The below news is not only about state of Isral barring aid convoy, but also 
about many Israelies wanting to help people in Palestine. 


Israel bars aid convoy to Gaza 
By Rachel Shabi at the Erez crossing, Gaza-Israel border


Israeli peace groups have braved the cold and rain at the Erez crossing  [EPA]

The Israeli military has prevented an aid convoy organised by Israeli human 
rights organisations, peace activists, and former military personnel, from 
reaching needy families in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Israeli groups braved dipping temperatures and the unusually rain-sodden 
grounds of the Erez border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip on 
Saturday, hoping that Israeli authorities would allow five tonnes of food 
As of Monday, the Gaza-bound supplies, comprising non-perishable goods, are 
still warehoused at Kibbutz Kerem Shalom on the southern border of the Gaza 
strip, awaiting army clearance to cross into the strip.
Adam Keller, of Gush Shalom, an Israel-Palestine peace bloc, said: "We are 
still in negotiations with the army and are trying to mobilise Knesset members. 
We have an appeal to the supreme court that is ready to be lodged. We hope it 
will not come to that, but will use it if necessary."   
The Israeli supreme court is already considering a wider appeal made last week 
by Israeli humanitarian organisations, asking that the court compels the 
government to lift its blockade on Gaza. 
Israeli, Palestinian unity
The Israeli and Palestinian peace activists first arrived at the Erez crossing 
in a convoy of about 100 cars and 20 buses that wound its way from Israel's 
main cities to the border on Saturday.
Travelling under the "End the Siege!" banner, the convoy brought about 1,000 
demonstrators and five tonnes of food aid to the border.

Saturday's peace protests came from what in
Israel is known as the 'radical left' [AFP]
In the past 10 days Israel had tightened a seven-month blockade of the strip, 
halting supplies of foodstuffs, medical equipment and fuel.
The Israeli government describes the siege as a response to rocket fire into 
southern Israel from Gaza, but human rights groups see it as collective 
Saturday's peace activists came from what in Israel is known as the "radical 
left", groups such as Gush Shalom (Peace Bloc), the International Committee 
Against House Demolitions, the Coalition of Women for Peace and the 
Arab-Israeli Balad and Hadash parties.
The action at Erez ran in tandem with a protest in Gaza City, where some 200 
demonstrators gathered and were connected to Israeli demonstrators via speeches 
broadcast in both directions through mobile phones.
Organisers had planned that Israelis and Gazans would protest within eye 
distance of each other -with the former group located on a nearby Israeli 
hilltop enabling line-of-sight vision with the latter group - but this proposal 
was rejected by the Israeli army, citing security reasons.
Making his way to the Erez border from Jerusalem, Reuben Moskovitz, 79, a 
self-defined veteran campaigner, said: "I am glad to see today that the Israeli 
peace movement is still alive and there are still people ready to make an 
outcry against this huge crime against humanity, against international law and 
against peace that is being committed in Gaza."
Symbolic gesture
Demonstrators of a different generation were of the same mind.
"We just thought that the blockade of Gaza is wrong, that starving people and 
preventing them from having basic human rights like food, fuel and water is not 
the solution," said Rachel Aharoni, 17, from Tel Aviv.

Demonstrators brought two lorry-loads of
food and provisions to the Erez border [AFP]
Arab-Israeli protesters were also a prominent presence at the crossing.
"It is so painful for me to see this reality in Gaza, as a mother and as a 
human being, and not to do anything," said Arees Sabbagh, 28, from Nazareth. "I 
see it as a human obligation to come today."
Demonstrators brought two lorry-loads of food and provisions to the Erez 
border, which the campaigners expect to cross on Monday morning.
"We don't believe that this is going to solve the problem in Gaza," says Amit 
Ramon, one of the organisers.
"It is intended to be symbolic."
The goods in part comprise parcels made up by individual demonstrators bearing 
hand-written notes to their recipients.
Praising the breach
Several of the speakers at the Erez crossing on Saturday praised Gazans on 
breaching the Rafah border last week, while condemning both Qassam rocket 
attacks from the strip on the Israeli border town of Sderot and Israeli 
military attacks on Gaza.
Eyad Sarraj, founder of the Gaza Community Mental Health programme, spoke from 
Gaza City by mobile phone and his voice was amplified on the Israeli side of 
the crossing.
"I am deeply honoured and proud to have the chance to talk to you," he told the 
"Every drop of blood shed in Israel or in Palestine is a crime against humanity 
that has to be prevented."
Just like Moskovitz, the peace veteran from Jerusalem, Sarraj later told Al 
Jazeera that demonstrators in Gaza were "pleasantly surprised that there is 
still a peace camp in Israel".
But the slogans and demands of this camp are clearly drowned out by the 
opinions of a wider Israeli public.
"The people who are organising those convoys are considered to be fringe, 
eccentric and liberal in the negative, American meaning of the word," says 
Akiva Eldar of the Israeli liberal newspaper, Haaretz.
In recent weeks, and especially before the Hamas breach of the Rafah border 
crossing, much of the Israeli media focus was on the rocket attacks on Sderot.
According to the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs, over 200 Qassam rockets 
and mortar bombs have been fired on Sderot and nearby communities since 
Public supports blockade
Ephraim Yaar, an academic and co-author of Tel Aviv University's Peace Index 
which monitors Israeli public opinion, suggests that the national mood is one 
of support for the tightened seal of Gaza's borders.
"In terms of Sderot and other communities around the Gaza strip, people feel 
that something must be done about it and that the Israel government's 
responsibility is to protect its citizens," he said.
Yaar said the Israeli public is sceptical about warnings of an impending 
humanitarian disaster in Gaza where 80 per cent of the population depends on 
the UN for food aid.
"They don't believe that the situation in Gaza is as bad as is described," Yaar 
While international newspapers reported on the severe consequences in Gaza of 
an Israeli fuel blockade and consequent closure of the electricity generator, 
Israeli media discussed whether the issue might have been manipulated and 
exaggerated by Hamas.
Both Yaar and Eldar point out that UN reports do not hold much credibility 
among the Israeli public.
The most recent Peace Index poll, earlier this month, reveals that 81 per cent 
of Israelis support increasing "the targeted killings" of Palestinian fighters. 
And 65 per cent do not think that Israel should reach a ceasefire agreement 
with Hamas.
Sharing the suffering
But at the Erez crossing, where protesters stayed without incident for several 
hours under the watchful eye of Israeli border guards, a surprising endorsement 
of the radical left position came from a resident of kibbutz Zikim, near Sderot.

Several Israeli speakers praised Gazans for
breaching the Rafah border last week [AFP]
Addressing the rally, Shir Shudzik, 17, described the trauma of living under 
rocket fire for the past seven years.
But then she said: "I know that I'm not alone in this situation, that people 
are suffering even more on the other side."
Shudzik said she does not trust either Hamas or the Israel government to bring 
"But the fact that we are here together, Arabs and Jews, might be a beginning 
and it brings me hope," she said.
This message of hope was echoed by the organisers of the rally.
Uri Avnery, of Gush Shalom, in an earlier statement said: "Our hearts and minds 
are with our Palestinian brothers who are at this moment demonstrating with us 
on the other side of the fence – Don't lose faith that one day we will meet 
together in this place without fences, without walls, without firepower, 
without violence, the sons of two peoples living next to each other in peace, 
in friendship, in partnership."

Source: Al Jazeera

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