"Gujarat 2002 is being repeated in Orissa right now. The minority
under attack has changed from the Muslim to the Christian. The
perpetrators remain the same. The Vishva Hindu Parishad and various other Sangh 

With Regards


--- On Wed, 8/27/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 9:56 AM

The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India


Dear Dr Manmohan Singh,

Gujarat 2002 is being repeated in Orissa right now. The minority
under attack has changed from the Muslim to the Christian. The
perpetrators remain the same. The Vishva Hindu Parishad and various
other Sangh outfits.

Knowing their track record of violence from earlier in Orissa as
well as in other parts of the country there is nothing which could
not be foreseen. The kind of violence and mayhem which they have
done in the past and which they are capable of organising is an open
secret. Every Bandh call given by the VHP, RSS and the whole Sangh
combine has always resulted in large scale violence any where in the

Every time a new excuse is created and used by the Sangh outfits as
a reason to attack either the Muslims or the Christians. Sangh is a
past master in creating enough reasons to attack the minorities is
an established fact.

The Sangh is wreaking havoc in Orissa. Schools, orphanages, churches
are being attacked, damaged, vandalised. Pastors and priests are
being killed and nuns raped and set ablaze. Properties of hundreds
of Christians have been burnt down, looted, vandalised. People are
hiding in the forest and are witnessing their homes and businesses
being burnt. Smoke is rising from all over.

We are witnessing on one hand total failure of the government
machinery to control the violent Sangh outfits on the other hand we
are witnessing the connivance to save the Sangh. Every past incident
has seen the minorities being attacked by the Sangh and then all the
cases being filed against the minorities. There is a conspiracy of
silence by the government on how minorities are being hounded in
India. Golwalker's agenda of reducing the minorities to second class
citizens in this country is in full swing and everyone is partnering
in this agenda. Hundreds of innocent people are being picked up,
tortured in the name of fighting terrorism.

I am writing to you with the request to intervene immediately,
deploy enough central forces to stop the mayhem and violence in

With regards

Shabnam Hashmi

Social Activist

anhadnational@ gmail.com

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