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What is wrong with the  PFLP?

By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

16 October, 2008

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)  is not what it used 
to be. Today the organization which sired Laila Khalid, George Habash and many 
other luminaries in the skies of the Palestinian struggle for freedom and 
justice is functioning very much like a  hanger-on  vis-à-vis the American 
backed  Palestinian Authority (PA).

The continuing affinity between  de-facto PFLP leader Abdel Rahim  Mallouh and  
his namesake,  the Chairman of the PA and Fatah Chief Mahmoud Abbas  seems to  
suggest that the leftist group is effectively abandoning its erstwhile 
principles. What is even more shocking is that the scandalous misdeeds of  the 
Ramallah regime  is having little bearing if any on the marriage of convenience 
between the PFLP and the PA leadership.

Not too long ago, the PFLP didn't hesitate to physically eliminate any 
Palestinian figure that  would "cross the red  lines" with regard  to dealing 
with the colonialist Israeli occupiers.  The assassination by a  PFLP cadre   
more than two decades ago  of the Israeli-appointed by PLO-accepted  former 
mayor of Nablus, Thafer al Masri, can be viewed as a classical  example in this 

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