

A Tree Similar to Muslims
Adil Salahi | Arab News


Abdullah ibn Umar quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying when
he was with a group of his companions: "There is an evergreen tree which
is comparable to a Muslim. Can you tell me which tree is that? Those
present began to mention different types of tree that grow in different
places. I knew that it was the date tree, but I felt too shy to say
that. The Prophet's companions then asked him to tell them which tree
was that, and he said that it was the date tree." (Related by

Other reports of this conversation mention that the Prophet (peace be
upon him) was with ten of his companions including Abu Bakr (r), Umar
(r), Abu Hurayrah (r) and Anas ibn Malik (r) in addition to Abdullah ibn
Umar (r) who reports it. It is also mentioned that a plate containing a
portion of the inside of the top part of a date tree and its bast was
brought to the Prophet and he tasted it. He then recited the Qur'anic
verses that say: "God compares a good word to a good tree. Its roots are
firm and its branches reach to the sky. It yields its fruits at all
times by its Lord's leave." (14: 24-25) According to these reports, the
Prophet gave further description of the tree mentioning that it always
provides good shade and other benefits, and that its fruits are found in
houses throughout the year. 

Although date trees were everywhere in Madinah, the Prophet's companions
did not see the comparison given by the Prophet. Hence they mentioned
different types of trees. The Prophet did not accept any. He ultimately
told them that it was the date tree. The comparison is hinted at in this
version of the Hadith by mentioning that it is an evergreen tree. In
other versions its usefulness is further elaborated. Hence the
comparison is closer. A Muslim must always be of benefit to his family,
friends, community and to the humanity in general. He is indeed of
benefit given the fact that he conducts his life in accordance with
Islamic teachings, which urge every Muslim to be kind to all people, to
steer away from sin and evil and to lead a virtuous life. 

Apparently Abdullah ibn Umar (r) told his father after they left the
Prophet that he had guessed rightly. He also told him that he felt too
shy to speak out when he saw his father and other leading companions of
the Prophet, including Abu Bakr (r), giving wrong answers. Umar said:
"Had you spoken out, I would have been exceedingly delighted." This is
undoubtedly a father's feeling. Umar would have felt very proud of his
son, had he mentioned the right answers in front of such a highly
respected group. 

We note how the Prophet (peace be upon him)  uses the occasion to teach
his companions, and every Muslim in subsequent generations. The fact
that he was eating of the date tree presented the sort of analogy he
used. He sets the question to arouse his audience's interest. It is not,
however, an idle puzzle given to pass time or to test the intelligence
of the audience. 

It has a further aim, which is to highlight a feature that every Muslim
must be keen to have, namely, being ready to give benefit to one's
community at all times and in all possible ways. The date tree provides
a refreshing sight by being evergreen, and it gives shade and fruits
that can be kept fresh throughout the year. When a Muslim knows his
faith well and implements it, he brings benefit to his community in
different ways; most importantly, by his conduct that shuns every evil
and steers him away from all sin.


Authored By: Mr Adil Salahi < is...@arabnews.com
<mailto:is...@arabnews.com>  >

With Kind Regards

Mohammad Usman



The sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad <http://muhammad.net/>
(peace be upon him) 'Acquiring (religious) knowledge in company for an
hour in the night is better than spending the whole night in prayer.' 

< Al-Tirmidhi;Narrated: Abdullah ibn Abbas (r) >




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