooner or later we will see a majority of candidates elected on the basis of their personal commitments and views, rather than party platforms. Keep on voting and do not be discouraged; change will happen if you support authentic principles instead of blind party loyalties. The only wasted vote is the one not cast!

7. CIC's Views On Some Key Issues

CIC's position on national unity is that the BQ party should move beyond advocating for separation and learn to live in our new era of larger, co-operative geopolitical associations, such as the European Union.

On the matter of gun control, CIC's position is that this is a law-and-order issue, as well as a social justice issue. CIC believes that all four main political parties have presented sensible policies and options.

On the issues of health care, immigration, Atlantic Canada, Western Canada, NAFTA, taxes, and child care, CIC believes that all four main parties have something positive to offer -- although more details and commitment would be reassuring to most Canadians.

Please also read CIC's position paper on 20 issues, 10 national and 10 international:

8. Grading Candidates For Your Consideration

Based on the above points, CICPAC graded candidates for over 100 ridings where Muslims make up a sizable voting group. Also, for the first time, our researchers included young university students in their twenties. These gradings are designed solely as informed suggestions: the onus is primarily on you, the voter, to do your homework and on that basis to vote for the best candidate in your riding.

Candidates whose views, track records, and public statements highly match those of CIC, received an "A" while those who are opposed got an "F". The remaining candidates were graded as "B". Only the A-list and F-list are published; so if a candidate is not on the A- or F-list, by default, they belong with the B-group. If your riding is not listed below, you can contact CIC at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The grading of candidates is done according to four key criteria:
  1. Their track record to date as MPs, if any.
  2. Their views on significant issues, irrespective of their party's official line.
  3. Their parties' track records in Parliament since the last federal election.
  4. The published political platforms of their parties for the 2006 election.
We hope that this CIC 2006 Election Report provides useful input to all eligible Canadian voters and that all will participate at the ballot box on January 23, 2006 to vote for the best candidates to serve our country well. Regardless of who you vote for ... VOTE YOU MUST.


Hoping and praying for the best candidates to be elected.


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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