While brave America first candidates like Ron Paul are promising to cut all 
foreign aid to Israel, stop America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and stifle 
any attempts to attack Iran, Obama is bending over backwards to cater to 
Israeli interests. Not only has he called for military strikes against Iran and 
Pakistan, he has also put Israeli interests first even to the point of 
condemning Palestinian Islamic rule ignoring the fact that Jews, Christians and 
Muslims lived in peace and prosperity under Islamic rule for about one thousand 
years in Palestine before the coming of the Zionists. He has become the darling 
of the Jews for his positions taken to 100% support Israeli interests and the 
darling of African Americans simply because of his skin color. If African 
Americans want to make history with a first African American president surely 
we could find someone more dignified than Obama – a Politician who has 
completely sold his soul to the Jews for obvious benefits. It is
 particularly shameful to see his behavior as in the following example pointed 
out in this article from “The Jewish Telegraph Agency” below:
  “Early in his campaign, he handily killed an Israel-related controversy in 
its early stages. At a chat he had said that "no one has suffered more than the 

“Blame the leadership was what he meant, he later explained: "What I said was, 
nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people from the failure of the 
Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel, to renounce violence and to get 
serious about negotiating peace and security for the region," Obama said during 
an MSNBC debate.”
  Anyone knowing the true situation in Palestine would have to laugh at this 
nonsense and see Obama for what he is -- A total sell out to Jewish interests!!!

  Jews open doors for Obama

Obama and the Jews 
Jewish Telegraphic Agency  Friday, 4 January 2008
WASHINGTON — Ask about Barack Obama's natural constituencies, and you might 
hear that he's the first black with a viable shot at the White House; or about 
his Kenyan father and his childhood in Indonesia; or the youthfulness of his 
followers; or the millions of Oprah junkies swooning over his candidacy. 

What you might not hear is that the Illinois senator, who made history Thursday 
by winning the Democratic caucus in Iowa, has made Jewish leaders an early stop 
at every stage in his political career.
  In his first run for the Illinois Senate in 1996, he sought the backing of 
Alan Solow, a top Chicago lawyer. Eight years later, running for the U.S. 
Senate — long before he became the shoo-in, when he was running in a Democratic 
field packed with a dozen candidates, including some Jews — one of his first 
meetings was with Robert Schrayer,a top Jewish philanthropist in Chicago.
  When he launched his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 
late 2006, he named as his fund-raising chief Alan Solomont, the Boston Jewish 
philanthropist who helped shepherd Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) to the Democratic 
candidacy in 2004. 

First foreign policy speech is delivered to Jewish Lobby

And he chose a gathering of the pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public 
Affairs Committee, last March to deliver his presidential candidacy's first 
foreign policy speech.

"Some of my earliest and most ardent supporters came from the Jewish community 
in Chicago," Obama told JTA in 2004, after his keynote speech galvanized the 
Democratic convention in Boston.

Three years later, addressing the National Jewish Democratic Council's 
candidate's forum, he made the same point when he was asked about his ties with 
Arab Americans and Muslim Americans in Chicago.

"My support within in the Jewish community has been much more significant than 
my support within the Muslim community," Obama said at the April forum, adding: 
"I welcome and seek the support of the Muslim and Arab communities."

His Jewish followers are fervent, distributing "Obama '08" yarmulkes early in 
his campaign.

His rock-star status as well as the relationships Obama has built in the 
community have helped avoided murmurings about his otherwise notable 
divergences from pro-Israel orthodoxies.

Does not rule out attack on Iran

In his AIPAC speech, for example, Obama favored diplomacy as a means of 
confronting Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program. 
  "While we should take no option, including military action, off the table, 
sustained and aggressive diplomacy combined with tough sanctions should be our 
primary means to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons," he said.

AIPAC does not oppose diplomacy in engaging Iran, but dislikes it as an 
emphasis, believing that talks could buy the Iranian regime bomb-making time. 
But his words did not stop the Chicago hotel ballroom packed with 800 AIPAC 
members from cheering Obama on.

A few weeks later, Obama drew more rubberneckers than any other candidate 
attending AIPAC's policy forum in Washington — drawing away onlookers from Sen. 
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), although she outpolls Obama among Jewish 
voters. No one winced when he said that Palestinian needs must be considered in 
working out a peace deal, although that's hardly standard AIPAC pep talk.

He made the same point at the NJDC event. 

Willing to go extra mile for Israel

"It is in the interests of Israel to establish peace in the Middle East," he 
said. "It cannot be done at the price of compromising Israel’s security, and 
the United States government and an Obama presidency cannot ask Israel to take 
risks with respect to its security. But it can ask Israel to say that it is 
still possible for us to allow more than just this status quo of fear, terror, 
division. That can’t be our long-term aspiration."

Early in his campaign, he handily killed an Israel-related controversy in its 
early stages. At a chat he had said that "no one has suffered more than the 

Blame the leadership was what he meant, he later explained: "What I said was, 
nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people from the failure of the 
Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel, to renounce violence and to get 
serious about negotiating peace and security for the region," Obama said during 
an MSNBC debate.

Obama tempers his deviations from pro-Israel orthodoxy by going an extra mile 
in areas where he agrees with groups such as AIPAC.

He has led the effort in the Senate to pass legislation that would assist US 
states that choose to divest from Iran. His top Middle East adviser is Dennis 
Ross, who had the job during the Clinton administration and who has since 
principally blamed the Palestinian leadership for the failure of the Oslo peace 

Fine-tunes stance with Israeli government

And in recent speeches, Obama tweaked his pro-Israel rhetoric to echo the 
recent drive by the Israeli government and pro-Israel groups to insist on 
recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

"I think everyone knows what the basic outlines of an agreement would look 
like," he said in a speech redistributed by his campaign. 
  "It would mean that the Palestinians would have to reinterpret the notion of 
right of return in a way that would preserve Israel as a Jewish state. It might 
involve compensation and other concessions from the Israelis, but ultimately 
Israel is not going to give up its state."

On domestic issues, Obama is savvy about Jewish social justice commitments, and 
is on a first name basis with two of the top Jewish religious lobbyists in 
Washington — Rabbi David Saperstein of the Reform movement and Nathan Diament, 
who represents the Orthodox Union.

But that connection is not enough to supplant Clinton among Jewish voters. In a 
recent American Jewish Committee poll, his favorable rating was 38 percent, 
while hers was 53 percent.

Clinton also has most of the Jewish congressional delegation backing her. Her 
years as first lady and as senator have made her a more familiar presence among 
Jews. Public policy groups are likelier to favor her uncompromising approach to 
pushing universal health care, as opposed to Obama's appeal to build consensus 
on the issue.

Obama's appeal is in his broader vision, according to Solomont.
"This election will be about change: a change in government and the way 
politics is conducted," he told JTA last May. "There is a connection between 
gridlock and the smallness of our politics." 

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