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 [ RAMADHAN FOCUS 1429 Part 7 ] -  Laylatul Qadr

Hazrat Ayesha(radiyallahu anha) reported that: "With the beginning of
the last ten days of Ramadhaan, the Messenger of Allah(sallallahu
alaiyhi wassallam) used to tighten his lower dress and devote whole
nights to prayers, and also wake up the inmates of his house to do the
same." (Bukhari, Muslim)

Hazrat Ibn Umar(radhiyallahu anhu) said, “In the lifetime of
Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam); I dreamt that a piece of
silk cloth was in my hand and it flew with me to whichever part of
Jannah I wanted. I also saw as if two persons (i.e. angels) came to me
and wanted to take me to Jahannam. Then an angel met us and told me
not to be afraid. He then told them to leave me. Hafsa narrated one of
my dreams to the Prophet and the Prophet(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam)
said, 'Abdullah is a good man. Would that he offer the night prayer
(Tahajjud)!' So after that day 'Abdullah (bin 'Umar) started offering
Tahajjud. The companions of Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam)
used to tell him their dreams that (Laylat-ul-Qadr) was on the 27th of
the month of Ramadhaan. Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam)
said, “I see that your dreams agree on the last ten nights of
Ramadhaan and so whoever is in search of it should seek it in the last
ten nights of Ramadhaan.” (Bukhari)


Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri(radhiyallahu anhu) reports that
Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) once performed I'tikaaf for
the first ten days of Ramadhaan. Thereafter he made I'tikaaf in a
Turkish tent (inside the masjid) for the middle ten days. Thereafter
he raised his head out of the tent and said, "Verily in search of
Laylatul Qadr did I perform I'tikaaf for the first ten days, then for
the middle ten days. Then someone (an angel) came and told me, "It is
in the last ten days whosoever has made I'tikaaf with me should
continue for the last ten days". I had indeed been shown that night
and then made to forget, which it shall be. And verily did I see
myself prostrating to Allah with my forehead on mud on the morning
after the night. Seek Laylatul Qadr in the last ten nights of
Ramadhaan; seek it among uneven ones". Hazrat Abu Saeed
Khudri(radhiyallahu anhu)  says: "That same night it rained. The roof
on the masjid leaked, and I looked at Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi
wassallam's) two eyes and on his forehead were remains of water and
mud. This was on the morning of the 21st ,due to performing sujood in
muddy clay". (Mishkaat)


Hazrat Ayesha(radhiyallahu anha) reported that the amount of effort
Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) put in worship in the last
ten days of Ramadhaan was not equalled by the effort he put in the
other days. (Muslim)


Hazrat Anas(radhiyallahu anhu) reports, "Once when Ramadhaan
commenced, the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam) said:
'A month has verily dawned over you;wherein lies a night(ie. Laylatul
Qadr) better than a thousand months. Whoever misses such a night has
indeed been deprived of all that is good; and none is deprived of it,
except he who is really unfortunate." (Ibn Majah)


Hazrat Abu Hurairah(radhiyallahu anhu) reported that
Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said: "Whoever stands in
prayer and ibaadah on the night of Power(Laylatul Qadr) with sincere
faith and with sincere hope of gaining reward, his previous sins are
forgiven." (Reported in At Targheeb from Bukhari and Muslim)


Hazrat Ayesha(radhiyallahu anha) reports that Rasullullah (Sallallahu
alaiyhi wassallam) said: "Seek "Laylatul Qadr" among the odd numbered
nights of the last ten days of the month of Ramadhaan(ie. 21, 23, 25,
etc.). " (Mishkaat)


Hazrat Ubaadah bin Saamit (radhiyallahu anhu) said: 'Once Rasullullah
(Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) came out to inform us of the (true date
of) "Laylatul Qadr". Unfortunately, a quarrel took place between two
Muslims, whereupon he said: "I came out to inform you as to when
"Laylatul Qadr" occurs, but because two people quarrelled with each
other, the knowledge of the correct date was taken away; perhaps that
is better for you. Who knows that this forgetting was better in
Allah's knowledge of things. So, seek it among the ninth, seventh and
fifth nights." (Bukhari, Mishkaat)


Hazrat Ayesha (radhiyallahu anha) reports that Rasullullah (Sallallahu
alaiyhi wassallam) said: "Seek "Laylatul Qadr" among the odd numbered
nights of the last ten days of the month of Ramadhaan." (Mishkaat)


It comes in a Hadith that : “He who is deprived of Laylatul Qadr is as
though he was deprived of all blessings. And only he deprives himself
of the blessings of Laylatul Qadr who is totally deprived.”  (Ibn


Hazrat Ayesha(radhiyallahu anha) reports: "I said: 'O Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam), should I find myself the
"Laylatul Qadr", what shall I pray. The Prophet (Sallallahu alaiyhi
wasallam) replied: say, Allaahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu
annie "O Allah, You are the One who grants pardon for sinsYou love to
pardon, so pardon me." (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Tirmizi)

Source: Prophetic Gems for Ramadhan 


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