Not only the USA , needs the Oil....!!

When  Sudanese shoots at other Sudanese
in Darfour , or anywhere else.......
the International Criminal Court takes action,
against the President of Sudan.

But when Israelis shoot at their own victims
whom they have already robbed and exiled
and besieged and re-bombed
the International Criminal Court takes action ,
against the President of Sudan,

When the USA bombs Iraq under false pretexts
When the USA invades Iraq under false pretencions
When the USA invades Afghanistan under any excuse
the International Criminal Court takes
against the President of Sudan.

If the President of Sudan
would have sold his Oil to the USA
instead of selling it to China.......
I would not be writing this,
and the International Criminal Court
would have been rather jobless...
(and President Bashir would get a Nobel-Prize
for planting blue-roses in his back garden)

Eng . Moustafa Roosenbloom
Oil-broker for Justice
eighth day of the third month in 2009


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