From: sameera arsheen
Wisdom in islam.........

          WISDOM IN ISLAM      

Q) I'd like to be the most learned of men

A) Fear Allah and u will the most learned of men.

Q) I wish to be the richest man in the world.

A) B e contended and u will be the rich man in the world.

Q) I would like to be the msot just man.

A) Desire for othes what u desire for yourselfs and u will be the most just of men.

Q) I want to be the best of men.

A) Do good to others and u will be the best of men

Q) I wish to be the most favoured by Allah

A) Engage much in Allah's prays and u will be the most favoured by him

Q) I would like to complete my faith

A) I f u have good manners u will complete your faith

Q) I wish to be among those who do good

A) Adore Allah AS If u see him if u dont see him he sees you in this way u will be among those who do good

Q) I wish to be obideint to Allah

A) I f u observe Alla's commands u will be obideint

Q) I would like to be free from all sins

A) Bath your selfs from impurities and u will be free from all sins

Q) I would like to be raised on the day of judge ment in th elight

A) Dont wrong urselfs or any other creatures u iwll be raised on the day of judegment in light

Q) I would like Allah to bestow his mercy on me

A) If u have mercy on others Allah will grant u mecy on the day of judgement

Q) I would like to be my sins to be very few

A) If u seek the forgiveness of Allah as much as u can ur sins will be few

Q) I would like to bethe most honourable man

A) If u dont compalin to any fellow creature u will be the most honourable of men

Q)I would like to be the stomgest on men

A) If u put ur trust in Allah u will be the strongest of men

Q) I would like to enlarge my provison

A) If u keep urself pure Allah will enlagre ur provison

Q) I would like to be loved by Allah and his messenger

A) If u love what Allah and his messenger love u wil be among their beloved ones

Q) I wish to be safe from Allah's wrath

A) If u do not loose ur temper with any of ur fellow creatures u will be safe from the wrath of Allah

Q) I would like my prayers to be answered

A) I f u avoid forbidden actions u r prayers will be answered

Q) I would like Allah not disgrace me on the day of judgement

A) If u gaurd ur chastity Allah will not disgrace u on the day of judegment

Q) I would like Allah to provide me with a protective covering on the day of judgement

A) Don't uncover ur fellow creauters faults & Allah will provide u with a covering of protection

Q) What will save me from sins?

A) Tears, humility and illness

Q) What are the best deeds in the eyes of Allah?

A)Good manners modesty& patience

Q) What r the wrost evils in the eyes of Allah?

A) Hot temper and miserliness

Q) What removes the wrath of Allah in thsi life and hereafter?

A) Concealed charity and kindness to relatives

Q)What extinguishes the hell fire on the day of judgement?

A)Patience in adversity and misfortunes.


25 ways 2 be happy



1. Start off each day with 'adhkaar al-istiyqaadh' (waking up Supplications), thanking Allah for waking up in good shape2. Put Allah first in your life. 3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran every day, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day,take up a booklet having supplications and read them. 4. Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise). 5. If someone says something mean; to you, just shrug it off and dismiss it in a friendly, laid back manner, and pray that Allah shall forgive them. 6. When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and worthless life is to waste in being Angry. 7. Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you can have few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of your creation (i.e. live for Allah). 8. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others. Thank Allah for that, and pray its continuation. 9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think that it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience,and thank Allah that it's not worse than it is. 10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like feeding a poor person, or caressing an orphan's head. 11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah's love and thus work For it. Then you can win the love of Allah's slaves. 12. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation. 13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for Him (those who are enemies of Him). 14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintain silence (this is tough!!). 15. Every now and then, give yourself a break. Play sports, give time to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and watch that He is watching you. 16. Pray for blessing to come to those being lost, and pray to Allah to guide them to the right path. 17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey but stop at Allah's orders. 18. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to him or her and you are rewarded. 19. Forgive, forget and smile. 20. Tears are not for women only... tears are for all human beings with feelings remaining in them. Don't restrain your tears when remembering Allah. 21. When people criticize your actions and effort, revise your actions and see if they please Allah or no. If they do; then ignore and remember how the Prophet (SAAW) and the Sahaba were criticized, made fun of and even physically harmed, so have patience. 22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completing it as much as you could. As you open the Quran daily, read with observing not just passing your eyes through the words. 23. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you may lose from it more than gain. 24. Never look down on anybody, for, to Allah, they may be better than you. 25. Send this to all brothers with the intention of having a healthy society living for Allah and pray. "Invite all to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; And consult with them in ways that are best and most gracious." (Al Qur'an, 16:12)


{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim]

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah]

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