Cynthia McKinney on Israel: 'Not in my name'
Published Jun 1, 2008 9:27 PM

      Cynthia McKinney
      WW photo: John Catalinotto
On May 16, Cynthia McKinney, former congresswoman from Georgia, who is vying 
for the presidential nomination on the Green Party ticket, spoke at a rally in 
opposition to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the pro-Zionist state of 
Israel, deemed Al Nakba (The Disaster) by the Palestinian people. The following 
are remarks made by McKinney at the rally outside of the United Nations.

On my birthday last year, I declared my independence from a national leadership 
that, through its votes in support of the war machine, is now complicit in war 
crimes, torture, crimes against humanity and crimes against the peace.

I declared my independence from every bomb dropped, every veteran maimed and 
every child killed.

I noted that the Democratic leadership in Congress had failed to restore this 
country to constitutional rule by repealing the Patriot Acts, the Secret 
Evidence Act and the Military Commissions Act.

That it had aided and abetted illegal spying against the American people. And 
that it took impeachment off the table.

In addition, the Democratic congressional leadership failed to promote the 
economic integrity of this country by not repealing the Bush tax cuts. They 
failed to institute a livable wage, Medicare-for-all health care, and gave even 
more money to the Pentagon as it misuses our hard-earned dollars.

We can add to that list, too, an abject failure to stand up for human rights 
and dignity.

If the Democratic and Republican leadership won't respect the right of return 
for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita survivors, how can we expect them to champion 
the right of return for Palestinians?

If this country's leadership tolerates the wanton murder of unarmed Black and 
Latino men by law enforcement officials-extra-judicial killings-how can we 
expect them to stop or even speak out against targeted assassinations in the 
Middle East?

If the Democratic and Republican leadership accept ethnic cleansing in this 
country by way of gentrification and predatory lending, why should we expect 
them to put an end to it in Palestine?

If the leadership of this country impedes self-determination for Native peoples 
in this country, why should we expect them to support Indigenous rights for 
anyone abroad?

And sadly, the sensationalist corporate media would rather trick us into 
thinking that reporting on a pastor, a former vice presidential nominee and a 
former cable TV magnate constitutes this country's much-needed discussion of 
its own apartheid past and present, so why should we expect an honest 
discussion of apartheid and Zionism?

I hope by now it is clear. Our values will never be reflected in public policy 
as long as our political parties and our country remain hijacked.

Hijacked by false patriots who usurp the applause of the people and all the 
while betray our values.

I've decided that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans will operate any 
longer as business as usual-not in my name.

That Democrats and Republicans will use my tax dollars and betray my values, 
not one day longer-not in my name; that neither the Democrats nor the 
Republicans have earned my most precious political asset-my vote.

And that now is the time to do some things I've never done before in order to 
have some things I've never had before.

And so here today, I declare my independence from weapons transfers, including 
Apache helicopters; F16s; sidewinder, hellfire and Stinger missiles.

I declare my independence from occupation, demolished homes, political 
prisoners and babies dying at checkpoints.

I declare my independence from U.N. vetoes, expropriated land, stolen resources 
and the installation of puppet regimes.

I declare my independence from all forms of dehumanization and I am not afraid 
to speak truth to power.

And I am happy to join with peace-loving people around the world who know that 
there can be no peace without justice.

Let us never tire in our work for justice. Thank you.



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