Exposed: the arms lobbyist in British Parliament
'We'll ask the questions that you can't, without your fingerprints,' he tells 
By James Macintyre
A senior arms lobbyist is gaining access to ministers, MPs and peers inside 
Parliament using a research assistant pass allotted to a member of the House of 
Lords who benefits financially from one of his companies, The Independent has 
Robin Ashby, who is chairman of a defence consultancy firm that offers to ask 
questions of government on behalf of its clients "without your fingerprint 
being evident", includes among his acquaintances the Defence Secretary, the 
Chancellor and the Chief Whip.
Mr Ashby's firm, Bergmans, lobbies on behalf of more than a dozen large defence 
and aerospace companies including BAE Systems, Northern Defence Industries, UK 
Defence Forum, Boeing and Rolls-Royce, which has been criticised for its past 
links to the Burmese regime.
Mr Ashby's name features on an official staff list that was published by the 
House of Lords for the first time last night following pressure from media 
outlets including The Independent.
As Bergmans' key lobbyist, Mr Ashby enjoys unfettered access to the Palace of 
Westminster. With his pass, he can bring several colleagues or members of the 
public into Parliament's numerous entertainment venues, including the Lords' 
terrace bar overlooking the Thames where he "frequently" meets Des Browne, the 
Defence Secretary, and other ministers.
Mr Ashby can also use the pass, which is allotted to Baroness Harris of 
Richmond, to access the House of Commons library, which offers valuable 
research facilities at no cost.
Lady Harris is a Liberal Democrat whip and spokesman on the police and Northern 
Ireland. She receives a "regular" income from a separate company run by Mr 
Ashby, Great North News Service, for which the peer acts as an "adviser", 
according to her parliamentary declaration of financial interests. Meanwhile 
her "researcher" gains access to the Palace of Westminster's corridors of power 
and a string of top-level ministers.
As well as submitting Freedom of Information questions to government, Bergmans 
offers insider information about how the British Government works to a host of 
foreign countries including the Bahamas, Bahrain, the USA and Russia. On 
Bergmans' website, Mr Ashby is shown meeting, among others, Tony Blair, his 
former press secretary Alastair Campbell, the Chancellor Alistair Darling, the 
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, the Chief Whip Geoff Hoon and Mr Browne.
MPs have been required to supply full information about their staff since 1985, 
but members of the Lords were exempt from the rule until last night.
On his entry, Mr Ashby names Bergmans but describes it as "a research and 
public affairs consultancy that campaigns to urge MPs and peers to keep 
manifesto promises to hold a referendum on the EU Constitution/Lisbon Treaty". 
He does not mention its host of defence and arms clients.
Mr Ashby told The Independent that he felt "iffy" about whether or not he 
should have a pass, "because there is substantial potential for 
misunderstanding". "It is quite possible for you to make me look bad," he said.
Mr Ashby said his "primary" reason for holding a pass was to provide "security" 
advice to Lady Harris. She told The Independent that Mr Ashby "advises me from 
time to time but not that frequently". She added that if she wants advice, she 
can call on him. Lady Harris admitted that she "occasionally" contributed to 
the Great North News Service, run by Mr Ashby. She added that she takes "an 
interest" in defence matters.
Mr Ashby said he "compartmentalises" his roles while in Parliament. "I am very 
clear with ministers – I informally declare my interests to senior ministers," 
he said. He added that he did not use his pass to bring clients into Parliament 
and photos taken of him with ministers were taken outside the Palace of 
Westminster. The lobbyist said he frequently met the Defence Secretary at 
events on the parliamentary terrace. "I see Des Browne every time we have a 
welcome home for troops and he says nice things about me. He appreciates what 
I've done," Mr Ashby said.
The services offered by Bergmans – which has a specific defence subsidiary run 
by Mr Ashby – include: "Opinion polling, focus groups, fundraising advice, 
governance, manifesto writing, socio-economic research, campaigning, visual 
images, and lobbying." But, the company's website adds, "many organisations are 
concerned that by asking for information they may prejudice their relationship 
with government, especially where the departments in which they are interested 
are also their potential customers.
"Bergmans Research therefore offers a confidential FoI [Freedom of Information] 
service – we'll ask the questions ... that you can't, without your 
'fingerprint' being evident. In the past few months we've asked and had answers 
to questions about planning studies, past purchasing decisions, advice to 
Ministers, future plans."
Mr Ashby is also founder and head of the UK Defence Forum, which organises 
meetings between industry executives, civil servants and politicians, including 
Lady Harris. Mr Ashby provides secretarial services for the Royal Navy All 
Party Group in Parliament. Lady Harris is not a member of the group.
The latest recommendation from the Parliamentary Committee on Standards and 
Privileges states: "[The] interpretation of the 'ultimate client' rule should 
be amended. In future, where a Group is assisted by an outside consultancy, the 
names of any clients of the consultancy with a direct interest in the work of 
the Group should be listed in the Register."
The Labour MP Tony Wright, chairman of the Public Administration Select 
Committee, which is conducting an inquiry into lobbying, said: "If lobbyists 
are getting parliamentary passes to ply their trade, and if lobbying companies 
are putting in FOI requests to conceal the identity of their clients, then 
these are issues of real concern that need attention."
The key players
Baroness Harris of Richmond, Liberal Democrat Peer
Angela Harris first met Robin Ashby when she was on North Yorkshire's county 
council between 1981 and 2001. While chairman between 1991 and 1992, she was 
impressed by the media skills of Mr Ashby, who acted as press officer to the 
council. Lady Harris went on to serve as chairman of the North Yorkshire Police 
Authority from 1994 to 2001. During that time, she decided to stand for the 
Liberal Democrats in the 1999 European elections. After failing to get elected, 
she was appointed a life peer for the party the same year. Lady Harris now 
serves as a whip in the Lords, and speaks on police and Northern Ireland 
issues. She was born in Lancashire in 1944 and was educated at Canon Slade 
Grammar School in Bolton. Lady Harris is married, with one son from a previous 
Robin Ashby, Lobbyist
Robin Ashby is not afraid to be described as a friend to the political stars. 
Asked to confirm he met "the cream of New Labour" last night, he was quick to 
add, "and the cream of the New Tories, and occasionally even the Liberal 
A graduate engineer with a finance background, Mr Ashby worked for British 
Steel and Middlesbrough Borough Council before joining Bergmans – "the longest 
established public relations consultancy in Newcastle" – in 1981. In 1992, he 
became its managing partner. Now a "player" around Westminster, he says he was 
advised by police to get a pass "because you're here so often".
The lobbyist describes Baroness Harris as a friend whom he has known "for the 
thicker end of 25 years". Lively in manner and keen to network, Mr Ashby 
describes himself as a "frequent writer and speaker on crisis management".

The Independent, Thursday, 26 June 2008

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